Releases: sepinf-inc/IPED
Fix release
This release contains some bug fixes, mainly for #881 regression affecting 3.18.10 & 3.18.11. Because all versions < 3.18.11 are vulnerable to the critical CVE-2021-44228 in log4j2 library, we still recommend all users to upgrade. Release notes below:
#887: Upgrade to Log4j-2.17.0 in 3.x branch (Luís Nassif)
#881: Subitems > 16MB or exported to HTML reports not opened by analysis app [3.18.10 regression] (Luis Nassif)
#880: Exporting files to report fails depending on evidence type if it was moved (Luís Nassif)
#872: Aborting NullPointerException in DocThumbTask (Luís Nassif)
Fix release
This release fixes a critical CVE-2021-44228 found in log4j2 library. We strongly recommend all users to upgrade. Release notes:
#871: Upgrade log4j to 2.15.0 (Luís Nassif)
#864: CriptoSeedPhraseValidator not working on 3.18.x (Luís Nassif)
Minor release
This release contains bug fixes and a few enhancements, some listed below. See the ReleaseNotes.txt file for the full list.
03/12/2021: IPED-3.18.10
#119: Create thumbnails for PDFs (Wladimir Leite & Luís Nassif)
#419: Create thumbnails for formats supported by LibreOffice (Wladimir Leite & Luís Nassif)
#809: Parse eMule part.met files (Wladimir Leite & Luís Nassif)
#615: Classify preferences.ini/AC_SearchStrings.dat and parse preferences.dat eMule artifacts (João Hauck, Luís Nassif & Wladimir Leite)
#852: Upgrade to ImageMagick-7.1.0-q8-x64 to fix animated webp images not being rendered (Luis Nassif)
#862: Upgrade to PDFBox 2.0.23 (Luís Nassif)
#793: Error in "Name" column when selecting some Regexes caused by IllegalArgumentException in 3.18.9 (Luis Nassif)
#848: NumberFormatException in Report Generation in 3.18.9 (Wladimir Leite)
#840: Invalid file Date causes export to ZIP feature to abort (Luis Nassif)
#791: 2nd level containers could be deleted from case folder when resuming with --continue (Luis Nassif)
#839: ConcurrentModificationException while creating bookmarks programmatically can stop bookmark saving (Luis Nassif)
#794: Aborting NullPointerException from NamedEntityTask not fixed (Luis Nassif & Wladimir Leite)
#805: Date values in unexpected fields could cause the processing to abort (Luis Nassif & Fábio Pfeifer)
Minor release
This release contains bug fixes and a few enhancements, some listed below. See the ReleaseNotes.txt file for the full list.
#758: Support new Android WhatsApp msgstore.db schema (Luis Nassif)
#558: New regex patterns to search for cripto wallets seed phrases (João Hauck & Luis Nassif)
#778: Compute md5, sha1 (and sha256) by default and include them in "FileListing.csv" (Luis Nassif)
#754: Add fixed size VHD detection based on footer signature (Luis Nassif)
#760: Highlight regex hits corresponding to substrings in TextViewer and HitsTab (Luis Nassif)
#708: Don't print Shareaza albums entries in new rows again if already in the library (Fábio Pfeifer)
#718: Aborting IllegalArgumentException in ExportCSVTask.finish() with --continue/--restart and EN locale (Luis Nassif)
#709: ClassCastException when re-extracting subitems from carved/sub containers when resuming processing (Luis Nassif)
#719: NullPointerException caused by 2nd level containers if processed again with --continue (Luis Nassif)
#759: Report creation from UI with Google audio transcription enabled fails (Luis Nassif)
#740: Legacy Imagemagick 6.x version does not work with IPED on Linux (Luis Nassif)
#705: MPlayer consuming enormous ammount of memory on Linux (Wladimir Leite)
Minor release
This release contains important bug fixes and some enhancements, some listed below. See the ReleaseNotes.txt file for the full list.
