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99 lines (84 loc) · 2.96 KB

File metadata and controls

99 lines (84 loc) · 2.96 KB

Requirements: Java 1.8 - 1.9 Maven NodeJS MongoDB Nginx (Optionally) Docker (Optionally)

Build From the root folder: mvn clean install

Run api in IntellijIdea

  1. Run mongo locally If you want to store mongo data in a non-default folder - specify --datapath parameter sudo mongod --dbpath ~/mongo/data
  2. Add a Run/Debug configuration of a Maven type Command line: jetty:run Working Directoyr: PATH_TO_THE_IDEA_PROJECTS_FOLDER/quack/api Runner tab - VM Options: -Xbootclasspath/a:/etc/quack (replace /etc/quack with the folder where you keep your local config file)
  3. Put local config file to /etc/quack (or any other folder) - use the one as a reference api/main/resources/
  4. Configure Nginx somewhat like this
server {
    listen [::]:80;
    listen 80;
    proxy_set_header Host $host;
    proxy_set_header Connection "";
    proxy_read_timeout     300;
    proxy_connect_timeout  300;
    proxy_http_version     1.1;

    gzip on;
    gzip_types      text/plain application/xml application/json;
    gzip_proxied    no-cache no-store private expired auth;
    gzip_min_length 1000;

    access_log /var/log/nginx/access.log;
    error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log;

    add_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin *;
    location / {
        proxy_pass http://localhost:3000/;
    location /api {
        proxy_pass http://localhost:8089/api;
        access_log /var/log/nginx/access.log;
        error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log;
        proxy_redirect          off;
        proxy_connect_timeout   60s;
        add_header Access-Control-Allow-Methods "GET,PUT,OPTIONS,POST,DELETE";
        add_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*";
        add_header Access-Control-Allow-Headers "Content-Type";
        add_header Access-Control-Max-Age "86400";
        proxy_buffers 8 1024k;  
        proxy_buffer_size 1024k;
    location = /favicon.ico {
        log_not_found off;
        access_log off;

  1. Run Nginx nginx
  2. Add (or any other domain you are going to use locally) to your /etc/hosts
  3. Specify domain selected in p7 in your as auth.domain
  4. Run api configured in p2 in Idea
  5. Go to quack/ui/src and run npm install npm start
  6. Open in browser and login with admin credentials specified in your Default values are: root:rootpass

Build docker From the root docker build -t greatbit/quack . or api only docker build -t greatbit/quack-api -f Dockerfile-api .

docker tag IMAGE_ID greatbit/quack:latest docker tag IMAGE_ID greatbit/quack:VERSION

Run API only with built-in Mongo and CORS enabled docker-compose -f docker-compose-api.yml up curl 'http://localhost:8080/api/user/login?login=somelogin&password=somepass' -X 'POST' -H 'Origin:' -H 'Referer:'

Start Mongo locally with specific path to DB sudo mongod --dbpath ~/mongo/data