Provides an integration between EdgeOS (Ubiquity) routers to Home Assistant, Creates the following components:
- Binary Sensor - per monitored device whether it's connected, attributes: IP, MAC, Bytes / Bps (Sent / Received)
- Binary Sensor - per interface - whether its connected, attributes: MAC, Duplex, Link Speed (Mbps), Addresses, Packets / Bytes / Errors / Dropped Packets / Bps (Sent / Received)
- Sensor - System up-time, attributes: Is Alive, CPU, Memory, API Last Update, WS Last Update
- Sensor - Number of Unknown Devices (Not part of DHCP Static Address), attributes - IP of devices
- Binary Sensor - System Status, attributes: up-time, CPU, Memory, API Last Update, WS Last Update
When setting device_tracker domain it will add per host device tracker, "unsee" command takes place after 1 hour due to EdgeOS late update
- EdgeRouter User with 'Operator' level access or higher
- Traffic Analysis set to 'Hosts only' or 'Enabled'
host: !secret edge_os_host #Hostname / IP
ssl: !secret edge_os_ssl #Supports SSL (true/false) - should be true
username: !secret edge_os_username #Username of EdgeOS
password: !secret edge_os_password #Password of EdgeOS
cert_file: !secret ssl_certificate #Path to the certificate (full-chain)
monitored_interfaces: #List of interfaces
- eth0
monitored_devices: #List of network devices to monitor
- my-iPhone
- PC1
- PC2
unit: 'M' #Optional - Allowed values: '' - represents bytes, 'K' - Kilobytes, 'M' - Megabytes
- platform: edgeos
hosts: #List of network devices to treat as device tracker
- my-iPhone
- components