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RDFLIB-based SPARQL Endpoint Fixture for pytest

Enable the fixture explicitly in your tests or (not required when using setuptools entry points):

pytest_plugins = [

The endpoint fixture uses httpretty to intercept all HTTP calls to the specified URL and can be initialized with RDF data prior to use.

import requests

def test_request_get(sparql_endpoint):
    repo_uri = ''
    rdf_files = ['tests/upper_ontology.ttl',
    endpoint = sparql_endpoint(repo_uri, rdf_files)
    query = "select distinct ?class where { [] a ?class } order by ?class"
    response = requests.get(url=repo_uri, params={'query': query}, headers={'Accept': 'application/json'})
    assert len(response.json()['results']['bindings']) == '10'

Since the backing store for the simulated endpoint is a RDFLib ConjuntiveGraph, initial data can be loaded into specified named graphs:

import requests

def test_multiple_graphs(sparql_endpoint):
    repo_uri = ''
    rdf_files = [{'': 'tests/upper_ontology.ttl',
                  '': 'tests/domain_ontology.ttl',
                  '': 'tests/instance_data.ttl'}]
    endpoint = sparql_endpoint(repo_uri, rdf_files)  # noqa: F841
    query = "select ?graph (count(?s) as ?size) where { graph ?graph { ?s ?p ?o } } group by ?graph"
    response = requests.get(url=repo_uri, params={'query': query}, headers={'Accept': 'application/json'})
    results = dict(
        (row['graph']['value'], row['size']['value'])
        for row in response.json()['results']['bindings'])

    expected = {'': '18',
                '': '21',
                '': '15'}
    assert results == expected

Specifying the dataset context for the query is supported via query parameters as per the SPARQL HTTP Protocol, using default-graph-uri/named-graph-uri URI request parameters for queries and using-graph-uri/using-named-graph-uri for updates. Datasets specified via request parameters will override any dataset specification in the query itself (via FROM or USING) - no attempt will be made to merge them.

response = requests.get(url=repo_uri,
                            'query': "select * where { ?s ?p ?o }",
                            'default-graph-uri': ['', '']
                        headers={'Accept': 'application/json'})

The fixture also supports predefined responses for non-SPARQL requests, so that administrative and utility calls generated by 3rd-party clients can be handled. The matching path can be specified as either a fixed string or a re.Pattern, and the response can be a fixed (status_code, header_dict, body) tuple or a method that takes a HTTPrettyRequest parameter and returns such a tuple. In order to handle these varied paths, the endpoint URI should be specified as a Pattern as well. For example:

    endpoint = sparql_endpoint(
        re.compile(repo_uri + '.*'),
            # Fixed match, fixed response
            '/repo/ok': (200, {}, 'OK'),
            # Regex match, fixed response
            re.compile(r'/repo/transaction/.*'): (201, {}, ''),
            # Regex match, dynamic response
            re.compile(r'/repo/admin/.*'): lambda r: (200, {}, r.path[15:])

Planned Development

Support will be added for the graph store protocol in the future.