Model outputs, parameter files, and plotting scripts for the Sirocco release paper.
cd Plot
You may need to run this first:
pip -r requirements.txt
The structure of this repository is
Details/ -- folders for each comparisons including being able to run them in detail, more intended for a developer.
Plot/ -- scripts for making plots. There are python scripts for each figure, and a script which...makes all figures. contains utility functions and code name definition as util.CODE_NAME.
- Figures/ -- folder containing the figures that will go in the actual paper.
Data/ -- contains just the data needed for the figures + parameter files. The structure is:
- Tests/
- tardis.
- cloudy/
- cmfgen/
- Demo/
- tde/
- quasar/
- cv/
- xrb/
- rad-hydro
- Tests/