# Download latest version of composer
curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | COMPOSER_HOME=.composer php
# Installing the base project SkeekS CMS
COMPOSER_HOME=.composer php composer.phar create-project --prefer-dist --stability=dev skeeks/app-basic demo.ru
# Going into the project folder
cd demo.ru
#Edit the file to access the database, it is located at common/config/db.php
#Update configs
COMPOSER_HOME=.composer php composer.phar self-update && COMPOSER_HOME=.composer php composer.phar du
#Installation of ready-dump
php yii migrate -t=migration_install -p=backup/migrations
SkeekS CMS (Yii2) — quickly, easily and effectively!
skeeks.com | cms.skeeks.com