There are few ways you can install seismo
locally. It's availabled on npm, github and docker index.
server is available on npm.
$ npm install seismo
In order to run it, you have to provide configuration. Configuration is object, which includes several properties:
var config = {
connection: 'CONNECTION_STRING', // [string] connection string to mongo
authKey: 'SHARED_SECRET', // [string] used to sign server tokens,
tokenTtl: 60, // [int] token time-to-leave in minutes, default is 60 (hour)
users: {
'user': 'BCRYPTED_PASSWORD_HASH' // [string:string] pairs of user name and bcrypted passwords (IMPORTANT, bcrypt with 12 rounds must be used)
/* as many as needed */
Start seismo
var seismo = require('seismo');
seismo.start(config, function (err) {
console.log('seismo server started');
It also possible just clone repo, modify the configuration and start the server.
$ git clone
$ cd seismo
Apply changes into /config and start server.
$ code src/server.js