A social media platform where users can connect, share posts, send messages, and more.
User Authentication:
- Register a new user.
- Log in a user and receive a JWT token.
- Get all posts.
- Create, update, and delete posts.
- Like and comment on posts.
- Get all messages between users.
- Send messages to other users.
- Follow and unfollow other users.
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/your-username/social-media-platform.git
Install dependencies:
cd social-media-platform
npm install
Set up environment variables: Create a .env file in the project root and add the following variables:
Usage Start the server:
npm start
Access the application: Visit http://localhost:3000 (or the specified port) in your web browser.
Endpoints User Authentication:
POST /api/user/register: Register a new user. POST /api/user/login: Log in a user and receive a JWT token. Posts:
GET /api/posts: Get all posts. POST /api/posts: Create a new post. GET /api/posts/:postId: Get a specific post. PUT /api/posts/:postId: Update a post. DELETE /api/posts/:postId: Delete a post. POST /api/posts/:postId/like: Like a post. POST /api/posts/:postId/comment: Add a comment to a post. Messages:
GET /api/messages/:userId: Get all messages between the authenticated user and the specified user. POST /api/messages/:userId: Send a message to the specified user. Relationships:
POST /api/relationships/:userId/follow: Follow a user. POST /api/relationships/:userId/unfollow: Unfollow a user. ...
Environment Variables PORT: Port number for the server. SECRET_KEY: Secret key for JWT token generation. DATABASE_URI: URI for connecting to the MongoDB database.