Releases: salopensource/sal-scripts
Sal Scripts 1.0.3
Sal scripts 1.0.2
New in sal-scripts 1.0.2:
- Support for scripts retrieved from plugins (requires Sal 2.5.0 or later).
Fixes in sal-scripts 1.0.2:
- Catalogs and application inventory are only sent when Munki isn't run manually by launching Managed Software Center to speed up manual runs.
- Fix for Unicode (emojis in machine names etc)
- Version number wasn't reporting correctly in checkin
Sal Script 1.0.1
New in sal-scripts 1.0.0:
- Support for scripts retrieved from plugins (requires Sal 2.5.0).
Fixes in sal-scripts 1.0.0:
- Catalogs and application inventory are only sent when Munki isn't run manually by launching Managed Software Center to speed up manual runs.
- Fix for Unicode (emojis in machine names etc)
Sal Scripts 1.0.0
New in sal-scripts 1.0.0:
- Support for scripts retrieved from plugins (requires Sal 2.5.0).
Fixes in sal-scripts 1.0.0:
- Catalogs and application inventory are only sent when Munki isn't run manually by launching Managed Software Center to speed up manual runs.
Version 0.9.1
This release removes osquery support. It has been broken since osquery 1.6, and will be replaced by something cooler in sal-scripts 1.0.0 :)
Fixed in this release:
- The new method of getting the computer name would cause submission to fail if the name isn't set properly. We now fall back to the old way if needed.
Version 0.8.1
Version 0.8.0
This release is pretty much a complete re-write (thanks to @sheagcraig!), which should make these scripts much more maintainable.
Fixes in this release:
- Report data from clients running Puppet 4 is now sent.
- Facter 3's structured facts no longer cause Sal to error out
Version 0.7.5
This version of Sal Scripts will submit the install log and the catalogs if needed. This is required for Sal 2.4.0. Includes a fix when using the new omni-package for Puppet (thanks to @sheagcraig)
Version 0.6.1
This release goes back to using curl to submit information to Sal, which will hopefully cure the random failures some have been reporting. There is also additional validation on the JSON returned from plugins before writing osquery's configuration file.
Version 0.6.0
Version 0.6.0 supports the use of osquery and submitting of application inventory. The new features also require Sal 2.1.0. For more information on the use of the new features, see the Sal 2.1.0 release.