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Planned upgrades as on 08/07/2023:
Removal of jQuery dependency.➖ 2️⃣0️⃣0️⃣Removal of Modernizr dependency.➖ 2️⃣0️⃣0️⃣Migration to OpenLayers 5.⬆️ 2️⃣0️⃣0️⃣Removal of all references to OpenLayers 2.🔥 2️⃣0️⃣0️⃣End of Internet Explorer support.💥 2️⃣0️⃣0️⃣New formats for uploads (KMZ, Shapefile, GeoPackage and ZIP) and downloads (KMZ, Shapefile and GeoPackage).✨ 2️⃣1️⃣0️⃣Zoom to layer from loaded layers control.✨ 2️⃣1️⃣0️⃣Link to metadata from loaded layers control.✨ 2️⃣1️⃣0️⃣Access to abstract and metadata from background maps control.✨ 2️⃣1️⃣0️⃣WFS query control.✨ 2️⃣1️⃣0️⃣download control, available at IDENA.✨ 3️⃣0️⃣0️⃣share control, available at IDENA.✨ 3️⃣0️⃣0️⃣GPS and tracks control, available at IDENA.✨ 3️⃣0️⃣0️⃣offline maps control, available at IDENA.✨ 3️⃣0️⃣0️⃣full screen control, available at IDENA.✨ 3️⃣0️⃣0️⃣3D control, available at IDENA.✨ 3️⃣0️⃣0️⃣draw & measure control, available at IDENA.✨ 3️⃣0️⃣0️⃣New search types: road, milestone, toponym, available at IDENA.✨ 3️⃣0️⃣0️⃣Possibility of setting background map at overview map according to main map, as done at IDENA.✨ 3️⃣0️⃣0️⃣Possibility of defining a heatmap from markers, in a similar way as current cluster marker view.✨ 3️⃣0️⃣0️⃣Attribute naming convention for image and video embedding by URL.✨ 2️⃣2️⃣0️⃣Multiple spatial selection control (WFS).✨ 3️⃣0️⃣0️⃣Edit control.✨ 3️⃣0️⃣0️⃣Basic map attributes, such as CRS, etc.✨ 3️⃣0️⃣0️⃣Migration to OpenLayers 6.⬆️ 3️⃣0️⃣0️⃣OpenTopoMap layer.✨ 4️⃣0️⃣0️⃣Classes for creating feature instances.✨ 4️⃣0️⃣0️⃣"Different from" operator in the WFS queries control.✨ 4️⃣0️⃣0️⃣- Geographic file editing. ✨
- Functionality transfer from 2D view to 3D view. ✨
- Vector layer legend. ✨
- Automatic feature color palette. ✨
- Vector layer and feature style user selection. ✨
- Tool in WFS editing control to undo all changes in a feature. ✨
Complete path viewing in layer search results.✨ 4️⃣0️⃣0️⃣Tool to recenter results after panning/zooming in WFS query results panel.✨ 4️⃣1️⃣0️⃣Tool in feature information mode selector to zoom to all selected features.✨ 4️⃣1️⃣0️⃣Tool to edit a previous executed of shared WFS query.✨ 4️⃣1️⃣0️⃣Tool to remove at once all loaded tracks.✨ 4️⃣1️⃣0️⃣WKB as a supported input/output format.✨ 4️⃣1️⃣0️⃣- OS integrated share tool use. ⚡
- WhatsApp web sharing in devices that do not have WhatsApp installed. ✨
- Option to copy or share a map image. ✨
- Option to share PDF when printing. ✨
- Migration to OpenLayers 7 and WebGL rendering mode. ⬆️
- Capability of accepting geographic coordinates when adding markers. ✨
- Example compilation page. 📚
- Sandboxes for examples. 📚
- Feature reading from geographic documents loaded in memory. ✨
- Simple geolocation control. ✨
- Controls from the map comparator of Navarre. ✨
- Programmatic access to drawn features. ✨
- Feature writing to geographic documents loaded in memory. ✨
- Vector tiles support. ✨
- Georeferenced image loading. ✨
- Image download format list expansion. ⚡
- Service access constraints availability with attributions. ✨
- Links to WMS service abstracts at available layer catalog. ✨
#️⃣#️⃣#️⃣ Upgrade fulfilled with version #.#.#