- 5.5 02/22/90
- 5.00 02/22/90
- add BC7 key words
- put xrefs back into basic ram, bc7 won't free up memory
- add 3 quick-sort routines
- remove option base 1, caused a bug on first pass at line 4100
- add /E option for BC7 extended functions to be key words
- add /? option for help screen
- make UPC a Basic SUb program
- allow wild cards in file name
- allow full path also
- add support for INCLUDE environment variable
- add /K option to print out Basic keywords found
- fix problem in line 1760 if NONE selected for output
- add /B switch for Basic programs with line numbers
- add QBXREF environment variable support for default switches
- fix problem in line 2190 if line started with a colon
- 4.00g 10/09/88
- correct overwrite of output file if /f(filename) is used
- correct "ERROR: Include file 'filename' is missing" message
- 4.00d-4.00f 07/15/88
- increase capacity, allow up to 2500 symbols
- add cross reference of SUBs and DEF FN routines
- add /R option to use record (line) instead of statement numbers
- correct missing numeric labels in label listing
- 4.00c 05/28/88
- correct Goosen's problem with open (double quote) comments
- change default filename for xref from .REF to .LST
- 4.00b 04/03/88
- expand maximum fields to 600
- expand symbol table to include symbol type
- expand xref table to include reference type
- 4.00a 04/03/88
- add QB 4 keywords
- 3.00a 06/21/87
- added keywords for QB version 3
- more work needs to be done.
- 2.07b 03/04/87 by David W. Campbell
- add distinction between dimensioned and undimensioned variables
- 2.07 03/03/87 by David W. Campbell
- acknowledge missing trailing double quotes
- don't number blank or null lines
- don't print page eject or blank line at top of first page
- correct meta pagesize
- correct default pagesize
- 2.06 12/06/86
- fix incorrect statment numbers in xref after labels
- remove duplicate references
- 2.05 11/28/86
- add command line options for destination, lines per page, and columns per line
- improve detection of label versus symbol references for numbers
- note assignment to symbols by an asterisk in cross reference
- 2.03 11/17/86
- correct handling of continued lines (using underscore) which are followed by comments
- correct handling of $TITLE; default title is now program name
- correct handling of lower case meta commands
- show name(s) of included files during first phase
- 2.02 11/12/86
- Correct problem with $INCLUDE
- Correct error 52 at 3350 if don't want xref output
- expand label tables from 2000 to 2500
- supply documentation
- 2.01 09/27/86
- correct not finding labels with leading blanks
- 2.00 07/18/86
- add QB 2.00 keywords
- 1.34 06/23/86
- increase maximum FIELDS to 200
- 1.33 04/22/86
- correct page title positioning
- 1.32 04/08.86
- correct label case, correct tabs
- 1.31 04/02/86
- print after parsing record
- 1.30 03/11/86
- correct Print function
- 1.29 03/09/86
- correct EXEPATCH problem
- 1.27-1.28 02/13/86
- remove UPC due to fouling meta commands
- clean up headings and titles
- 1.24-1.26 02/08/86
- correct Error 6 at line 3900
- 1.21-1.23 02/07/86
- add hash table for symbol look-up
- use binary search for keyword look-up
- 1.20 02/04/86
- add external UPC subroutine
- 1.19 02/03/86
- optimize xref listing and external xref subroutines
- 1.18 02/01/86
- externalize XREFS table to improve housekeeping time
- requires LINK QBX+XREF; followed by EXEPATCH to set x1800 max paras
- 1.16-1.17 01/28/86
- improve analysis routines
- 1.15 01/27/86
- correct FIELD as labels
- 1.14 01/24/86
- implement meta commands
- 1.12-1.13 01/22/86
- revise symbol table lookup
- 1.11 01/22/86
- correction for comments
- 1.10 01/19/86
- speed up analysis phase
- 1.09 01/19/86
- fix Error6 in line 3440
- correct listing of long program lines
- add missing 30 keywords (oops)
- 1.01-1.08 01/17/86
- the hack begins