Feel free to work on issues that are not assigned yet. As a courtesy, please add a comment informing about your intent.
Do not hesitate and create a new issue if you see a bug, a room for improvement or simply have a question.
Make sure your changes follow code style and pass basic suite of regression tests.
To install all dependencies into local directory named node_modules
and run test suite (grunt test
), simply execute (Node 0.10):
npm install && npm test
By default tests (including GUI ones) run in headless mode under PhantomJS. Local HTTP server is spawned automatically for the lifetime of test suite task.
To start simple HTTP server manually (eg. to run tests under Chrome or Firefox instead of PhantomJS):
should point to
npm run httpd
To run test suite under a specific browser:
npm run grunt firefox
npm run grunt chrome
To check code style:
npm run grunt jshint