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Quick overview

POJO annotated with @Entity, must expose a no-arg constructor.

An entity is a Java class that will be mapped to a Cassandra table or UDT. Entities are used as arguments or return types of DAO methods; they can also be nested inside other entities (to map UDT columns).

In order to be detected by the mapper, the class must be annotated with @Entity:

public class Product {
  @PartitionKey private UUID productId;
  private String description;
  public UUID getProductId() { return productId; }
  public void setProductId(UUID productId) { this.productId = productId; }
  public String getDescription() { return description; }
  public void setDescription(String description) { this.description = description; }

Each entity property will be mapped to a CQL column. The way properties are detected is configurable, as explained below:

Property detection


By default, the mapper expects mutable entity classes:

public class Product {
  @PartitionKey private UUID productId;

  public Product() {}

  public UUID getProductId() { return productId; }
  public void setProductId(UUID productId) { this.productId = productId; }

With mutable entities:

  • each entity property:
    • must have a non-void, no-argument getter method.
    • must have a corresponding setter method: matching name, and exactly one argument matching the getter's return type. Note that the return type of the setter does not matter.
    • may have a corresponding field: matching name and type.
  • the type must expose a non-private, no-argument constructor.

When the mapper reads a mutable entity from the database, it will invoke the no-argument constructor to materialize the instance, and then read and set the properties one by one.

You can switch to an immutable style with the @PropertyStrategy annotation:

@PropertyStrategy(mutable = false)
public class ImmutableProduct {
  @PartitionKey private final UUID productId;

  public ImmutableProduct(UUID productId) { this.productId = productId; }

  public UUID getProductId() { return productId; }

With immutable entities:

  • each entity property:
    • must have a non-void, no-argument getter method. The mapper will not look for a setter.
    • may have a corresponding field: matching name and type. You'll probably want to make that field final (although that has no impact on the mapper-generated code).
  • the type must expose a non-private constructor that takes every non-transient property, in the declaration order.

When the mapper reads an immutable entity from the database, it will first read all properties, then invoke the "all columns" constructor to materialize the instance.

Note: the "all columns" constructor must take the properties in the order that they are declared in the entity. If the entity inherits properties from parent types, those must come last in the constructor signature, ordered from the closest parent to the farthest. If things get too complicated, a good trick is to deliberately omit the constructor to let the mapper processor fail: the error message describes the expected signature.

Accessor styles

By default, the mapper looks for JavaBeans-style accessors: getter prefixed with "get" (or "is" for boolean properties) and, if the entity is mutable, setter prefixed with "set":

public class Product {
  @PartitionKey private UUID productId;

  public UUID getProductId() { return productId; }
  public void setProductId(UUID productId) { this.productId = productId; }

You can switch to a "fluent" style (no prefixes) with the @PropertyStrategy annotation:

import static com.datastax.oss.driver.api.mapper.entity.naming.GetterStyle;
import static com.datastax.oss.driver.api.mapper.entity.naming.SetterStyle;

@PropertyStrategy(getterStyle = GetterStyle.FLUENT, setterStyle = SetterStyle.FLUENT)
public class Product {
  @PartitionKey private UUID productId;

  public UUID productId() { return productId; }
  public void productId(UUID productId) { this.productId = productId; }

Note that if you use the fluent style with immutable entities, Java's built-in hashCode() and toString() methods would qualify as properties. The mapper skips them automatically. If you have other false positives that you'd like to ignore, mark them as transient.

Naming strategy

The mapper infers the database schema from your Java model: the entity class's name is converted into a table name, and the property names into column names.

You can control the details of this conversion by annotating your entity class with @NamingStrategy.

Naming conventions

The simplest strategy is to use one of the mapper's built-in conventions:

import static com.datastax.oss.driver.api.mapper.entity.naming.NamingConvention.UPPER_SNAKE_CASE;

@NamingStrategy(convention = UPPER_SNAKE_CASE)
public class Product {
  @PartitionKey private UUID productId;

Conventions convert names according to pre-defined rules. For example, with the UPPER_SNAKE_CASE convention used above, the mapper expects the following schema:

CREATE TABLE "PRODUCT"("PRODUCT_ID" int primary key ...)

