- Added functionality for copying diagrams as PNG images
- Upgraded node-plantuml for bug fixes
- Fixed deserialization issues
- Fixed a problem with the PlantUML view title not being displayed properly
- Added serialization and deserialization of PlantUML views
- Added configuration for charset
- Made it possible to split PlantUML views
- Fixed include paths to work in Windows
- Added support for including multiple source files via relative include paths
- Fixed so that hovering over diagram text don't cause the mouse cursor to change
- Fixed a bug where updating a view when it was not visible would cause errors
- Added configuration for PlantUML config file, read before each diagram
- Improved viewport handling while doing live update and while resizing panels
- Fixed a bug where svg-pan-zoom was still considered constructed after destruction
- Fixed a bug where resizing view when it was not visible would cause errors
- Added pan and zoom controls for the PlantUML diagrams
- Updated minimum version of node-plantuml dependency
- Added functionality to save diagrams as PNG, SVG or EPS
- Added configuration for Graphviz dot executable
- UML diagrams are set to always fill the whole pane
- Added padding to the diagram
- Added configuration for live updates
- Added configuration for split pane
- Sped up updates by using SVG instead of PNG
- Sped up updates by updating on every change
- Displays PlantUML diagram in a new pane when toggling
- Updates the diagram live as the source is updated