This is a web application that allows users to search for and explore GIFs sourced from the Giphy API. It provides a user-friendly interface for discovering and sharing animated GIFs.
- GIF Search : Search for GIFs by entering keywords or phrases.
- Trending GIFs : Explore trending GIFs to discover popular content.
- Random GIFs : View random GIFs for entertainment.
- Download GIFs : Download GIFs to your device for offline use or sharing.
- Reactjs (a Javscript library for building user interface ).
- MaterialUI ( styling library sponsored by Google).
- Axios (An Https library for fetching API data).
- GIT (A version control system for deploying the code to Github).
- React-Router (routing library to navigate between the web-pages).
- Clone this repository.
- Install dependencies using npm install or Yarn Install.
- Start the server using npm start or Yarn start.
- Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:port (replace port with the port number configured in your environment).
- Obtain an API key from GPIHY and replace YOUR_API_KEY in the code with my actual API key.