Priyam Saikia (UFID **** ****)
Design chord protocol using genserver/Actor model in Elixir to implement the network join and routing as described in the Chord MIT paper and encode the simple application that associates a key with a string.
Elixir Mix project is required to be installed. Files of importance in the zipped folder (in order of call):
entrypoint.exs -> Commandline entry module
chord_protocol.ex -> Main Module
supervisor.ex -> Supervisor Module
chord_boss.ex -> Worker Module
Node_join.ex -> Sub-Module for join and stabilize
To run a test case, do:
- Unzip contents to your desired elixir project folder.
- Open cmd window from this project location (use $cd to change location)
- Type "mix run entrypoint.exs " in commandline without quotes.
- The run terminates when all the peers perform given number of requests (details in report).
- The result provides the average number of hops for the message to be delivered
C:\Users\PSaikia\Documents\Elixir\kv\chord_protocol>mix run entrypoint.exs 1000 10
Chord Protocol begins...
Average hops: 3.2189000000000005
Completed Chord Protocol
We have implemented the chord protocol node join and routing mechanism as mentioned in the MIT paper. Each peer is being added to the overlay network. After one peer is joined, next peer can join them to form a DHT. Once all the peers are joined, the message delivery starts. We pass one request/second and this continues until number of requests for each node is equal to the user-entered numRequests. Functions mentioned in the paper such as finding successor, finding predecessor, fixing fingers, finding closest preceding peer, creating, joining, notify, and stabilizing has been implemented.
Largest network tested:
Largest Number of Nodes tested: 5000
Largest Number of Requests: 100
C:\Users\PSaikia\Documents\Elixir\kv\chord_protocol>mix run entrypoint.exs 5000 100
Chord Protocol begins...
Average hops: 4.097342000000015
Completed Chord Protocol