Repository for assignment #1 "DECIDE" in DD2480. DECIDE is a function that takes in a bunch of parameters corresponding to radar readings and will decide if interceptors should be launched.
This project is written in Java and uses Gradle as the build tool.
To build and run Install Gradle according to this guide and the Java JDK from here. We can only guarantee support for Gradle v7.6 and Java version 19, although it would likely work with different versions of Java.
After installing Gradle and Java download the repository and open a terminal or command prompt. Use cd to change directory to the same one where the gradlew.bat file is. Run, bundle or test the program by using the gradlew tool. Platform specific commands are listed below.
- Run without bundling: ./gradlew run
- Bundle application: ./gradlew build
- Test application: ./gradlew test
- Run without bundling: gradlew run
- Bundle application: gradlew build
- Test application: gradlew test
Hans Stammler:
- LIC5, LIC11, LIC13
- Rough program skeleton
- Implementation of logical connector matrix
Jesper Slagarp:
- LIC0, LIC6, LIC7
- Implementation of FUV
- Refactoring
Linnéa Gustafsson:
- LIC2, LIC9, LIC12
- Implementation of DECIDE
- Review of code with respect to requirements
Oscar Olsson:
- LIC3, LIC4, LIC14
- Javadoc to PDF and make sure all LICs have proper Javadoc
Simon Marco Grunwald:
- LIC1, LIC8, LIC10
- Implementation of PUM
- Github Troubleshooting