diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index 47e23668005..e617a756a55 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -293,6 +293,7 @@ if (WITH_GUI)
+ add_subdirectory(sysid)
diff --git a/settings.gradle b/settings.gradle
index 38617022ae8..3e41f162093 100644
--- a/settings.gradle
+++ b/settings.gradle
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ include 'glass'
include 'outlineviewer'
include 'roborioteamnumbersetter'
include 'datalogtool'
+include 'sysid'
include 'simulation:halsim_ds_socket'
include 'simulation:halsim_gui'
include 'simulation:halsim_ws_core'
diff --git a/sysid/.styleguide b/sysid/.styleguide
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8506bf193ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sysid/.styleguide
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+cppHeaderFileInclude {
+ \.h$
+ \.inc$
+ \.inl$
+cppSrcFileInclude {
+ \.cpp$
+generatedFileExclude {
+ src/main/native/resources/
+ src/main/native/win/sysid.ico
+ src/main/native/mac/sysid.icns
+repoRootNameOverride {
+ sysid
+includeOtherLibs {
+ ^fmt/
+ ^frc/
+ ^glass/
+ ^gtest/
+ ^imgui
+ ^implot\.h$
+ ^networktables/
+ ^portable-file-dialogs\.h$
+ ^ntcore
+ ^units/
+ ^wpi/
+ ^wpigui
diff --git a/sysid/CMakeLists.txt b/sysid/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..31fbe08d0da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sysid/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+configure_file(src/main/generate/WPILibVersion.cpp.in WPILibVersion.cpp)
+generate_resources(src/main/native/resources generated/main/cpp SYSID sysid sysid_resources_src)
+file(GLOB_RECURSE sysid_src src/main/native/cpp/*.cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/WPILibVersion.cpp)
+if (WIN32)
+ set(sysid_rc src/main/native/win/sysid.rc)
+ set(MACOSX_BUNDLE_ICON_FILE sysid.icns)
+ set(APP_ICON_MACOSX src/main/native/mac/sysid.icns)
+ set_source_files_properties(${APP_ICON_MACOSX} PROPERTIES MACOSX_PACKAGE_LOCATION "Resources")
+add_executable(sysid ${sysid_src} ${sysid_resources_src} ${sysid_rc} ${APP_ICON_MACOSX})
+target_include_directories(sysid PRIVATE src/main/native/include)
+target_link_libraries(sysid wpimath libglassnt libglass)
+if (WIN32)
+ set_target_properties(sysid PROPERTIES WIN32_EXECUTABLE YES)
+ set_target_properties(sysid PROPERTIES MACOSX_BUNDLE YES OUTPUT_NAME "SysId")
+ wpilib_add_test(sysid src/test/native/cpp)
+ wpilib_link_macos_gui(sysid_test)
+ target_sources(sysid_test PRIVATE ${sysid_src})
+ target_compile_definitions(sysid_test PRIVATE RUNNING_SYSID_TESTS)
+ target_include_directories(sysid_test PRIVATE src/main/native/cpp
+ src/main/native/include)
+ target_link_libraries(sysid_test wpimath libglassnt libglass gtest)
diff --git a/sysid/Info.plist b/sysid/Info.plist
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..37bb798b4f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sysid/Info.plist
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+ CFBundleName
+ SysId
+ CFBundleExecutable
+ sysid
+ CFBundleDisplayName
+ SysId
+ CFBundleIdentifier
+ edu.wpi.first.tools.SysId
+ CFBundleIconFile
+ sysid.icns
+ CFBundlePackageType
+ CFBundleSupportedPlatforms
+ MacOSX
+ CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion
+ 6.0
+ CFBundleShortVersionString
+ 2021
+ CFBundleVersion
+ 2021
+ LSMinimumSystemVersion
+ 10.14
+ NSHighResolutionCapable
diff --git a/sysid/build.gradle b/sysid/build.gradle
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e6709fc8285
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sysid/build.gradle
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+import org.gradle.internal.os.OperatingSystem
+if (project.hasProperty('onlylinuxathena')) {
+ return;
+description = 'System identification for robot mechanisms'
+apply plugin: 'cpp'
+apply plugin: 'google-test-test-suite'
+apply plugin: 'visual-studio'
+apply plugin: 'edu.wpi.first.NativeUtils'
+if (OperatingSystem.current().isWindows()) {
+ apply plugin: 'windows-resources'
+ext {
+ nativeName = 'sysid'
+apply from: "${rootDir}/shared/resources.gradle"
+apply from: "${rootDir}/shared/config.gradle"
+def wpilibVersionFileInput = file("src/main/generate/WPILibVersion.cpp.in")
+def wpilibVersionFileOutput = file("$buildDir/generated/main/cpp/WPILibVersion.cpp")
+apply from: "${rootDir}/shared/imgui.gradle"
+task generateCppVersion() {
+ description = 'Generates the wpilib version class'
+ group = 'WPILib'
+ outputs.file wpilibVersionFileOutput
+ inputs.file wpilibVersionFileInput
+ if (wpilibVersioning.releaseMode) {
+ outputs.upToDateWhen { false }
+ }
+ // We follow a simple set of checks to determine whether we should generate a new version file:
+ // 1. If the release type is not development, we generate a new version file
+ // 2. If there is no generated version number, we generate a new version file
+ // 3. If there is a generated build number, and the release type is development, then we will
+ // only generate if the publish task is run.
