An Entity-Relationship DBMS from scratch. The whole application has been written in C. All entities & links are stored in the form of structs. All data is handled in simple binary files. Majority operations are done using proper file handling.
- Compile the files
- Run the executable
- Delete files later
make clean
- Create Database from schema in txt.
- Create Custom entities & relationships.
- Handle Multiple Databases.
- Basic Operations like ADD, UPDATE, DELETE, MODIFY.
- Create LINKS between any 2 entities.
- All data, database info, schema are stored in the form of files.
- app
- app.c : main driver file
- academia.h : file with Student & Course structs
- pds
- bst.h : bst header file
- bst.c : bst function implementations
- pds.h : pds header file
- pds.c : complete pds implementation
- academia.txt : database schema file
- makefile : for the make tool