Individuals will not work on their own forks. They will locally always work on a feature branch, and push that branch to the 'dev' branch on Github.
Then we will do pull requests from those feature branches onto the dev branch.
When you are ready to submit a PR, do an interactive rebase on your branch to clean up your commit history as needed.
After each such pull request, individuals will be informed and should then locally:
- switch to dev branch (checkout)
- do a git pull (git pull origin dev)
- switch back to feature branch
- rebase
- git push origin
Later when testing is OK, the dev branch will be merged into master branch with another pull request.
All team members will have the right to merge PRs. There will be a review process prior to accepting PRs. All written tests should pass before a PR to be accepted.
We will be merging dev into master for each MVP.
- All features to be implemented
- All tasks
- Log all bugs.
- Assign bugs for fixing.
How to generate docs:
apidoc -i routes/ -o apidoc/