Generic component providing the heart of search-and-sort modules
Many Stripes application modules are primarily to do with searching, sorting and browsing sets of records of some kind, and viewing their detailed information, editing them, creating new records, etc. Examples of such modules include ui-users, ui-inventory and ui-requests. Such modules can be created quickly and easily by having their render
method simply invoke <SearchAndSort>
with appropriate configuration. It is then the application's responsibility to provide components that view records of the relevant type in detail, that edit them, etc.
Name | type | description |
moduleName | string | The machine-readable name of the module for which <SearchAndSort> is being invoked, to be used in generating HTML IDs, etc. This is usually the last component of . |
moduleTitle | string | The human-readable name of the module, to be used in visible titles, etc. This is usually packageInfo.stripes.displayName . |
objectName | string | The machine-readable name of the kind of record that is being managed -- often the singular form of the moduleName (e.g. "user" for "users"). This is used both in HTML IDs and, in capitalised form, in some human-readable captions. |
baseRoute | string | The base route at which the module is visible. Should be set to packageInfo.stripes.route . |
searchableIndexes | array of structures | Each structure in the array represents an index which the application can search in. The presence of this property causes a dropdown to appear before the query box offering the choice of indexes. Each structure must contain a human-readable string called label , a corresponding CQL index-name called value (which may be blank for a "search all indexes" entry) and optionally a boolean called disabled , which should be set for indexes which should be displayed greyed out and unavailable for selection. |
searchableIndexesPlaceholder | string | If this is provided and is a string, then it appears as an unselectable (permanently disabled) first entry in the index-selection dropdown. If it is provided and is null then no placeholder is added. For backwards compatibility, if it completely absent then a default placeholder string is used. |
selectedIndex | string | When searchableIndexes is provided, this must also be supplied, its value matching one of those in the provided array. |
onChangeIndex | function | If provided, this function is invoked, and passed an event structure, when the user changes which index is selected. |
maxSortKeys | number | If provided, specifies that maximum number of sort-keys that should be remembered for "stable sorting". Defaults to 2 if not specified. |
sortableColumns | array | If provided, specifies the columns that can be sorted. |
filterConfig | array of structures | Configuration for the module's filters, as documented in the <FilterGroups> readme. |
initialFilters | string | The initial state of the filters when the application started up, used when resetting to the initial state. Takes the same form as the filters part of the URL: a comma-separated list of group .name filters that are selected. |
disableFilters | object whose keys are filter-group names | In the display of filter groups, those that are named in this object are greyed out and cannot be selected. |
filterChangeCallback | function | If provided, this function is invoked when the user changes a filter. It is passed the new set of filters, in the form of an object whose keys are the group .name specifiers of each selected filter. |
onFilterChange | function | Callback to be called after filter value is changed. Gets filter name and filter values in a form of an object { name: <String>, values: <Array> } . |
renderFilters | function | Renders a set of filters. Gets onChange callback to be called after filter value change. |
renderNavigation | function | Renders a component at the top of the first section (filters) to be used as navigation. Default noop . |
initialResultCount | number | The number of records to fetch when a new search is executed (including the null search that is run when the module starts). |
resultCountIncrement | number | The amount by which to increase the number of records when scrolling close to the bottom of the loaded list. |
viewRecordComponent | component | A React component that displays a record of the appropriate type in full view. This is invoked with a specific set of properties that ought also to be documented, but for now, see the example of <ViewUser> in ui-users. |
viewRecordPathById | function | A function that takes an id and returns a path to link brief records to. Used in lieu of viewRecordComponent |
createRecordPath | string | Path to link the "New" button to rather than use editRecordComponent . |
editRecordComponent | component | A React component that displays an editing form for a record of the appropriate type, and which can also be used for creating new records. This is invoked with a specific set of properties that ought also to be documented, but for now, see the example of <UserForm> in ui-users. |
newRecordInitialValues | object whose keys are field-names | Values to set into the form when creating a new record. |
visibleColumns | array of fieldnames | As for <MultiColumnList> |
columnWidths | object whose names are field captions | As for <MultiColumnList> |
