npm install
npm install -g
- create an API key at
cp .env-example .env
- set the
values in.env
Additionally, some commands require the API key and secret for a specific relayer. You can configure these with:
$ ./ozd-relay.js --help
Usage: ozd-relay [options] [command]
-h, --help display help for command
list [field] list relayers, or optionally only display a specific field like `address` or `name`
get <relayerId> gets a relayer info
listKeys <relayerId> lists the API keys for a relayer
createKey <relayerId> creates an API key for a relayer
deleteKey <relayerId> <keyId> deletes an API key for a relayer. Note: second argument to deleteKey is the keyId (contains hyphens), not the apiKey
delete <relayerId> would delete a relayer if deleting a relayer was supported)
gasPriceCap <relayerId> <newGasCapGwei> sets the gas cap in gwei for a particular relayer
EIP1559Pricing <relayerId> <true|false> enable or disable EIP1559Pricing for a particular relayer
listTransactions <relayerName> <pending|mined|failed> list transactions for this relayer name (not the relayerId)
help [command] display help for command
to list all the relayers:
ozd-relay list
to list only the addresses of the relayers:
ozd-relay list address
Filter all relayers by network:
ozd-relay list | jq 'map(select(.network == "matic"))' | tee polygon-relayers.json
List all relayer ids on a specific network:
ozd-relay list | jq 'map(select(.network == "matic")) | map(.relayerId)'
Bulk update the gas price cap on a network:
for relayerId in $(jq --raw-output '.[] | .relayerId' polygon-relayers.json) ; do
ozd-relay updateGasPriceCap $relayerId 500 ;
command not found: ozd-relay
Try running sudo npm link