+ doLast {
+ def version = wpilibVersioning.version.get()
+ println "Writing version ${version} to $wpilibVersionFileOutput"
+ if (wpilibVersionFileOutput.exists()) {
+ wpilibVersionFileOutput.delete()
+ }
+ def read = wpilibVersionFileInput.text.replace('${wpilib_version}', version)
+ wpilibVersionFileOutput.write(read)
+ }
+gradle.taskGraph.addTaskExecutionGraphListener { graph ->
+ def willPublish = graph.hasTask(publish)
+ if (willPublish) {
+ generateCppVersion.outputs.upToDateWhen { false }
+ }
+def generateTask = createGenerateResourcesTask('main', 'SYSID', 'sysid', project)
+project(':').libraryBuild.dependsOn build
+tasks.withType(CppCompile) {
+ dependsOn generateTask
+ dependsOn generateCppVersion
+model {
+ components {
+ // By default, a development executable will be generated. This is to help the case of
+ // testing specific functionality of the library.
+ "${nativeName}"(NativeExecutableSpec) {
+ baseName = 'sysid'
+ sources {
+ cpp {
+ source {
+ srcDirs 'src/main/native/cpp', "$buildDir/generated/main/cpp"
+ include '**/*.cpp'
+ }
+ exportedHeaders {
+ srcDirs 'src/main/native/include'
+ }
+ }
+ if (OperatingSystem.current().isWindows()) {
+ rc.source {
+ srcDirs 'src/main/native/win'
+ include '*.rc'
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ binaries.all {
+ if (it.targetPlatform.name == nativeUtils.wpi.platforms.roborio) {
+ it.buildable = false
+ return
+ }
+ lib project: ':glass', library: 'glassnt', linkage: 'static'
+ lib project: ':glass', library: 'glass', linkage: 'static'
+ project(':ntcore').addNtcoreDependency(it, 'static')
+ lib project: ':wpinet', library: 'wpinet', linkage: 'static'
+ lib project: ':wpiutil', library: 'wpiutil', linkage: 'static'
+ lib project: ':wpimath', library: 'wpimath', linkage: 'static'
+ lib project: ':wpigui', library: 'wpigui', linkage: 'static'
+ nativeUtils.useRequiredLibrary(it, 'imgui')
+ if (it.targetPlatform.operatingSystem.isWindows()) {
+ it.linker.args << 'Gdi32.lib' << 'Shell32.lib' << 'd3d11.lib' << 'd3dcompiler.lib'
+ it.linker.args << '/DELAYLOAD:MF.dll' << '/DELAYLOAD:MFReadWrite.dll' << '/DELAYLOAD:MFPlat.dll' << '/delay:nobind'
+ } else if (it.targetPlatform.operatingSystem.isMacOsX()) {
+ it.linker.args << '-framework' << 'Metal' << '-framework' << 'MetalKit' << '-framework' << 'Cocoa' << '-framework' << 'IOKit' << '-framework' << 'CoreFoundation' << '-framework' << 'CoreVideo' << '-framework' << 'QuartzCore'
+ if (it.buildType.getName() == "release") {
+ it.linker.args << '-s'
+ }
+ } else {
+ it.linker.args << '-lX11'
+ if (it.targetPlatform.name.startsWith('linuxarm')) {
+ it.linker.args << '-lGL'
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ testSuites {
+ "${nativeName}Test"(GoogleTestTestSuiteSpec) {
+ for (NativeComponentSpec c : $.components) {
+ if (c.name == nativeName) {
+ testing c
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ sources.cpp.source {
+ srcDirs "src/test/native/cpp"
+ include "**/*.cpp"
+ }
+ binaries.all {
+ if (it.targetPlatform.name == nativeUtils.wpi.platforms.roborio) {
+ it.buildable = false
+ return
+ }
+ lib project: ':glass', library: 'glassnt', linkage: 'static'
+ lib project: ':glass', library: 'glass', linkage: 'static'
+ project(':ntcore').addNtcoreDependency(it, 'static')
+ lib project: ':wpinet', library: 'wpinet', linkage: 'static'
+ lib project: ':wpiutil', library: 'wpiutil', linkage: 'static'
+ lib project: ':wpimath', library: 'wpimath', linkage: 'static'
+ lib project: ':wpigui', library: 'wpigui', linkage: 'static'
+ nativeUtils.useRequiredLibrary(it, 'imgui')
+ if (it.targetPlatform.operatingSystem.isWindows()) {
+ it.linker.args << 'Gdi32.lib' << 'Shell32.lib' << 'd3d11.lib' << 'd3dcompiler.lib'
