diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index cff4c45..7fa8266 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -7,46 +7,3 @@
-## 👾 Features
-- **🖌️ Premium Drawing Experience** - We've developed a premium drawing experience that fluid and consistent.
-- **🔒 Maximum Security** - Sketchel comes with the intergration of the best security methods in order to secure your account and precious artworks included.
-- **📌 Automatic Saving** - Saves your progress so you can continue later.
-- **✨ Intuative Interface** - Sketchel has a smart and simplistic interface that is easy to master.
-## 🤝 Support
-For support (and to support us), come and join our Discord server!
-## 🧱 Building Blocks
-- [Express](https://expressjs.com) - The web framework Sketchel is using.
-- [Bulma](https://bulma.io) - The CSS framework Sketchel is using.
-- [FontAwesome](https://fontawesome.com/) - The icons Sketchel is using.
-- [quick.db](https://quickdb.js.org/) - The database Sketchel is using.
-- [bcrypt](https://npm.im/bcrypt) - The encryption method Sketchel is using.
-## 🖋 Developers
-- **xMinota** _a.k.a. Minota_ - _Main Developer_ - [Minota](https://github.com/xminota)
-- **HVENetworks** _a.k.a. HVE_ - _Development Help_ - [HVENetworks](https://github.com/HVEVB)
-- **EnderDev** _a.k.a. EnderDev_ - _Development Help_ - [EnderDev](https://github.com/EnderDev)
-## 🤵 Licensing
-This project is licensed under the [MIT License](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) - see the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for more info.
-Made with ❤️ & 🍬.