This directory contains examples and templates for configuration files that are often used in Neovim projects. The workflow is generally to copy needed files to a project and customize as necessary.
Copy to C/C++ project root and customize:
cp ~/.config/nvim/example-configs/clang-format-config /path/to/project/.clang-format
For use with clang-format. See file for compatible version.
Copy to C/C++ project root and customize:
cp ~/.config/nvim/example-configs/clangd-config /path/to/project/.clangd
For use with clangd (v11 or later).
Copy to C/C++ project root and customize. For use with clangd.
Copy to C/C++ project root and customize:
cp ~/.config/nvim/example-configs/gutctags /path/to/project/.gutctags
For use with Gutentags.
Copy to project root and customize. For use with vim-projectionist:
cp ~/.config/nvim/example-configs/projections.json /path/to/project/.projections.json
Copy to Neovim config directory and customize:
cp ~/.config/nvim/example-configs/projects.vim ~/.config/nvim
Copy to Python project root and customize.