- Use lookup instead of local_action: template for tlscert_create defaults
- Add source for lib dependency
Alvaro Aleman (2):
- Rerun generator
- Fixup dependencies for Debian
- Remove suid bit for facts script
- Only output certificates that have a coressponding key
- Factscript: Reorder to increase readability
- Factscript: Try calling self if not root
- Port factscript to Python
- Fix intendation in meta/main.yml
- Update galaxy info
Alvaro Aleman (9):
- Use suid bit for facts script
- Use long option for sudo call
- Fix sudo timeout for facts script
Alvaro Aleman (3):
Alvaro Aleman (8):
- Use .key as file suffix for generated keys
- Use lib.localfacts
- Use lib.os-specific-vars
- Add silpion.lib to requirements
- Add note about silpion.lib dependency to README
- Re-read tlscerts facts when certificate changes occured
- Dont use subkey in filter args for setup module
- Add simple usage examples
Anja Siek (1):
- fix deprication warnings
Alvaro Aleman (1):
- Use host-specific name for local vars file
Alvaro Aleman (6):
- Make fact naming consistent
- Recognize certificate keys with different filetypes
- Redirect error output of key modulus detection
- Update docs to reflect obsolete dependency on util
- Use heredoc for factscript
- Use var instead of msg param for fact debugging
Alvaro Aleman (1):
- Remove hard dependency on ansible-util
Mark Kusch (1):
- Fixup variable name for checkmode make target
Alvaro Aleman (38):
- fixed errors on empty ssl_certificates_create
- role renamed
- Refactor variable names to reflect role name
- Rename facts
- Rework README
- Update Vagrant testing
- Remove create facts.d dicetory task
- Add ansible-util assertion
- Refactor default directorys map for readability
- Fix testplaybook
- Refactor testplaybook for readability
- Allow defining ssl_install as String
- Move ssl_cert install to beginning
- Add script for gathering ssl cert info
- Add execute tasks for gather cert facts script
- Move ssl_create to locally templated vars file
- Fix gather_cert_facts script
- Update README
- Fix roleinternal_facts script
- Fix testcert distribution
- Make gather_facts script output JSON
- Use script for tls_certificates fact generation
- Remove obsolete variables
- Remove cert.name variable
- Disable host key checking for testing
- Add short form for ssl_create
- Move defaulting of ssl_{cnf,crt,key}_path to roleinternal_facts template
- Use .key extension for ssl keys
- Make ssl_install sourcedircetory configurable
- Add ssl_changed var
- Update README
- Rename role to ansible-tlscert
- Avoid unnecessary re-reading of facts
- Add a makefile for automated testing
- Fix ortography
- Consistently use complex args style
- Fix naming in Vagrant
- Allow syntax testing without executing role
Alvaro Aleman (3):
- Updated TDD functionality
- moved template logic for ssl_certificates_create into tasks to make the list reusable
- removed Debian platform specific serverspec tests
Mark Kusch (1):
- Add CN name to test certificate
Mark Kusch (6):
- Do not show ansible output when possibly dealing with passwords
- Maintain role meta data and add dependency to silpion.util role
- Maintain default path information for {{ ansible_os_family }}
- Provide usable defaults based on OS family
- Fix hardcoded key file path in openssl configuration
- Whether to show a neat sheep or ansible_managed
Mark Kusch (1):
- Add description to include_vars task for OS specific vars
Mark Kusch (6):
- Allow to override ownership and access controls for OpenSSL directories
- Add license
- Allow github to perform integration testing
- Update integration testing to work with Serverspec 2.N
- Ensure tasks define sudo: yes when requiring superuser privileges
- Abstract supported platforms in vars
Mark Kusch (8):
- Install existing certificates according to pathes
- Install SSL certificate keys with .pem extension
- Update documentation
Mark Kusch (2):
- Update ubuntu-upstart-sshkey container to version 1.0.0
- Ensure custom facts are available to third party roles
- Fix local facts destination.
. . .
- Initial release