+ it.linker.args << '/DELAYLOAD:MF.dll' << '/DELAYLOAD:MFReadWrite.dll' << '/DELAYLOAD:MFPlat.dll' << '/delay:nobind'
+ } else if (it.targetPlatform.operatingSystem.isMacOsX()) {
+ it.linker.args << '-framework' << 'Metal' << '-framework' << 'MetalKit' << '-framework' << 'Cocoa' << '-framework' << 'IOKit' << '-framework' << 'CoreFoundation' << '-framework' << 'CoreVideo' << '-framework' << 'QuartzCore'
+ if (it.buildType.getName() == "release") {
+ it.linker.args << '-s'
+ }
+ } else {
+ it.linker.args << '-lX11'
+ if (it.targetPlatform.name.startsWith('linuxarm')) {
+ it.linker.args << '-lGL'
+ }
+ }
+ nativeUtils.useRequiredLibrary(it, "googletest_static")
+ it.cppCompiler.define("RUNNING_SYSID_TESTS")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+apply from: 'publish.gradle'
diff --git a/sysid/docs/arm-ols-with-angle-offset.md b/sysid/docs/arm-ols-with-angle-offset.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ecb5c439820
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sysid/docs/arm-ols-with-angle-offset.md
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+# Arm OLS with angle offset
+If the arm encoder doesn't read zero degrees when the arm is horizontal, the fit
+for `Kg` will be wrong. An angle offset should be added to the model like so.
+dx/dt = -Kv/Ka x + 1/Ka u - Ks/Ka sgn(x) - Kg/Ka cos(angle + offset)
+Use a trig identity to split the cosine into two terms.
+dx/dt = -Kv/Ka x + 1/Ka u - Ks/Ka sgn(x) - Kg/Ka (cos(angle) cos(offset) - sin(angle) sin(offset))
+dx/dt = -Kv/Ka x + 1/Ka u - Ks/Ka sgn(x) - Kg/Ka cos(angle) cos(offset) + Kg/Ka sin(angle) sin(offset)
+Reorder multiplicands so the offset trig is absorbed by the OLS terms.
+dx/dt = -Kv/Ka x + 1/Ka u - Ks/Ka sgn(x) - Kg/Ka cos(offset) cos(angle) + Kg/Ka sin(offset) sin(angle)
+## OLS
+Let `α = -Kv/Ka`, `β = 1/Ka`, `γ = -Ks/Ka`, `δ = -Kg/Ka cos(offset)`, and `ε = Kg/Ka sin(offset)`.
+dx/dt = αx + βu + γ sgn(x) + δ cos(angle) + ε sin(angle)
+### Ks, Kv, Ka
+Divide the OLS terms by each other to obtain `Ks`, `Kv`, and `Ka`.
+Ks = -γ/β
+Kv = -α/β
+Ka = 1/β
+### Kg
+Take the sum of squares of the OLS terms containing the angle offset. The angle
+offset trig functions will form a trig identity that cancels out. Then, just
+solve for `Kg`.
+δ²+ε² = (-Kg/Ka cos(offset))² + (Kg/Ka sin(offset))²
+δ²+ε² = (-Kg/Ka)² cos²(offset) + (Kg/Ka)² sin²(offset)
+δ²+ε² = (Kg/Ka)² cos²(offset) + (Kg/Ka)² sin²(offset)
+δ²+ε² = (Kg/Ka)² (cos²(offset) + sin²(offset))
+δ²+ε² = (Kg/Ka)² (1)
+δ²+ε² = (Kg/Ka)²
+√(δ²+ε²) = Kg/Ka
+√(δ²+ε²) = Kg β
+Kg = √(δ²+ε²)/β
+As a sanity check, when the offset is zero, ε is zero and the equation for
+`Kg` simplifies to -δ/β, the equation previously used by SysId.
+### Angle offset
+Divide ε by δ, combine the trig functions into `tan(offset)`, then use `atan2()`
+to preserve the angle quadrant. Maintaining the proper negative signs in the
+numerator and denominator are important for obtaining the correct result.
+δ = -Kg/Ka cos(offset)
+ε = Kg/Ka sin(offset)
+sin(offset)/-cos(offset) = ε/δ
+sin(offset)/cos(offset) = ε/-δ
+tan(offset) = ε/-δ
+offset = atan2(ε, -δ)
diff --git a/sysid/docs/data-collection.md b/sysid/docs/data-collection.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9d28a151a0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sysid/docs/data-collection.md
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+# Data Collection
+This document details how data must be sent over NetworkTables for accurate data collection. Note that the data format has changed from what the old [frc-characterization](https://github.com/wpilibsuite/frc-characterization) tool used to generate.
