Chained access to nested array/object values:
use Shrink0r\Monatic\Maybe;
$data = [ "foo" => [ "bar" => "hello world!"] ];
echo Maybe::unit($data)->foo->bar->get();
// > hello world!
echo Maybe::unit($data)->foo->snafu->get();
// > (null)
echo get_class(Maybe::unit($data)->foo->snafu);
// > Shrink0r\Monatic\None
Chained access across recursive collections:
use Shrink0r\Monatic\Many;
$data = [
"categories" => [
"name" => "category-one",
"articles" => [
[ "title" => "foo one text" ]
"name" => "category-two",
"articles" => [
[ "title" => "foo two text" ]
"categories" => [
"name" => "category-three",
"articles" => [
[ "title" => "foo three text" ]
"name" => "category-four",
"articles" => [
[ "title" => "foo four text" ]
echo implode(', ', Many::unit($data)->categories->articles->title->get());
// > foo one text, foo two text, foo three text, foo four text
echo implode(', ', Many::unit($data)->snafu->articles->title->get());
// > (empty string)
Similar to Many
. The difference is, that the $value
, that is passed to bind
's callback is guaranteed to be a Maybe
use Shrink0r\Monatic\ManyMaybe;
use Shrink0r\Monatic\Maybe;
$data = [
// ... same definition as in the Many example
$titleWords = ManyMaybe::unit($data)->categories->articles->bind(function (Maybe $article) {
// instead of relying on $article['title'] we can now use $article->title
return ManyMaybe::unit(explode(' ', $article->title->get()));
echo implode(', ', array_unique($titleWords->get()));
// > foo, one, text, two, three, four
Chained execution of dependent method invocations that might throw an exception. In case an exception is raised along the way, then an Error is returned in the end.
use Shrink0r\Monatic\Attempt;
// Success case example:
$loadInitialData = function (Success $result) {
return [ 'php', 'python' ];
$loadMoreData = function (Success $result) {
return array_merge($result->get(), [ 'ruby', 'rust', 'erlang' ]);
$result = Attempt::unit($loadInitialData)->bind($loadMoreData)->get();
echo implode(", ", $result->get()); // $result is a Success monad
// > php, python, ruby, rust, erlang
// Error case example:
$loadInitialData = function (Success $result) {
throw new Exception("An error occured!");
$loadMoreData = function (Success $result) {
return array_merge($result->get(), [ 'ruby', 'rust', 'erlang' ]);
$result = Attempt::unit($loadInitialData)->bind($loadMoreData)->get();
echo $result->get()->getMessage(); // $result is an Error monad
// > An error occured!
Chained execution of dependent method invocations that might execute asynchronously:
use Shrink0r\Monatic\Eventually;
$loadInitialData = function () {
return Eventually::unit(function ($success) {
$success([ 'php', 'python' ]);
$loadMoreData = function ($initialData) {
return Eventually::unit(function ($success) use ($initialData) {
// this is where you would call your async code and pass it along the $success callback
$success(array_merge($initialData, [ 'ruby', 'rust', 'erlang' ]));
$eventually = $loadInitialData()->bind($loadMoreData)->get(function ($finalData) {
echo implode(", ", $finalData);
// > php, python, ruby, rust, erlang