For the list of all available conventions, look at the enum constants in NamingConvention.

If you don't annotate your class with @NamingStrategy, the mapper defaults to the SNAKE_CASE_INSENSITIVE convention.

User-provided name converter

If none of the built-in conventions work for you, you can provide your own conversion logic by implementing NameConverter:

public class MyNameConverter implements NameConverter {
  public String toCassandraName(String javaName) {
    ... // implement your logic here

Then pass your converter class to the annotation:

@NamingStrategy(customConverterClass = MyNameConverter.class)
public class Product {

The mapper will use reflection to build an instance of the converter; it needs to expose a public no-arg constructor.

Note that, unlike built-in conventions, the mapper processor cannot invoke your converter at compile time and use the converted names directly in generated code. Instead, the generated code will invoke the converter at runtime (that is, every time you run a query). If you want to squeeze the last bit of performance from the mapper, we recommend sticking to conventions.

User-provided names

Finally, you can override the CQL name manually with the @CqlName annotation:

private UUID productId;

It works both on entity properties, and on the entity class itself.

This takes precedence over the entity-level naming strategy, so it's convenient if almost all of your schema follows a convention, but you need exceptions for a few columns.

Property annotations

Properties can be annotated to configure various aspects of the mapping. The annotation can be either on the field, or on the getter (if both are specified, the mapper processor issues a compile-time warning, and the field annotation will be ignored).

Primary key columns

If the entity maps to a table, properties that map to partition key columns must be annotated with @PartitionKey:

// CREATE TABLE sales(countryCode text, areaCode text, sales int,
//                    PRIMARY KEY((countryCode, areaCode)));

private String countryCode;
private String areaCode;

If the partition key is composite, the annotation's integer value indicates the position of each property in the key. Note that any values can be used, but for clarity it's probably a good idea to use consecutive integers starting at 0 or 1.

Similarly, properties that map to clustering columns must be annotated with @ClusteringColumn:

// CREATE TABLE sensor_reading(id uuid, year int, month int, day int, value double,
//                             PRIMARY KEY(id, year, month, day));
private UUID id;
private int year;
private int month;
private int day;

This information is used by some of the DAO method annotations; for example, @Select's default behavior is to generate a selection by primary key.

Computed properties

Annotating an entity property with @Computed indicates that when retrieving data with the mapper this property should be set to the result of a computation on the Cassandra side, typically a function call:

private int v;

private long writetime;

The CQL return type of the formula must match the type of the property, otherwise an exception will be thrown.

@Computed does not support case-sensitivity. If the expression contains case-sensitive column or function names, you'll have to escape them:

private int f;

@Computed fields are only used for select-based queries, so they will not be considered for @Update or @Insert operations.

Also note that like all other properties, the expected name in a query result for a @Computed property is based on the property name and the employed @NamingStrategy. You may override this behavior using @CqlName.

Mapping computed results to property names is accomplished using aliases. If you wish to use entities with @Computed properties with @GetEntity or @Query-annotated dao methods, you must also do the same:

class MyEntity {
  @PartitionKey private int k;

  private int v;

  private int myTtl;

  private long writetime;

would expect a @Query such as:

class MyDao {
  @Query("select k, v, ttl(v) as my_ttl, writetime(v) as ts from ${qualifiedTableId} where k=:id")
  MyEntity findById(int id);

Transient properties

In some cases, one may opt to exclude properties defined on an entity from being considered by the mapper. In this case, simply annotate these properties with @Transient:

private int notAColumn;

In addition, one may specify transient property names at the entity level by leveraging the @TransientProperties annotation:

@TransientProperties({"notAColumn", "x"})
public class Product {
  @PartitionKey private UUID id;
  private String description;
  // these columns are not included because their names are specified in @TransientProperties
  private int notAColumn;
  private int x;

Finally, any field including the transient keyword modifier will also be considered transient, i.e.:

private transient int notAColumn;

Custom column name

Override the CQL name manually with @CqlName, see User-provided names above.