+## NetworkTables Data Entries
+Here is a list of the NT entries that are used to send and collect data between sysid and the robot program:
+| NT Entry | Type | Description |
+| --------------------------------------| -------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| `/SmartDashboard/SysIdTelemetry` | `string` | Used to send telemetry from the robot program. This data is sent after the test completes once the robot enters the disabled state. |
+| `/SmartDashboard/SysIdVoltageCommand` | `double` | Used to either send the ramp rate (V/s) for the quasistatic test or the voltage (V) for the dynamic test. |
+| `/SmartDashboard/SysIdTestType` | `string` | Used to send the test type ("Quasistatic" or "Dynamic") which helps determine how the `VoltageCommand` entry will be used. |
+| `/SmartDashboard/SysIdRotate` | `bool` | Used to receive the rotation bool from the Logger. If this is set to true, the drivetrain will rotate. It is only applicable for drivetrain tests. |
+## Telemetry Format
+There are two formats used to send telemetry from the robot program. One format is for non-drivetrain mechanisms, whereas the other is for all drivetrain tests (linear and angular).
+### Non-Drivetrain Mechanisms
+`timestamp, voltage, position, velocity`
+Example JSON:
+"fast-backward": [
+timestamp 1,
+voltage 1,
+position 1,
+velocity 1
+timestamp 2,
+voltage 2,
+position 2,
+velocity 2
+"fast-forward": [
+timestamp 1,
+voltage 1,
+position 1,
+velocity 1
+timestamp 2,
+voltage 2,
+position 2,
+velocity 2
+"slow-backward": [
+timestamp 1,
+voltage 1,
+position 1,
+velocity 1
+timestamp 2,
+voltage 2,
+position 2,
+velocity 2
+"slow-forward": [
+timestamp 1,
+voltage 1,
+position 1,
+velocity 1
+timestamp 2,
+voltage 2,
+position 2,
+velocity 2
+"sysid": true,
+"test": "Simple",
+"units": "Rotations",
+"unitsPerRotation": 1.0
+Supported test types for the "test" field in this data format include "Arm",
+"Elevator", and "Simple". Supported unit types include "Meters", "Feet",
+"Inches", "Radians", "Rotations", and "Degrees".
+### Drivetrain
+`timestamp, l voltage, r voltage, l position, r position, l velocity, r velocity, angle, angular rate`
+Note that all positions and velocities should be in rotations of the output and rotations/sec of the output respectively. If there is a gearing between the encoder and the output, that should be taken into account.
+Example JSON:
+"fast-backward": [
+timestamp 1,
+l voltage 1,
+r voltage 1,
+l position 1,
+r position 1,
+l velocity 1,
+r velocity 1,
+angle 1,
+angular rate 1
+timestamp 2,
+l voltage 2,
+r voltage 2,
+l position 2,
+r position 2,
+l velocity 2,
+r velocity 2,
+angle 2,
+angular rate 2
+"fast-forward": [
+timestamp 1,
+l voltage 1,
+r voltage 1,
+l position 1,
+r position 1,
+l velocity 1,
+r velocity 1,
+angle 1,
+angular rate 1
+timestamp 2,
+l voltage 2,
+r voltage 2,
+l position 2,
+r position 2,
+l velocity 2,
+r velocity 2,
+angle 2,
+angular rate 2
+"slow-backward": [
+timestamp 1,
+l voltage 1,
+r voltage 1,
+l position 1,
+r position 1,
+l velocity 1,
+r velocity 1,
+angle 1,
+angular rate 1
+timestamp 2,
+l voltage 2,
+r voltage 2,
+l position 2,
+r position 2,
+l velocity 2,
+r velocity 2,
+angle 2,
+angular rate 2
+"slow-forward": [
+timestamp 1,
+l voltage 1,
+r voltage 1,
+l position 1,
+r position 1,
+l velocity 1,
+r velocity 1,
+angle 1,
+angular rate 1
+timestamp 2,
+l voltage 2,
+r voltage 2,
+l position 2,
+r position 2,
+l velocity 2,
+r velocity 2,
+angle 2,
+angular rate 2
+"sysid": true,
+"test": "Drivetrain",
+"units": "Rotations",
+"unitsPerRotation": 1.0
+Supported test types for the "test" field in this data format include
+"Drivetrain" and "Drivetrain (Angular)". Supported unit types include "Meters",
+"Feet", "Inches", "Radians", "Rotations", and "Degrees".
diff --git a/sysid/publish.gradle b/sysid/publish.gradle
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..13569464413
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sysid/publish.gradle
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+apply plugin: 'maven-publish'
+def baseArtifactId = 'SysId'
+def artifactGroupId = 'edu.wpi.first.tools'
+def zipBaseName = '_GROUP_edu_wpi_first_tools_ID_SysId_CLS'
+def outputsFolder = file("$project.buildDir/outputs")
+model {
+ tasks {
+ // Create the run task.
