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Online Resources |
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There are a handful of websites where you can interactively run Scala code in your browser! Have a look at Scastie.
The Scala Center is committed to creating high-quality and freely available online courses for learning Scala and functional programming. The course levels range from beginner to advanced. More details on [this page]({% link online-courses.md %}).
Scala Exercises is a series of lessons and exercises created by 47 Degrees. It's a great way to get a brief introduction to Scala while testing your knowledge along the way.
Tour of Scala gives you an introduction to Scala, step by step, from begineer to expert.
Dr. Mark C Lewis from Trinity University, San Antonio, TX, teaches programming courses using the Scala language. Course videos are available in YouTube for free. Some courses below.
- Introduction to Programming and Problem Solving Using Scala
- Object-Orientation, Abstraction, and Data Structures Using Scala
You can visit his YouTube channel for more videos.
Scala Learning Community on Discord, a growing online community connecting learners with online resources to learn Scala together.
allaboutscala provides detailed tutorials for beginners.
DevInsideYou is a YouTube channel with hundreds of hours of free Scala content.
Rock the JVM is a learning platform with free and premium courses on the Scala language, Akka, Cats Effect, ZIO, Apache Spark and other tools in the Scala ecosystem. It also has hundreds of free video tutorials and articles on a variety of Scala-related topics.
Visual Scala Reference, a guide to visually learn about Scala concepts and functions.