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bengineerd committed Dec 3, 2024
1 parent 18541d2 commit 41870b9
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Showing 4 changed files with 882 additions and 0 deletions.
270 changes: 270 additions & 0 deletions protocols/saci/rtl/AxiLiteSaci2Coordinator.vhd
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@@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
-- Title : SACI Protocol:
-- Company : SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
-- Description: AXI-Lite bridge to SACI bus
-- This file is part of 'SLAC Firmware Standard Library'.
-- It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE.txt file found in the
-- top-level directory of this distribution and at:
-- No part of 'SLAC Firmware Standard Library', including this file,
-- may be copied, modified, propagated, or distributed except according to
-- the terms contained in the LICENSE.txt file.

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;

library surf;
use surf.StdRtlPkg.all;
use surf.AxiLitePkg.all;
use surf.Saci2CoordinatorPkg.all;

entity AxiLiteSaci2Coordinator is
generic (
TPD_G : time := 1 ns;
AXIL_CLK_PERIOD_G : real := 8.0e-9; -- In units of seconds
AXIL_TIMEOUT_G : real := 1.0E-3; -- In units of seconds
SACI_CLK_PERIOD_G : real := 1.0e-6; -- In units of seconds
SACI_CLK_FREERUN_G : boolean := false;
SACI_ADDR_BITS_G : integer range 2 to 30 := 24;
SACI_NUM_CHIPS_G : positive := 1;
SACI_RSP_BUSSED_G : boolean := false);
port (
-- SACI interface
saciClk : out sl;
saciCmd : out sl;
saciSelL : out slv(SACI_NUM_CHIPS_G-1 downto 0);
saciRsp : in slv(ite(SACI_RSP_BUSSED_G, 0, SACI_NUM_CHIPS_G-1) downto 0);
-- Optional SACI bus arbitration
saciBusReq : out sl;
saciBusGr : in sl := '1';
-- Optional ASIC Global Reset
asicRstL : in sl := '1';
-- AXI-Lite Register Interface
axilClk : in sl;
axilRst : in sl;
axilReadMaster : in AxiLiteReadMasterType;
axilReadSlave : out AxiLiteReadSlaveType;
axilWriteMaster : in AxiLiteWriteMasterType;
axilWriteSlave : out AxiLiteWriteSlaveType);
end AxiLiteSaci2Coordinator;

architecture rtl of AxiLiteSaci2Coordinator is

constant CHIP_BITS_C : integer := log2(SACI_NUM_CHIPS_G);
constant TIMEOUT_C : integer := integer(AXIL_TIMEOUT_G/AXIL_CLK_PERIOD_G)-1;

type StateType is (

type RegType is record
state : StateType;
saciBusReq : sl;
saciRst : sl;
req : sl;
chip : slv(log2(SACI_NUM_CHIPS_G)-1 downto 0);
op : sl;
addr : slv(29 downto 0);
wrData : slv(31 downto 0);
timer : integer range 0 to TIMEOUT_C;
axilReadSlave : AxiLiteReadSlaveType;
axilWriteSlave : AxiLiteWriteSlaveType;

end record RegType;

constant REG_INIT_C : RegType := (
state => IDLE_S,
saciBusReq => '0',
saciRst => '1',
req => '0',
chip => (others => '0'),
op => '0',
addr => (others => '0'),
wrData => (others => '0'),
timer => 0,

signal r : RegType := REG_INIT_C;
signal rin : RegType;

signal ack : sl;
signal fail : sl;
signal rdData : slv(31 downto 0);

-- attribute dont_touch : string;
-- attribute dont_touch of r : signal is "true";


assert (AXIL_CLK_PERIOD_G < 1.0)
report "AXIL_CLK_PERIOD_G must be < 1.0 seconds" severity failure;
assert (AXIL_TIMEOUT_G < 1.0)
report "AXIL_TIMEOUT_G must be < 1.0 seconds" severity failure;
assert (SACI_CLK_PERIOD_G < 1.0)
report "SACI_CLK_PERIOD_G must be < 1.0 seconds" severity failure;
report "AXIL_CLK_PERIOD_G must be < AXIL_TIMEOUT_G" severity failure;
report "AXIL_CLK_PERIOD_G must be < SACI_CLK_PERIOD_G" severity failure;
report "SACI_CLK_PERIOD_G must be < AXIL_TIMEOUT_G" severity failure;

