- Speed up Android build by breaking remote execution on
task - Pass break task pattern via command line argument
- Show list of updates made by rsync (deletions, uploads, downloads)
- Show total transfer progress
- Set Gradle properties for remote build using mirakle.properties and mirakle_local.properties
- Determine if build occurs on remote machine
- Print Gradle arguments of remote build
Contribution is welcome!
The main result of Android application build is .apk
file which contains all the code and resources of the application.
file is a zip archive that can't be downloaded from remote machine by rsync incrementally.
Making just a small fix to codebase or adding new resource will lead to the need of downloading the whole file the size of which can be quite large.
The idea of breaking remote building process on package
task is to stop remote build one step before archiving all the application files into .apk
and let rsync incrementally download only these files that changed during the build.
One line fix usually affects one .dex
file whose size is significantly less than size of whole .apk
Mirakle will download all the inputs of package
task and execute it by Gradle on local machine.
initscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath "com.instamotor:mirakle:1.4.0"
apply plugin: MirakleBreakMode // <-
rootProject {
mirakle {
host "your_remote_machine"
breakOnTasks += ["package"] // this is regex pattern that matches all build flavour variations of package task.
excludeRemote += ["build/tmp", "build/generated", "build/intermediates/*", "build/kotlin"]
rsyncFromRemoteArgs += ["-i", "-c", "--compress-level=2"]
> ./gradlew assembleStagingDebug
Mirakle will break remote execution on task ':app:packageStagingDebug'
>fcst....... app/build/intermediates/dex/stagingDebug/mergeDexStagingDebug/classes2.dex
Task uploadToRemote took : 0.19 secs
Task executeOnRemote took : 8.08 secs
Task downloadFromRemote took : 1.065 secs
Task app:packageStagingDebug took : 1.362 secs
> ./gradlew assembleStagingDebug --project-prop mirakle.break.task=package
mirakle {
rsyncToRemoteArgs += ["-i"]
rsyncFromRemoteArgs += ["-i"]
> ./gradlew assembleStagingDebug
.d..t....... app/src/main/
<f.st....... app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml
>f..t....... app/build/outputs/apk/staging/debug/output-metadata.json
>f.st....... app/build/outputs/apk/staging/debug/android_app-staging-debug.apk
.d..t....... app/build/outputs/logs/
>f++++++++++ app/build/outputs/logs/manifest-merger-staging-debug-report.txt
Explanation of each bit position and value in rsync‘s -i
YXcstpoguax path/to/file
||||||||||╰- x: The extended attribute information changed
|||||||||╰-- a: The ACL information changed
||||||||╰--- u: The u slot is reserved for future use
|||||||╰---- g: Group is different
||||||╰----- o: Owner is different
|||||╰------ p: Permission are different
||||╰------- t: Modification time is different
|||╰-------- s: Size is different
||╰--------- c: Different checksum (for regular files), or
|| changed value (for symlinks, devices, and special files)
|╰---------- the file type:
| f: for a file,
| d: for a directory,
| L: for a symlink,
| D: for a device,
| S: for a special file (e.g. named sockets and fifos)
╰----------- the type of update being done::
<: file is being transferred to the remote host (sent)
>: file is being transferred to the local host (received)
c: local change/creation for the item, such as:
- the creation of a directory
- the changing of a symlink,
- etc.
h: the item is a hard link to another item (requires
.: the item is not being updated (though it might have
attributes that are being modified)
*: means that the rest of the itemized-output area contains
a message (e.g. "deleting")
> - the item is received
f - it is a regular file
s - the file size is different
t - the time stamp is different
. - the item is not being updated (though it might have attributes
that are being modified)
d - it is a directory
t - the time stamp is different
> - the item is received
f - a regular file
+++++++++ - this is a newly created item
mirakle {
rsyncToRemoteArgs += ["--info=progress2"]
rsyncFromRemoteArgs += ["--info=progress2"]
> ./gradlew assembleStagingDebug
66,775,594 69% 17.77MB/s 0:00:03 (xfr#2, to-chk=0/40)
Other available --info
flags are:
Use OPT or OPT1 for level 1 output, OPT2 for level 2, etc.; OPT0 silences.
BACKUP Mention files backed up
COPY Mention files copied locally on the receiving side
DEL Mention deletions on the receiving side
FLIST Mention file-list receiving/sending (levels 1-2)
MISC Mention miscellaneous information (levels 1-2)
MOUNT Mention mounts that were found or skipped
NAME Mention 1) updated file/dir names, 2) unchanged names
PROGRESS Mention 1) per-file progress or 2) total transfer progress
REMOVE Mention files removed on the sending side
SKIP Mention files that are skipped due to options used
STATS Mention statistics at end of run (levels 1-3)
SYMSAFE Mention symlinks that are unsafe
ALL Set all --info options (e.g. all4)
NONE Silence all --info options (same as all0)
HELP Output this help message
Options added for each increase in verbose level:
and PROJECT_DIR/mirakle_local.properties
can be used to pass specific Gradle properties to remote build or override existing properties.
Properties from that files have highest priority over all other properties.
Both files serves the same purpose, but mirakle_local.properties
may be used to define user specific values and skipped from committing to VCS.
Put it in build.gradle
in project dir:
if (project.hasProperty('mirakle.build.on.remote')) {
Put this into USER_HOME/.gradle/init.d/mirakle_init.gradle
or PROJECT_DIR/mirakle.gradle
on local machine:
taskGraph.whenReady { taskGraph ->
if (taskGraph.hasTask(":executeOnRemote")) {
gradle.rootProject.executeOnRemote.doLast {
println("============REMOTE COMMAND===============")
println("============REMOTE COMMAND===============")