A plugin for proxy.py to spoil UX of web browsing
You can spoil User Experience of e.g. YouTube with a combination of proxy.py plus proxy.py-uxspoilers-plugin and a kind of following PAC/WPAD file.
function FindProxyForURL(url, host)
if (shExpMatch(host, "*youtube*") || shExpMatch(host, "*.googlevideo.com"))
return "PROXY ip-of-your-proxy:8899";
return "DIRECT";
Run your proxy server like this:
proxy --hostname= --pac-file /path/to/wpad.dat --plugin uxspoilers.FixedRustyPumpPlugin --pause-seconds 3
Your /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf
should look like this:
option wpad code 252 = text;
host target-device {
option wpad "http://ip-of-your-proxy:8899/wpad.dat";
hardware ethernet 2e:8d:8d:xx:xx:xx;
Or you may configure your browser's PAC with http://ip-of-your-proxy:8899/wpad.dat
pip3 install proxy.py-uxspoilers-plugin
proxy --help --plugin uxspoilers.RandomRustyPumpPlugin
docker run -it sakuraiyouhei/proxy.py-uxspoilers-plugin --help --plugin uxspoilers.RandomRustyPumpPlugin