columnMapping | object whose names are field captions | As for <MultiColumnList> |
resultsFormatter | object mapping field-names to functions | As for <MultiColumnList> |
onSelectRow | func | Optional function to override the default action when selecting a row (which displays the full record). May be used, for example, when running one module embedded in another, as when ui-checkin embeds an instance of ui-users to select the user for whom items are being checked out. |
massageNewRecord | func | If provided, this function is passed newly submitted records and may massage them in whatever way it wishes before they are persisted to the back-end. May be used to perform lookups, expand abbreviations, etc. |
onCreate | func | A function which is passed the (possibly massaged) record, and must persist it to the back-end. In most cases this will be a one-liner, but some modules (e.g. ui-users) have more complex requirements. |
finishedResourceName | string | Newly created records are displayed as soon as they are created. Usually that is as soon as the record itself exists, but in some cases it is not until some other operation has completed -- for example, new user records are not ready to be displayed until their permissions have been added. In such situations, this property may be set to the name of the resource which must have completed its operations before the record is ready. |
viewRecordPerms | string | A comma-separated list of the permissions required in order to view a full record. |
newRecordPerms | string | A comma-separated list of the permissions required in order to create a new record. |
disableRecordCreation | bool | If true, new record cannot be created. This is appropriate when one application is running embedded in another. |
parentResources | shape | The parent component's stripes-connect resources property, used to access the records of the relevant type. Must contain at least records , query (the anointed resource used for navigation) and resultCount (a scalar used in infinite scrolling). |
parentMutator | shape | The parent component's stripes-connect mutator property. Must contain at least query (the anointed resource used for navigation) and resultCount (a scalar used in infinite scrolling). |
nsParams | object or string | An object or string used to namespace search and sort parameters. More information can be found here |
notLoadedMessage | string | A message to show the user before a search has been submitted. Defaults to "Choose a filter or enter search query to show results". |
getHelperResourcePath | func | An optional function which can be used to return helper's resource path dynamically. |
getHelperComponent | func | An optional function which can be used to return connected helper component implementation. |
title | string/element | An optional property to specify title of results pane. By default module display name is used. |
hasNewButton | boolean | An optional property to specify appearance Of New button of results pane. By default pane displays with New button. |
See ui-users' top-level component <Users.js>
for an example of how to use <SearchAndSort>
Invoked as:
makeQueryFunction(findAll, queryTemplate, sortMap, filterConfig, failOnCondition)
Makes and returns a function, suitable to be used as the query
param of a stripes-connect resource configuration. The function is itself configured by five parameters, which will vary depending on the module that is using it, and will use these to determine how to interpret the query, filters and sort-specification in the application state. It is generally used as follows:
static manifest = Object.freeze({
items: {
type: 'okapi',
records: 'items',
path: 'item-storage/items',
params: {
query: makeQueryFunction(
'materialType="${query}" or barcode="${query}*" or title="${query}*"',
{ 'Material Type': 'materialType' },
staticFallback: { params: {} },
The five parameters are:
-- a CQL string that can be used to find all records, for situations where no query or filters are specified and the application wants all records to be listed. -
-- a CQL string into which the query and other data can be substituted, using the same syntax as path substitution in stripes-connect: for example,?{query}
interpolates thequery
parameter from the URL. -
-- an object mapping the names of columns in the display to the CQL sort-specifiers that they should invoke when clicked on. -
-- the configuration of the application's filter as passed to the<FilterGroups>
component. -
-- an optional indicator of how to behave when no query and/or filters are provided. Can take the following values:0
: do not fail even if query and filters and empty1
: fail if query is empty, whatever the filter state2
: fail if both query and filters and empty.
For backwards compatibility,
(or omitting the argument altogether) is equivalent to0
, andtrue
is equivalent to1
.Please, pay attention, there is a set of components to be used for filtering inside SearchAndSort component. Each component represents a wrapper on existing form element component e.g. MultiSelect or renders a set of elements working like one filter e.g. CheckboxFilter. After change returns data in format: {name: , values: }, where name -- is a filter name and values -- filter values.
See the separate document Building filters for your Stripes app.