# All about Jailbreak & iOS versions
# Checklist
# Jailbreak for iPhone 5s though iPhone X, iOS 12.3 and up
# https://checkra.in/
# 3UTools
# Cydia
# https://ryleylangus.com/repo
# Liberty Bypass Antiroot
# SSL Bypass
# https://github.com/evilpenguin/SSLBypass
# Check Info Stored:
3U TOOLS - SSH Tunnel
# Analyzing binary:
# Get .ipa
# unzip example.ipa
# Locate binary file (named as the app usually)
# Check encryption
otool –l BINARY | grep –A 4 LC_ENCRYPTION_INFO
# If returned "cryptid 1" ipa is encrypted, good for them
# Check dynamic dependencies
otool –L BINARY
# SSL Bypass
# https://github.com/evilpenguin/SSLBypass
find /data/app -type f -exec grep --color -Hsiran "FINDTHIS" {} \;
find /data/app -type f -exec grep --color -Hsiran "\"value\":\"" {} \;
.pslist= "value":"base64"}
find APPPATH -iname "*localstorage-wal" -> Check manually
# Extract IPA from installed app
ls -lahR /var/containers/Bundle/Application/ | grep -B 2 -i 'appname' # To find app ID
scp -r [email protected]:/var/containers/Bundle/Application/{ID} LOCAL_PATH
mkdir Payload
cp -r appname.app/ Payload/
zip -r app.ipa Payload/
# Interesting locations
/private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/{HASH}/{Nombre que hay dentro del IPA/Payloads}