All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Compatibility with Umbraco 14
- UI reworked to work with the new backoffice in Umbraco. Reindexing has been moved to the content tree, where you can trigger a reindex from the context menu.
- Health checks added for checking if FullTextSearch is enabled, and the status of full text indexed nodes.
- Appsettings Schema file added for easier configuration with intellisense.
- Removes obsolete .IsIndexingActive() helper method (use .IsRenderingActive() instead)
- Removes old migrations (up until 4.0.0) - if upgrading, you must have at least 4.0.0 installed.
- Allows searching using an empty string as the search term
- Prevents HTTPPageRenderer trying to fetch page if its URL is invalid (eg. "#")
- BREAKING 1ef25d9 automatically reads options from configuration (appsettings.json) when starting
- BREAKING #86 Changed the default rendering to use HttpClient, and abstracted the page rendering, so you can switch based on preferences / 🙏 enkelmedia
- BREAKING 6d6ab68 Terminology around indexing / rendering. The
is nowRenderingActiveKey
, helper methodIsIndexingActive
is nowIsRenderingActive
. The old things are obsoleted, so should still work. Planning to remove them if we ever get to 5.0.0 - BREAKING 6d6ab68 Detecting rendering/indexing is now based on a request header, instead of a key in HttpContext.Items.
- 4c00c6f adds appschema, and generator for it
- #105 adds french language to the backoffice UI / 🙏 mikecp
- #107 adds welsh language to the backoffice UI / 🙏 OwainJ
- 1e823d4 fixes sqlite compatibility in migration to nvarchar column
- 5c7c0b4 adds option to disable limiting search results to published content with a template, and add custom queries
- #103 trims search terms before searching, to prevent exceptions with wildcard queries
- #101 fixes for async event handlers / 🙏 enkelmedia
- #94 Changed datatype of text column in database
- #89 Fixed bug in backoffice, when searching with advanced options
- #98 Fixed issue with notification handlers
- #90 Added warning logging / 🙏 hfloyd
- b760e1b adds notifications to CacheService
- #67 publishedPropertySuffix is not case invariant
- Asynced all the things, or at least a big chunk / 🙏 enkelmedia
- Added tests / 🙏 enkelmedia
- #82 Adds configurable markup for highlighting of search terms in result summaries. / 🙏 enkelmedia
- You can now choose which index or searcher you want to use for searching.
- Fix casing error in backoffice files.
- Upgraded to Umbraco 10
- Changed to a Razor Class Library - which means static assets are now embedded. When upgrading, make sure to delete App_Plugins/FullTextSearch from your project!
- Fixes JSON serializing of models, to make the dashboard actually work
- Fixes indexing including descendants
- Fixes bug where indexing everything, or including descendants returned 406 and no result
- Adds a default pagelength of 10 items, when searching
- Ported the package to net core and Umbraco 9
- Removed the wrapping template for use when rendering - because Umbraco 9 doesn't break the same way.
- Moved configuration to IOptions specified in Startup.cs
- Changed FullTextHelper to a regular class, that can be injected into views.
- Merged changes from 1.3.0
- New highlighting engine for summaries, as the old one was too slow.
- #54 Enumerating search results
- #65 Disallowed content type aliases was also disallowed in content
- Fix bug when caching cultured content, cached the default culture for all cultures instead
- Changed some info-logging to debug
- Removed stuff when caching
- Adds version number to Umbraco.Sys.ServerVariables for retrieving in dashboard
- Adds functionality for generating a wrapping template for use when rendering (#47)
- Adds ability to limit which content types are being searched
- Fix: Fix status queries when no disallowed types are added
- Fix: Wrong dictionary key for enabled/disabled
- Fix: Excludes nodes without a template when searching
- Fix: Removes cached culture content, when culture is no longer available in the cached node
- Fix: Fixes wrong count of incorrectly indexed, and missing nodes in the status dashboard
- Fix: Fixes wrong version number in dashboard
- Feature: Adds configuration summary view to status dashboard
- Feature: Adds option to reload configuration without restarting site
- Fixed Save&Publish fails in Umbraco if template throws exceptions #47
- Changed the config format #35 BREAKING
- Switch to using RenderTemplate() for getting the content #36 BREAKING
- Only index nodes with a template and check umbracoNaviHide #27
- Adding a doctype to DisallowedContentTypeAliases doesn't remove already indexed pages #29
- When HighlightSearchTerms = true, ellipsis are always shown #23
- Fuzzy search does not return expected values #25
- No results returned if you do not have "Allow varying by culture" set to true on document type. #4
- No results when no specific culture is used #17
- Search returns 0 result with culture set #24
- added new dashboard in Settings section to see index status, reindex and test search.
- added health checks to see index status
Lot's of improvements and fixes, for example v8.6 upgrade problems fixed and non-variant websites support.
Initial release