This Project base on gm,you shoud install graphicsmagick,If you need to use captcha or text watermark, You should install Ghostscript.
This project is used to generate a thumbnail, add watermarks, generate captchas, batch thumbnail watermark.
npm install webimg
.markPos(5)//mark position 123456789
.fontColor('#ffffff')//font color
var captcha = webimg().captcha();
console.log(captcha.getStr()); //get the captcha str
text:'hahahasdsd', ////watermark text
thumbnail and watermark
@param string image name
@param int width
@param int height
@param string background color
@param function callback
return image size
@param function
image's size
@param string Set the output file name
@param string font path
@param string fontcolor (#ffffff)
@param int fontsize
@param int width
@param int height
Thumbnails generated if only specify the width or height is not specified in accordance with the proportion of automatic calculation,If at the same time high then will be in accordance with the specified contract specifies the width, the proportion is improper cutting automatically
@param int width
@param int height
@param int image quality 1-100
@param string background color #000000
@param string watermark image path
@param string Set text watermark
@param int Sets the position of the watermark
As Follow:
@param object
This method is used for one-time setup parameters
`width` width @param int
`text` The watermark generated images at the same time If the test img is at the same time Then add images and text watermark random accident @param string
`fontcolor` fontcolor @param string #ffffff
`fontsize` fontsize @param int
`img` file path @param string
`pos` mark position @param int 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9
`quality` quality @param int 1-100
`outFile` The output file address Thumbnails, watermark, a verification code
The format of the output file address Can make the thumb. JPG thumb so the final path consistent with the original image,If it is /aa. JPG with / Will direct medical specified address
@param string/null/function
@param function
Generated thumbnail in the end the method called
For the batch thumbnail generation can be specified only output file parameters,the callback function can accept a param for the thumb name;
@param string/null
Watermark generated output after the address, does not specify, it will automatically generated automatically added after the original file name _t0(_t1,_t2)
@param string/function
Verification code output address, if you do not specify output address you will need to specify a callback function, the callback function returns the corresponding PNG image Buffer
Returns the generated captcha string
Provide authentication code with random string, this method can cover can customize the characters => gm