+ $.components.sysid.binaries.each { bin ->
+ if (bin.buildable && bin.name.toLowerCase().contains("debug") && nativeUtils.isNativeDesktopPlatform(bin.targetPlatform)) {
+ Task run = project.tasks.create("run", Exec) {
+ commandLine bin.tasks.install.runScriptFile.get().asFile.toString()
+ }
+ run.dependsOn bin.tasks.install
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ publishing {
+ def sysIdTaskList = []
+ $.components.each { component ->
+ component.binaries.each { binary ->
+ if (binary in NativeExecutableBinarySpec && binary.component.name.contains("sysid")) {
+ if (binary.buildable && (binary.name.contains('Release') || binary.name.contains('release'))) {
+ // We are now in the binary that we want.
+ // This is the default application path for the ZIP task.
+ def applicationPath = binary.executable.file
+ def icon = file("$project.projectDir/src/main/native/mac/ov.icns")
+ // Create the macOS bundle.
+ def bundleTask = project.tasks.create("bundleSysIdOsxApp" + binary.targetPlatform.architecture.name, Copy) {
+ description("Creates a macOS application bundle for SysId")
+ from(file("$project.projectDir/Info.plist"))
+ into(file("$project.buildDir/outputs/bundles/$binary.targetPlatform.architecture.name/SysId.app/Contents"))
+ into("MacOS") {
+ with copySpec {
+ from binary.executable.file
+ }
+ }
+ into("Resources") {
+ with copySpec {
+ from icon
+ }
+ }
+ inputs.property "HasDeveloperId", project.hasProperty("developerID")
+ doLast {
+ if (project.hasProperty("developerID")) {
+ // Get path to binary.
+ exec {
+ workingDir rootDir
+ def args = [
+ "sh",
+ "-c",
+ "codesign --force --strict --deep " +
+ "--timestamp --options=runtime " +
+ "--verbose -s ${project.findProperty("developerID")} " +
+ "$project.buildDir/outputs/bundles/$binary.targetPlatform.architecture.name/SysId.app/"
+ ]
+ commandLine args
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Reset the application path if we are creating a bundle.
+ if (binary.targetPlatform.operatingSystem.isMacOsX()) {
+ applicationPath = file("$project.buildDir/outputs/bundles/$binary.targetPlatform.architecture.name")
+ project.build.dependsOn bundleTask
+ }
+ // Create the ZIP.
+ def task = project.tasks.create("copySysIdExecutable" + binary.targetPlatform.architecture.name, Zip) {
+ description("Copies the SysId executable to the outputs directory.")
+ destinationDirectory = outputsFolder
+ archiveBaseName = '_M_' + zipBaseName
+ duplicatesStrategy = 'exclude'
+ archiveClassifier = nativeUtils.getPublishClassifier(binary)
+ from(licenseFile) {
+ into '/'
+ }
+ from(applicationPath)
+ if (binary.targetPlatform.operatingSystem.isWindows()) {
+ def exePath = binary.executable.file.absolutePath
+ exePath = exePath.substring(0, exePath.length() - 4)
+ def pdbPath = new File(exePath + '.pdb')
+ from(pdbPath)
+ }
+ into(nativeUtils.getPlatformPath(binary))
+ }
+ if (binary.targetPlatform.operatingSystem.isMacOsX()) {
+ bundleTask.dependsOn binary.tasks.link
+ task.dependsOn(bundleTask)
+ }
+ task.dependsOn binary.tasks.link
+ sysIdTaskList.add(task)
+ project.build.dependsOn task
+ project.artifacts { task }
+ addTaskToCopyAllOutputs(task)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ publications {
+ sysId(MavenPublication) {
+ sysIdTaskList.each { artifact it }
+ artifactId = baseArtifactId
+ groupId = artifactGroupId
+ version wpilibVersioning.version.get()
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/sysid/scripts/time_plots.py b/sysid/scripts/time_plots.py
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..6878126af2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sysid/scripts/time_plots.py
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import json
+import pathlib
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+import pandas as pd
+import sys
+# Load data
+filename = pathlib.Path(sys.argv[1])
+ "Meters": "m",
+ "Feet": "ft",
+ "Inches": "in",
+ "Degrees": "deg",
+ "Rotations": "rot",
+ "Radians": "rad",
+# Make DataFrame to facilitate plotting
+if filename.suffix == ".json":
+ raw_data = json.loads(filename.read_text())
+ unit = raw_data["units"]
+ # Get Unit
+ try:
+ abbreviation = UNIT_TO_ABBREVIATION[unit]
+ except KeyError:
+ raise ValueError("Invalid Unit")
+ # Make Columns
+ columns = ["Timestamp (s)", "Test"]
+ if "Drive" in raw_data["test"]:
+ columns.extend(
+ [
+ "Left Volts (V)",
+ "Right Volts (V)",
+ f"Left Position ({abbreviation})",
+ f"Right Position ({abbreviation})",
+ f"Left Velocity ({abbreviation}/s)",