U_Saci2Coordinator_1 : entity surf.Saci2Coordinator
generic map (
port map (
sysClk => axilClk, -- [in]
sysRst => r.saciRst, -- [in]
asicRstL => asicRstL, -- [in]
req => r.req, -- [in]
ack => ack, -- [out]
fail => fail, -- [out]
chip => r.chip, -- [in]
op => r.op, -- [in]
addr => r.addr, -- [in]
wrData => r.wrData, -- [in]
rdData => rdData, -- [out]
saciClk => saciClk, -- [out]
saciSelL => saciSelL, -- [out]
saciCmd => saciCmd, -- [out]
saciRsp => saciRsp); -- [in]

comb : process (ack, asicRstL, axilReadMaster, axilRst, axilWriteMaster, fail, r, rdData, saciBusGr) is
variable v : RegType;
variable axilStatus : AxiLiteStatusType;
variable resp : slv(1 downto 0);
-- Latch the current value
v := r;

-- Reset the strobing signals
resp := AXI_RESP_OK_C;

-- Check the timer
if r.timer /= TIMEOUT_C then
-- Increment the counter
v.timer := r.timer + 1;
end if;

-- Determine the transaction type
axiSlaveWaitTxn(axilWriteMaster, axilReadMaster, v.axilWriteSlave, v.axilReadSlave, axilStatus);

-- State Machine
case (r.state) is
when IDLE_S =>
-- Reset the timer
v.saciRst := '0';
v.timer := 0;
v.saciBusReq := '0';
if (saciBusGr = '1') and (asicRstL = '1') then
-- Check for a write request
if (axilStatus.writeEnable = '1') then
v.saciBusReq := '1';
-- SACI Commands
v.req := '1';
v.op := '1';
v.chip := axilWriteMaster.awaddr(SACI_ADDR_BITS_G+CHIP_BITS_C-1 downto SACI_ADDR_BITS_G);
if (SACI_NUM_CHIPS_G = 1) then
v.chip := "0";
end if;
v.addr(SACI_ADDR_BITS_G-1 downto 0) := axilWriteMaster.awaddr(SACI_ADDR_BITS_G+1 downto 2);
v.wrData := axilWriteMaster.wdata;
-- Next state
v.state := SACI_REQ_S;
-- Check for a read request
elsif (axilStatus.readEnable = '1') then
v.saciBusReq := '1';
-- SACI Commands
v.req := '1';
v.op := '0';
v.chip := axilReadMaster.araddr(SACI_ADDR_BITS_G+CHIP_BITS_C-1 downto SACI_ADDR_BITS_G);
if (SACI_NUM_CHIPS_G = 1) then
v.chip := "0";
end if;
v.addr := axilReadMaster.araddr(SACI_ADDR_BITS_G+1 downto 2);
v.wrData := (others => '0');
-- Next state
v.state := SACI_REQ_S;
end if;
if (axilStatus.writeEnable = '1') then
axiSlaveWriteResponse(v.axilWriteSlave, AXI_RESP_SLVERR_C);
elsif (axilStatus.readEnable = '1') then
axiSlaveReadResponse(v.axilReadSlave, AXI_RESP_SLVERR_C);
end if;
end if;
when SACI_REQ_S =>
if (ack = '1' and fail = '1') or (r.timer = TIMEOUT_C) then
-- Set the error flags
v.req := '0';
v.saciRst := '1';
elsif (ack = '1') then
-- Reset the flag
v.req := '0';
end if;

if (v.req = '0') then
-- Check for Write operation
if (r.op = '1') then
--- Send AXI-Lite response
axiSlaveWriteResponse(v.axilWriteSlave, resp);
-- Return the read data bus
v.axilReadSlave.rdata := rdData;
-- Send AXI-Lite Response
axiSlaveReadResponse(v.axilReadSlave, resp);
end if;
-- Next state
v.state := SACI_ACK_S;
end if;
when SACI_ACK_S =>
-- Check status of ACK flag
if (ack = '0') then
-- Next state
v.state := IDLE_S;
end if;
end case;

-- Synchronous Reset
if axilRst = '1' then
v := REG_INIT_C;
end if;

-- Register the variable for next clock cycle
rin <= v;

-- Outputs
axilReadSlave <= r.axilReadSlave;
axilWriteSlave <= r.axilWriteSlave;
saciBusReq <= r.saciBusReq;

end process comb;

seq : process (axilClk) is
if rising_edge(axilClk) then
r <= rin after TPD_G;
end if;
end process seq;

end rtl;

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