This project is based on the Rust on Nails architecture.
This project uses Devpod. DevPod is a tool used to create reproducible developer environments. We use K3s to host our development environment as this is also where we do most development.
sudo curl -sfL | INSTALL_K3S_EXEC='server --write-kubeconfig-mode="644"' sh -
Extract the kubeconfig for use by other K8's tools.
mkdir -p ~/.kube && cp /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml ~/.kube/config
Go to and install the CLI.
Then run
devpod go
Open up the terminal using Use the View > Terminal
menu command or CTRL/CMD `
You can type the following commands in the Linux command prompt.
- rustc --version
- npm -v
- psql -V
Use the following command to inject the k3s.yaml into the containers kube config.
POD_NAME=$(kubectl -n devpod get pods --field-selector=status.phase=Running -o jsonpath='{.items[*]}' | grep 'bionic-gpt' | head -n 1)
kubectl -n devpod exec $POD_NAME -- mkdir -p /home/vscode/.kube
kubectl -n devpod cp /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml $POD_NAME:/home/vscode/.kube/config
HOST_IP=$(hostname -I | awk '{print $1}')
kubectl -n devpod exec $POD_NAME -- sed -i "s/${HOST_IP}/g" /home/vscode/.kube/config
echo "
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: bionic-devpod
namespace: devpod
selector: 'true'
- protocol: TCP
port: 7703
targetPort: 7703
" | kubectl apply -f -
Edit the configmap and set the host to
and the port to
cargo run --bin k8s-operator -- install --development --no-operator --hostname-url http://pop-os
Then also run the operator
cargo run --bin k8s-operator -- operator
We use dbmate to manage database migrations.
$ dbmate status
[ ] 20220410155201_initial_setup.sql
[ ] 20220410155211_authentication.sql
[ ] 20220410155233_rbac_and_authorization.sql
[ ] 20220410155252_teams.sql
[ ] 20220728091159_rls_setup.sql
[ ] 20220808093939_auth_and_readonly_policies.sql
[ ] 20220808094314_tenancy_isolation.sql
[ ] 20230801121853_chats.sql
[ ] 20230804140530_documents_and_datasets.sql
[ ] 20230807094835_prompts.sql
[ ] 20230810114756_models.sql
Applied: 0
Pending: 11
Create all the database tables with
dbmate up
The website uses a zola theme. This will need to be loaded with
git submodule init
ollama pull llama2
ollama run llama2
Test the above with
curl http://llm-api:11434/v1/chat/completions \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"model": "llama2",
"messages": [
"role": "system",
"content": "You are a helpful assistant."
"role": "user",
"content": "Hello!"
We have created a .bash_alias
file in the .devcontainer
folder. Open up 3 consoles in visual studio code and run the following in each one.
- Watch Pipeline - compiles the web assets such as typescript, scss and processes images.wt
- Watch TailwindCSS - Runs tailwinf to create an output.css file.wa
- Stands for watch application - compiles and runs the axum server and will recompile on file chnages.wz
- Watch Zola - runs the static site generator.we
- Watch Embeddings - runs the embeddings job.
If you get an error such as Permission Denied
on the target folder run the following
sudo chmod 777 -R target