+ f"Right Velocity ({abbreviation}/s)",
+ "Gyro Position (deg)",
+ "Gyro Rate (deg/s)",
+ ]
+ )
+ unit_columns = columns[4:8]
+ else:
+ columns.extend(
+ ["Volts (V)", f"Position ({abbreviation})", f"Velocity ({abbreviation}/s)"]
+ )
+ unit_columns = columns[3:]
+ prepared_data = pd.DataFrame(columns=columns)
+ for test in raw_data.keys():
+ if "-" not in test:
+ continue
+ formatted_entry = [[pt[0], test, *pt[1:]] for pt in raw_data[test]]
+ prepared_data = pd.concat(
+ [prepared_data, pd.DataFrame(formatted_entry, columns=columns)]
+ )
+ units_per_rot = raw_data["unitsPerRotation"]
+ for column in unit_columns:
+ prepared_data[column] *= units_per_rot
+ prepared_data = pd.read_csv(filename)
+# First 2 columns are Timestamp and Test
+for column in prepared_data.columns[2:]:
+ # Configure Plot Labels
+ plt.figure()
+ plt.xlabel("Timestamp (s)")
+ plt.ylabel(column)
+ # Configure title without units
+ print(column)
+ end = column.find("(")
+ plt.title(f"{column[:end].strip()} vs Time")
+ # Plot data for each test
+ for test in pd.unique(prepared_data["Test"]):
+ test_data = prepared_data[prepared_data["Test"] == test]
+ plt.plot(test_data["Timestamp (s)"], test_data[column], label=test)
+ plt.legend()
diff --git a/sysid/src/main/generate/WPILibVersion.cpp.in b/sysid/src/main/generate/WPILibVersion.cpp.in
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b0a44905207
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sysid/src/main/generate/WPILibVersion.cpp.in
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ * Autogenerated file! Do not manually edit this file. This version is regenerated
+ * any time the publish task is run, or when this file is deleted.
+ */
+const char* GetWPILibVersion() {
+ return "${wpilib_version}";
diff --git a/sysid/src/main/native/cpp/App.cpp b/sysid/src/main/native/cpp/App.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..947ea434a65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sysid/src/main/native/cpp/App.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
+// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
+// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
+#include "sysid/view/Analyzer.h"
+#include "sysid/view/JSONConverter.h"
+#include "sysid/view/Logger.h"
+#include "sysid/view/UILayout.h"
+namespace gui = wpi::gui;
+static std::unique_ptr gWindowManager;
+glass::Window* gLoggerWindow;
+glass::Window* gAnalyzerWindow;
+glass::Window* gProgramLogWindow;
+static glass::MainMenuBar gMainMenu;
+std::unique_ptr gJSONConverter;
+glass::LogData gLog;
+wpi::Logger gLogger;
+const char* GetWPILibVersion();
+namespace sysid {
+std::string_view GetResource_sysid_16_png();
+std::string_view GetResource_sysid_32_png();
+std::string_view GetResource_sysid_48_png();
+std::string_view GetResource_sysid_64_png();
+std::string_view GetResource_sysid_128_png();
+std::string_view GetResource_sysid_256_png();
+std::string_view GetResource_sysid_512_png();
+} // namespace sysid
+void Application(std::string_view saveDir) {
+ // Create the wpigui (along with Dear ImGui) and Glass contexts.
+ gui::CreateContext();
+ glass::CreateContext();
+ // Add icons
+ gui::AddIcon(sysid::GetResource_sysid_16_png());
+ gui::AddIcon(sysid::GetResource_sysid_32_png());
+ gui::AddIcon(sysid::GetResource_sysid_48_png());
+ gui::AddIcon(sysid::GetResource_sysid_64_png());
+ gui::AddIcon(sysid::GetResource_sysid_128_png());
+ gui::AddIcon(sysid::GetResource_sysid_256_png());
+ gui::AddIcon(sysid::GetResource_sysid_512_png());
+ glass::SetStorageName("sysid");
+ glass::SetStorageDir(saveDir.empty() ? gui::GetPlatformSaveFileDir()
+ : saveDir);
+ // Add messages from the global sysid logger into the Log window.
+ gLogger.SetLogger([](unsigned int level, const char* file, unsigned int line,
+ const char* msg) {
+ const char* lvl = "";
+ if (level >= wpi::WPI_LOG_CRITICAL) {
+ lvl = "CRITICAL: ";
+ } else if (level >= wpi::WPI_LOG_ERROR) {
+ lvl = "ERROR: ";
+ } else if (level >= wpi::WPI_LOG_WARNING) {
+ lvl = "WARNING: ";
+ } else if (level >= wpi::WPI_LOG_INFO) {
+ lvl = "INFO: ";
+ } else if (level >= wpi::WPI_LOG_DEBUG) {
+ lvl = "DEBUG: ";
+ }
+ std::string filename = std::filesystem::path{file}.filename().string();
+ gLog.Append(fmt::format("{}{} ({}:{})\n", lvl, msg, filename, line));
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ fmt::print(stderr, "{}{} ({}:{})\n", lvl, msg, filename, line);
+ });
+ gLogger.set_min_level(wpi::WPI_LOG_DEBUG);
+ // Set the number of workers for the libuv threadpool.