Default keyspace

You can specify a default keyspace to use when doing operations on a given entity:

@Entity(defaultKeyspace = "inventory")
public class Product {

This will be used when you build a DAO without an explicit keyspace parameter:

public interface InventoryMapper {
  ProductDao productDao();

  ProductDao productDao(@DaoKeyspace String keyspace);

ProductDao productDao = mapper.productDao();
productDao.insert(product); // inserts into inventory.product

ProductDao productDaoTest = mapper.productDao("test");
productDaoTest.insert(product); // inserts into test.product

The default keyspace optional: if it is not specified, and you build a DAO without a keyspace, then the session must have a default keyspace, otherwise an error will be thrown:

public class Product { ... }

CqlSession session = CqlSession.builder()
InventoryMapper mapper = new InventoryMapperBuilder(session).build();

ProductDao productDao = mapper.productDao();
productDao.insert(product); // inserts into default_ks.product

If you want the name to be case-sensitive, it must be enclosed in double-quotes, for example:

@Entity(defaultKeyspace = "\"defaultKs\"")


When mapping an entity class or a UDT class, the mapper will transparently scan superclasses and parent interfaces for properties and annotations, thus enabling polymorphic mapping of one class hierarchy into different CQL tables or UDTs.

Each concrete class must be annotated with @Entity and abstract classes and interfaces must not use this annotation.

Here is an example of a polymorphic mapping:

static class Point2D {
  private int x;
  private int y;

  public int getX() { return x; }

  public void setX(int x) { this.x = x; }

  public int getY() { return y; }

  public void setY(int y) { this.y = y; }

static class Point3D extends Point2D {
  private int z;

  public int getZ() { return z; }

  public void setZ(int z) {  this.z = z; }

abstract static class Shape {
  @PartitionKey // annotated field on superclass; annotation will get inherited in all subclasses
  protected UUID id;

  public abstract UUID getId();

  public void setId(UUID id) { = id; }

static class Rectangle extends Shape {
  private Point2D bottomLeft;
  private Point2D topRight;

  public UUID getId() { return id; }

  public Point2D getBottomLeft() { return bottomLeft; }

  public void setBottomLeft(Point2D bottomLeft) { this.bottomLeft = bottomLeft; }

  public Point2D getTopRight() { return topRight; }

  public void setTopRight(Point2D topRight) { this.topRight = topRight; }

  public double getWidth() { return Math.abs(topRight.getX() - bottomLeft.getX()); }

  public double getHeight() { return Math.abs(topRight.getY() - bottomLeft.getY()); }

static class Circle extends Shape {
  protected Point2D center;

  protected double radius;

  public UUID getId() { return id; }

  public double getRadius() { return this.radius; }

  public Circle setRadius(double radius) {
    this.radius = radius;
    return this;

  public Point2D getCenter() { return center; }

  public void setCenter(Point2D center) { = center; }

static class Sphere extends Circle {

  public UUID getId() { return id; }

  // overrides field annotation in Circle,
  // note that the property type is narrowed down to Point3D
  public Point3D getCenter() { return (Point3D) center; }

  public void setCenter(Point2D center) {
    assert center instanceof Point3D; = center;

  // overridden builder-style setter
  public Sphere setRadius(double radius) {
    return this;

The generated entity code should map to the following schema:

CREATE TYPE point2d ("X" int, "Y" int)
CREATE TYPE point3d ("X" int, "Y" int, "Z" int)
CREATE TABLE rectangles (rect_id uuid PRIMARY KEY, bottom_left frozen<point2d>, top_right frozen<point2d>)
CREATE TABLE circles (circle_id uuid PRIMARY KEY, center2d frozen<point2d>, radius double)
CREATE TABLE spheres (sphere_id uuid PRIMARY KEY, center3d frozen<point3d>, radius double)

Annotation priority is driven by proximity to the @Entity class. For example, in the code above the use of @CqlName("sphere_id") on Sphere.getId() overrides the annotation @CqlName("circle_id") on Circle.getId() for the Sphere entity.

Annotations declared on classes are given priority over annotations declared by interfaces the same level.

To control how the class hierarchy is scanned, annotate classes with @HierarchyScanStrategy.