diff --git a/SDK Submissions/Chimoney-Java/README.md b/SDK Submissions/Chimoney-Java/README.md
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+# Chimoney4j
+Chimoney4j is a Java wrapper for Chimoney.
+## Getting Started
+- Register with Chimoney
+- Request for API KEY from support
+- set Your "CHIMONEY_API_KEY" environment variable
+ You can use a .env file as shown below to set your API key
+ ```env
+ ```
+## Installation
+You will need Maven installed with at least JDK 11. Download Maven here
+- Clone this repo to your computer
+ - In the root directory, run:
+ ```
+ mvn package
+ ```
+ - Copy the generated JAR file in `${project.basedir}/target` directory
+- Or you can head here to download the JAR file.
+- Run the following command:
+mvn install:install-file -Dfile=/path/to/chimoney -DgroupId=io.chimoney
+ -DartifactId=chimoney -Dversion=1.0-SNAPSHOT -Dpackaging=jar
+Alternatively, you can tell the project to find the `.jar` in the system path like this:
+ io.chimoney
+ chimoney
+ system
+ /path/to/chimoney-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
+## Usage
+There are two ways you can set your API key.
+- You can export it as an environment variable or create a `.env` file in the directory that contains your package (recommended)
+- You can pass it as an argument when initialising chimoney
+import io.chimoney.chimoney.Chimoney;
+// initialise without API key (recommended)
+Chimoney chimoney = new Chimoney();
+// initialise without API key (recommended)
+String API_KEY = "your_api_key";
+Chimoney chimoney = new Chimoney(API_KEY);
+You can also use the library in sandbox mode, but you will require a sandbox API key. You can read more about chimoney sandbox ["here"](https://chimoney.readme.io/reference/sandbox-environment)
+Chimoney chimoney = Chimoney.sandbox();
+String API_KEY = "your_api_key";
+Chimoney chimoney = Chimoney.sandbox(API_KEY);
diff --git a/SDK Submissions/Chimoney-Java/chimoney/pom.xml b/SDK Submissions/Chimoney-Java/chimoney/pom.xml
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- 21
+ 11