Name | Type | Description | Notes |
unit | \SapientPro\EbayInventorySDK\Enums\WeightUnitOfMeasureEnum | The unit of measurement used to specify the weight of a shipping package. Both the <strong>unit</strong> and <strong>value</strong> fields are required if the <strong>weight</strong> container is used. If the English system of measurement is being used, the applicable values for weight units are <code>POUND</code> and <code>OUNCE</CODE>. If the metric system of measurement is being used, the applicable values for weight units are <code>KILOGRAM</code> and <code>GRAM</code>. The metric system is used by most countries outside of the US. For implementation help, refer to <a href=''>eBay API documentation</a> | [optional] |
value | float | The actual weight (in the measurement unit specified in the <strong>unit</strong> field) of the shipping package. Both the <strong>unit</strong> and <strong>value</strong> fields are required if the <strong>weight</strong> container is used. If a shipping package weighed 20.5 ounces, the container would look as follows: <br/><pre>"weight": {<br/> "value": 20.5,<br/> "unit": "OUNCE"<br/> }</pre> | [optional] |