Tech | Version |
Scala | 2.11.7 |
java | 1.8 |
Hadoop | 2.7.2 |
HBase | 1.2.1 |
- Input: Data in the form (id, type, (latitude, longitude))
- Map data points to different grids.
- Use plane-sweep algorithm to find neighbors for each data point.
- Perform neighbor grouping.
- Count instances for different types.
- Generate size k co-locations.
HBase is used at following places:
Save (event, count) pairs in reducer for counting instances of different event types. Here, we can use event as the row key and count as the value.
Save prevalent colocation patterns in reducer for co-location pattern search. Here we can use the eventset as the row key, size as the column key and [instance] as the value.
Read size k-1 colocations in scanNTransactions method in mapper for co-location pattern search. Here, the lookup can be performed easily using the row key for a given size (column key).
- The algorithm does not perform candidate set generation.