Welcome to the Slim Bootloader payloads project!
This repo contains several additional payloads porting for Slim Bootloader.
Clone latest SBL tree and prepare the build environment following this link.
git clone https://github.com/slimbootloader/slimbootloader.git SlimBoot -
Clone payloads repo into SBL tree
cd SlimBoot
git clone https://github.com/slimbootloader/payloads.git PayloadModPkg
cd PayloadModPkg
git submodule update --init
cd .. -
Run preprocessing if required
For example, for MicroPython it is required to generate build header files
python PayloadModPkg\MicroPython\Tools\prep.py -
Build payload module binary
For example, to build MicroPython payload module, run
python BuildLoader.py build_dsc -p PayloadModPkg\PayloadModPkg.dsc -d MICRO_PYTHON -
Copy generated binary to payload binary directory For example, to copy MicroPython binary, run
mkdir PayloadPkg\PayloadBins
copy Build\PayloadModPkg\DEBUG_VS2017\IA32\MicroPython.efi PayloadPkg\PayloadBins /y
Ensure MicroPython.efi is located in PayloadPkg\PayloadBins directory
If not, please build MicroPython payload module as mentioned above. -
Enable QEMU SBL Setup feature
Set self.ENABLE_SBL_SETUP value to 1 in file:
Platform\QemuBoardPkg\BoardConfig.py -
Build SBL as normal
python BuildLoader.py build qemu -k -
Boot QEMU and enable MicroPython setup payload module launching
qemu-system-x86_64 -m 256M -cpu max -machine q35 -drive if=pflash,format=raw,file=Outputs\qemu\SlimBootloader.bin -serial telnet:,server -boot order=a -
Start a telnet console using Putty telnet port 8888 to connect to QEMU
Make sure the console screen is set to 100 x 30 with Linux keypad for terminal keyboard.