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Generating cells

Petr Marek edited this page Oct 21, 2020 · 4 revisions

Generate a single view cell.

$ ralis g folio:cell articles/box
Running via Spring preloader in process 29974
      create  app/cells/project_namespace/articles/box_cell.rb
      create  app/cells/project_namespace/articles/box/show.slim
      create  test/cells/project_namespace/articles/box_cell_test.rb

Place custom stylesheets in app/cells/project_namespace/articles/box/box.sass, which get loaded automatically.

Place custom js/coffee in app/cells/project_namespace/articles/box/ and require it in application.js:

//= require project_namespace/articles/box/box


Cells should be generated into folders/namespaces corresponding to the resources. A product list should be in project_namespace/products/list. A generic pagination cell can be in the root project_namespace/pagination.

Classnames, ids

  • Avoid using id attribute.
  • Classnames should be prefixed with the first letter of the application name (lowercase).
  • Each cell should have a class name corresponding to its path in the project. ProjectNamespace::Products::List in project_namespace/products/list/show.slim should have a root class name p-products-list.
  • Use BEM for classnames in the cell with the cell root class name being the BEM Block. Image in the products list cell would be p-products-list__img