Most important info is Period / orbit time which is used for finding flyover times of orbits over a chosen area. Orbit time is the time in which the satellite makes 1 circle around the Earth (or in the missions with 2 satellites, half the circle around the Earth as both satellites travel on the same track with approximately 180° difference).
Copernicus missions consist of 1 or 2 satellites. In mission with 2 satellites, the satellites are approximately 180° apart. In that case the orbit time needs to be halfed as both satellites are traveling on (almost) the same track.
Consists of 2 satellites: Sentinel-1A, Sentinel-1B
1 satellite:
- Orbital cycle: 12 days
- Orbits per cycle: 175
- Calculated time for 1 orbit: ~98.742 min (should be the same as Period)
- Period (time to circle the Earth 1 time = 1 orbit): 98.6 min
- Revisit time (of the same area) on the equator: 12 days
Both satellites:
- Period: 98.6 min / 2 = 49.3 min
- Revisit time (of the same area): 12 days / 2 = 6 days
info sources:
Consists of 2 satellites: Sentinel-2A, Sentinel-2B
1 satellite:
- Orbital cycle: 10 days
- Orbits per cycle: 143
- Calculated time for 1 orbit: ~100.699 min (should be the same as Period)
- Period (time to circle the Earth 1 time by = 1 orbit): 100.6 min
- Revisit time (of the same area) on the equator: 10 days
Both satellites:
- Period: 100.6 min / 2 = 50.3 min
- Revisit time (of the same area): 10 days / 2 = 5 days
info sources:
Consists of 2 satellites: Sentinel-3A, Sentinel-3B
1 satellite:
- Orbital cycle: 27 days
- Orbits per cycle: 385
- Calculated time for 1 orbit: ~100.987 min (should be the same as Period)
- Period (time to circle the Earth 1 time = 1 orbit): 100.99 min
- Revisit time (of the same area) on the equator : SLSTR ~1 day, OLCI ~2 days
Both satellites:
- Period: 100.99 min / 2 = 50.495 min
info sources:
Consists of 1 satellite
1 satellite:
- Orbital cycle: 16 days
- Orbits per cycle: 227 (16 per day)
- Calculated time for 1 orbit: ~101.498 min (should be the same as Period)
- Period (time to circle the Earth 1 time = 1 orbit): 101 min
- Revisit time (of the same area) on the equator: ???
info sources:
Consists of 1 satellite
1 satellite:
- Period (time to circle the Earth 1 time = 1 orbit): 99 min
- Revisit time (of the same area) at the equator: 16 days
info sources:
Consists of 1 satellite
1 satellite:
- Period (time to circle the Earth 1 time = 1 orbit): 99 min
- Revisit time (of the same area) at the equator: 16 days
info sources:
Consists of 1 satellite
1 satellite:
- Period (time to circle the Earth 1 time = 1 orbit): 99 min
- Revisit time (of the same area) at the equator: 16 days
info sources:
Consists of 1 satellite
1 satellite:
- Period (time to circle the Earth 1 time = 1 orbit): 99 min
info sources:
Consists of 1 satellite
1 satellite:
- Period (time to circle the Earth 1 time = 1 orbit): 100.16 min
info sources:
- not applicable