- Official Regulation in PDF and in HTML
- WebDevLaw on data protection (GDPR)
- EU GDPR Portal
- Automattic and GDPR
- GDPR factsheet for Asia Pacific Privacy Authorities to understand the basic requirements included in the EU GDPR
- Allendav GitHub - Privacy Policy Shortcodes
- bjornjohansen Gdoc GDPR Compliance in WordPress
- dejliglama framework https://www.gdprwp.com/ (Adopted into WP core)
- Fernando Claussen plugin on GitHub and repository
- Van Ons plugin in the repository
- AppSaloon plugin on GitHub and repository
- OpenGDPR - https://www.opengdpr.org/
- https://www.codeinwp.com/blog/complete-wordpress-gdpr-guide/
- https://ninjaforms.com/gdpr-compliance-wordpress-forms/
- https://www.fellowshipproductions.co.uk/make-your-website-gdpr-compliant/
- https://digitalcontentnext.org/blog/2017/06/23/eus-general-data-protection-regulation-means-website-compliance/
- http://www.wired.co.uk/article/what-is-gdpr-uk-eu-legislation-compliance-summary-fines-2018
- https://ico.org.uk/media/for-organisations/documents/1624219/preparing-for-the-gdpr-12-steps.pdf
- Anonymisation: managing data protection risk and code of practice = 108 pages
- https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2018/02/gdpr-for-web-developers/
- GDPR and e-Privacy as playmates
- Privacy policy example from UK and also from a site in Australia
- https://pagely.com/blog/gdpr-wordpress-2018-resources/
- Anonymizing Code: https://ico.org.uk/media/for-organisations/documents/1061/anonymisation-code.pdf
- Guide to GDPR for webmasters, developers and business owners - https://silicondales.com/whitepapers/silicon-dales-guide-gdpr/
- http://www.privacy-regulation.eu/