+ uv_os_setenv("UV_THREADPOOL_SIZE", "6");
+ // Initialize window manager and add views.
+ auto& storage = glass::GetStorageRoot().GetChild("SysId");
+ gWindowManager = std::make_unique(storage);
+ gWindowManager->GlobalInit();
+ gLoggerWindow = gWindowManager->AddWindow(
+ "Logger", std::make_unique(storage, gLogger));
+ gAnalyzerWindow = gWindowManager->AddWindow(
+ "Analyzer", std::make_unique(storage, gLogger));
+ gProgramLogWindow = gWindowManager->AddWindow(
+ "Program Log", std::make_unique(&gLog));
+ // Set default positions and sizes for windows.
+ // Logger window position/size
+ gLoggerWindow->SetDefaultPos(sysid::kLoggerWindowPos.x,
+ sysid::kLoggerWindowPos.y);
+ gLoggerWindow->SetDefaultSize(sysid::kLoggerWindowSize.x,
+ sysid::kLoggerWindowSize.y);
+ // Analyzer window position/size
+ gAnalyzerWindow->SetDefaultPos(sysid::kAnalyzerWindowPos.x,
+ sysid::kAnalyzerWindowPos.y);
+ gAnalyzerWindow->SetDefaultSize(sysid::kAnalyzerWindowSize.x,
+ sysid::kAnalyzerWindowSize.y);
+ // Program log window position/size
+ gProgramLogWindow->SetDefaultPos(sysid::kProgramLogWindowPos.x,
+ sysid::kProgramLogWindowPos.y);
+ gProgramLogWindow->SetDefaultSize(sysid::kProgramLogWindowSize.x,
+ sysid::kProgramLogWindowSize.y);
+ gProgramLogWindow->DisableRenamePopup();
+ gJSONConverter = std::make_unique(gLogger);
+ // Configure save file.
+ gui::ConfigurePlatformSaveFile("sysid.ini");
+ // Add menu bar.
+ gui::AddLateExecute([] {
+ ImGui::BeginMainMenuBar();
+ gMainMenu.WorkspaceMenu();
+ gui::EmitViewMenu();
+ if (ImGui::BeginMenu("Widgets")) {
+ gWindowManager->DisplayMenu();
+ ImGui::EndMenu();
+ }
+ bool about = false;
+ if (ImGui::BeginMenu("Info")) {
+ if (ImGui::MenuItem("About")) {
+ about = true;
+ }
+ ImGui::EndMenu();
+ }
+ bool toCSV = false;
+ if (ImGui::BeginMenu("JSON Converters")) {
+ if (ImGui::MenuItem("JSON to CSV Converter")) {
+ toCSV = true;
+ }
+ ImGui::EndMenu();
+ }
+ if (ImGui::BeginMenu("Docs")) {
+ if (ImGui::MenuItem("Online documentation")) {
+ wpi::gui::OpenURL(
+ "https://docs.wpilib.org/en/stable/docs/software/pathplanning/"
+ "system-identification/");
+ }
+ ImGui::EndMenu();
+ }
+ ImGui::EndMainMenuBar();
+ if (toCSV) {
+ ImGui::OpenPopup("SysId JSON to CSV Converter");
+ toCSV = false;
+ }
+ if (ImGui::BeginPopupModal("SysId JSON to CSV Converter")) {
+ gJSONConverter->DisplayCSVConvert();
+ if (ImGui::Button("Close")) {
+ ImGui::CloseCurrentPopup();
+ }
+ ImGui::EndPopup();
+ }
+ if (about) {
+ ImGui::OpenPopup("About");
+ about = false;
+ }
+ if (ImGui::BeginPopupModal("About")) {
+ ImGui::Text("SysId: System Identification for Robot Mechanisms");
+ ImGui::Separator();
+ ImGui::Text("v%s", GetWPILibVersion());
+ ImGui::Separator();
+ ImGui::Text("Save location: %s", glass::GetStorageDir().c_str());
+ if (ImGui::Button("Close")) {
+ ImGui::CloseCurrentPopup();
+ }
+ ImGui::EndPopup();
+ }
+ });
+ gui::Initialize("System Identification", sysid::kAppWindowSize.x,
+ sysid::kAppWindowSize.y);
+ gui::Main();
+ glass::DestroyContext();
+ gui::DestroyContext();
diff --git a/sysid/src/main/native/cpp/Main.cpp b/sysid/src/main/native/cpp/Main.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6fba8480da3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sysid/src/main/native/cpp/Main.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
+// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
+// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
+void Application(std::string_view saveDir);
+#ifdef _WIN32
+int __stdcall WinMain(void* hInstance, void* hPrevInstance, char* pCmdLine,
+ int nCmdShow) {
+ int argc = __argc;
+ char** argv = __argv;
+int main(int argc, char** argv) {
+ std::string_view saveDir;
+ if (argc == 2) {
+ saveDir = argv[1];
+ }
+ Application(saveDir);
+ return 0;