#470: Change default plain text parser to support chars outside Latin1 charset (Luis Nassif)
#416: Integrate a MSGViewer for MSG emails (Guilherme Dutra & Luis Nassif)
#206: Upgrade to tesseract 5.0-alpha (Wladimir Leite)
#651: Partially parse emails and attachments from Outlook for Mac (Luis Nassif)
#415: Improve EMLViewer to render inline images inline (Luis Nassif)
#698: Shareaza parser output missing files from albums (Fábio Pfeifer)
#669: NTFS USN Journal parsing fails when processing disk images if indexTempOnSSD = false or journal size > 1GB (Luis Nassif)
#655: Unsupported feature (data descriptor + stored flags) rarely could cause internal ZIP structure to be lost (Luis Nassif & Wladimir Leite)
#689: Google Maps item selection by rectangle or radius is not working (Luis Nassif)
#635: Scroll to media position instead of keyword search hit when using the References tab (Luis Nassif)
#638: Processing rarely aborts with MalformedInputException because of invalid unicode strings (Luis Nassif, João Hauck & Wladimir Leite)
Minor release
This release contains important bug fixes and some minor enhancements, some listed below. See the ReleaseNotes.txt file for the full list.
#49: From a selected media file, go to related conversations / p2p histories (Luis Nassif)
#562: 15x Faster PSD images rendering using a Java library to read them (Wladimir Leite)
#611: Makes processing robust against imported NSRL databases with product code inconsistencies (Luis Nassif & Wladimir Leite)
#560: Add file signature for TS videos (Wladimir Leite)
#547: Signature and classification for NSF Lotus Notes files (Luis Nassif)
#553: Avoid conflict between bookmarks shortcut keys and "type to find" an item (Wladimir Leite)
#601: "NoSuchFieldError: annotation" in RTFParser2 might cause parsing error with PST/OST and enableExternalParsing = true (Luis Nassif)
#559: Automatic export files by keywords feature is ignoring just a few diacritics (Luis Nassif)
#603: Aborting NullPointerException when creating device info from UFDR with empty extraction name (Luis Nassif)
#607: Some apps in tools folder depend on MS DLL not always present in processing machine (Luis Nassif)
#620: Image thumbnail creation for non standard formats fails for about 1% of them (Wladimir Leite)
#592: Invalid video thumbs in reports when creating report from Linux or cmd line on Windows (Luis Nassif)
#571: Processing rarely aborting when some file with corrupted metadata is indexed (Luis Nassif)
Minor release
This release contains important bug fixes and a few new features, some highlighted below. Please see the ReleaseNotes.txt file for the full list:
#469: Plot videos with geo information on map (Luis Nassif)
#540: Support Telegram version 7.6/7.7 (João Hauck)
#336: Device Info Category - UFDR x IPED (Wladimir Leite)
#507: Automatic detection for unknown charsets of PST/OST extracted emails (Luis Nassif)
#334: Support decoding of Firefox saved sessions (Thales Rodrigues & Luis Nassif)
#428: Add WhatsApp sender/recipient info to chat preview and metadata for 2 parties chats (Leandro Oliveira)
#482: Change Bitcoin SegWit address Regex to be more specific (Fábio Pfeifer)
#473: Upgrade java-libpst library to 0.9.5-20210209-p1 (Luis Nassif)
#539: OutOfMemoryError caused by ZipBomb control map cumulative memory leak (Luis Nassif)
#488: "Processing did not finish ok" warning incorrectly shown in multicases (Luis Nassif)
#430: Embedded MSG attachments of other MSG emails not extracted correctly (Luis Nassif)
#422: Selecting many edges at the same time in graph tab sometimes leaves some edges unselected (Luis Nassif)
#435: Issues with displaying Cyrillic (абвгдеёжз..) and Latvian (aābcčd..) characters in some areas of the program (Luis Nassif)
#542: Blind profile default configuration not populating graph with instant messages (Luis Nassif)
#510: Race condition in QueryBuilder (Fábio Pfeifer)
Minor release
This minor release contains some important bug fixes and a few new features, some highlighted below. Please see the ReleaseNotes.txt file for the full list.
