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Shan Khan edited this page Jun 11, 2019 · 13 revisions

This pages contains the solutions to the common problems faced by the users. If you are facing other problem that is not listed in this page and solved it, feel free to write your steps to help other users or you can open an issue if you couldn't fix it.

Invalid Gist ID or Invalid / Expired GitHub Token

If for some reason you get one of these errors, try the following:

  1. manually create a Gist in GitHub (<username>)
  2. copy its Gist ID (<username>/<GistID>)
  3. manually paste the Gist ID into VSCode settings "sync.gist": "<GistID>"
  4. manually upload settings with either shift + alt + u or >Sync : Update/Upload Settings

You may need to reset the extension settings with >Sync : Reset Extension Settings before following these steps. (ie, hit cmd+p, then type what's instructed above into the dropdown which appears. You can confirm the reset has worked by re-opening the settings cmd+, search for "Sync" and you should see that "GitHub GIST ID for Settings Sync" edit box is cleared. You can re-populate with your new token and this should work)

People have solved by following steps @ #321 - 1 , #321 - 2 , #321 - 3 , #408

Extensions not installed/removed - OSS

Option 1 - PR Not merged yet

Variants of VS Code like OSS are sometimes installed in different paths than the extension expects. If you get a Unable to find cli path. error - try setting the codeCliPath in the Advanced Options -> Edit Extension Local Settings to where the VS Code cli is on your system.

it most likely resides in a bin folder which is next to the VS Code GUI executable.

Option 2

Create symlink between the expected cli path (shown in the error message) and the real cli path.

Option 3 - PR Not merged yet

Set useCliBaseInstallation to false in Advanced Options -> Edit Extension Local Settings

How to revert to an earlier Gist

  1. Goto Revision on Github
  2. Find file and its relevant version. Goto Raw.
  3. Copy contents and Goto your Gist's main screen.
  4. Click Edit at top right.
  5. Find the file to change and paste contents. Do not save changes yet!
  6. Find and edit cloudSettings. Change minute or hour (i.e., add 1 to number)
  7. Save changes by clicking Update gist

Now you should be able to sync the changes in VS Code by performing Shift + Alt + D to download. Once settings are synced again to your earlier revision perform an Upload:

Shift + Alt + U