#360: NTFS USN Journal parser (João Hauck and Luis Nassif)
#136: Create memory and file cache for UFDR compressed files (Luis Nassif)
#376: Optimize --continue option starting (Luis Nassif)
#399: Break tables extracted from SQLite files in separate html subitems (João Hauck and Luis Nassif)
#413: Show warning in GUI if case processing has not finished successfully (Luis Nassif)
#305: Handle Windows10 1703/1709 user activities ActivitiesCache.db (Matheus Bichara)
#397: Too many Sleuthkit processes with multiple evidences (memory leak) (Wladimir Leite)
#352: Infinite processing caused by ZipBomb files (Luis Nassif)
#375: --restart option is not working properly (Luis Nassif)
#330: Some inline text/html EML bodies are extracted as attachments (Luis Nassif)
#418: Bookmark disappearing from the bookmark manager when changing capitalization (Luis Nassif)
#389: JBIG2 images in PDFs not being rendered in preview (Luis Nassif)
#329: Aborting NullPointerException in NamedEntityTask (Luis Nassif)
#393: Abrupt power off could corrupt OCR results database while processing (Luis Nassif)
#374: Multicase graph and log in readonly cases not working (Luis Nassif)
Minor release
This release contains some new features and many fixes, some listed below. See the ReleaseNotes.txt file for the full list.
#280 Load and lookup ProjectVIC photoDNA hashes (Luis Nassif)
#254 Parser for Google Drive Files (Matheus Bichara and Luis Nassif)
#282 Support RAR 5 format via upgrade to 7zipJBinding-16.02-2.01 (kraftdenker)
#296 Lookup ProjectVIC hashes in app history of Emule, Ares, Shareaza, WhatsApp, Telegram, Skype, Ufed chats, Google Drive (Luis Nassif)
#291 #294 #297 Add "found in case/hashset" columns to Emule, Ares and Shareaza parsers output (Wladimir Leite and Luis Nassif)
#173 Decode and fill in whatsapp group message recipients in individual messages (João Hauck)
#313 Deadlock or very slow rendering with error in gallery if enableImageThumbs = false with uncommon formats (Luis Nassif)
#312 Carved files wrongly read after ExportFileTask with blind profile and enableHtmlReport = false (Luis Nassif)
#321 Evidence can be duplicated in case when resuming with --continue (Luis Nassif)
#323 Carved files not opened in GUI if folder datasource was moved (Luis Nassif)
#310 Rare OutOfMemoryError in VCardParser (Luis Nassif)
Minor release
This release contains some new features and a lot of fixes. Some of them are listed below, please see the ReleaseNotes.txt for the full list.
#81 Optimize image thumb generation up to 3x (Luis Nassif & Wladimir Leite)
#129 Nudity detection for videos (Wladimir Leite)
#177 Parser for Telegram/Vidogram (disabled for UFDR for now - João Hauck & Luis Nassif)
#221 Support ProjectVIC hashset format (Luis Nassif)
#231 Decode WhatsApp stickers in messages (João Hauck)
#252 Verify if the hashes of missing WhatsApp attachments are in the LED CSAM database (João Hauck)
#213 Phones incorrectly decoded from email addresses and user accounts (Luis Nassif)
#225 Items exported to indexed reports not opened by GUI viewers when enableHtmlReport = false (Luis Nassif)
#244 Checking empty attachments in UFED chat previews selects all empty files in case (Luis Nassif)
#249 Error creating report from GUI if audio transcription was enabled (Luis Nassif)
#258 Export file tree of checked items is filtering by selected tree node (Luis Nassif)
#265 Race condition in item id generator (Luis Nassif)