diff --git a/sysid/src/main/native/cpp/Util.cpp b/sysid/src/main/native/cpp/Util.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a9acc537a7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sysid/src/main/native/cpp/Util.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
+// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
+// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
+#include "sysid/Util.h"
+void sysid::CreateTooltip(const char* text) {
+ ImGui::SameLine();
+ ImGui::TextDisabled(" (?)");
+ if (ImGui::IsItemHovered()) {
+ ImGui::BeginTooltip();
+ ImGui::PushTextWrapPos(ImGui::GetFontSize() * 35.0f);
+ ImGui::TextUnformatted(text);
+ ImGui::PopTextWrapPos();
+ ImGui::EndTooltip();
+ }
+void sysid::CreateErrorPopup(bool& isError, std::string_view errorMessage) {
+ if (isError) {
+ ImGui::OpenPopup("Exception Caught!");
+ }
+ // Handle exceptions.
+ ImGui::SetNextWindowSize(ImVec2(480.f, 0.0f));
+ if (ImGui::BeginPopupModal("Exception Caught!")) {
+ ImGui::PushTextWrapPos(0.0f);
+ ImGui::TextColored(ImVec4(1.0f, 0.4f, 0.4f, 1.0f), "%s",
+ errorMessage.data());
+ ImGui::PopTextWrapPos();
+ if (ImGui::Button("Close")) {
+ ImGui::CloseCurrentPopup();
+ isError = false;
+ }
+ ImGui::EndPopup();
+ }
+std::string_view sysid::GetAbbreviation(std::string_view unit) {
+ if (unit == "Meters") {
+ return "m";
+ } else if (unit == "Feet") {
+ return "ft";
+ } else if (unit == "Inches") {
+ return "in";
+ } else if (unit == "Radians") {
+ return "rad";
+ } else if (unit == "Degrees") {
+ return "deg";
+ } else if (unit == "Rotations") {
+ return "rot";
+ } else {
+ throw std::runtime_error("Invalid Unit");
+ }
+void sysid::SaveFile(std::string_view contents,
+ const std::filesystem::path& path) {
+ // Create the path if it doesn't already exist.
+ std::filesystem::create_directories(path.root_directory());
+ // Open a fd_ostream to write to file.
+ std::error_code ec;
+ wpi::raw_fd_ostream ostream{path.string(), ec};
+ // Check error code.
+ if (ec) {
+ throw std::runtime_error("Cannot write to file: " + ec.message());
+ }
+ // Write contents.
+ ostream << contents;
diff --git a/sysid/src/main/native/cpp/analysis/AnalysisManager.cpp b/sysid/src/main/native/cpp/analysis/AnalysisManager.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1d7565b37bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sysid/src/main/native/cpp/analysis/AnalysisManager.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,568 @@
+// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
+// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
+// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
+#include "sysid/analysis/AnalysisManager.h"
+#include "sysid/Util.h"
+#include "sysid/analysis/FilteringUtils.h"
+#include "sysid/analysis/JSONConverter.h"
+#include "sysid/analysis/TrackWidthAnalysis.h"
+using namespace sysid;
+ * Converts a raw data vector into a PreparedData vector with only the
+ * timestamp, voltage, position, and velocity fields filled out.
+ *
+ * @tparam S The size of the arrays in the raw data vector
+ * @tparam Timestamp The index of the Timestamp data in the raw data vector
+ * arrays
+ * @tparam Voltage The index of the Voltage data in the raw data vector arrays
+ * @tparam Position The index of the Position data in the raw data vector arrays
+ * @tparam Velocity The index of the Velocity data in the raw data vector arrays
+ *
+ * @param data A raw data vector
+ *
+ * @return A PreparedData vector
+ */
+static std::vector ConvertToPrepared(
+ const std::vector>& data) {
+ std::vector prepared;
+ for (int i = 0; i < static_cast(data.size()) - 1; ++i) {
+ const auto& pt1 = data[i];
+ const auto& pt2 = data[i + 1];
+ prepared.emplace_back(PreparedData{
+ units::second_t{pt1[Timestamp]}, pt1[Voltage], pt1[Position],
+ pt1[Velocity], units::second_t{pt2[Timestamp] - pt1[Timestamp]}});
+ }
+ return prepared;
+ * To preserve a raw copy of the data, this method saves a raw version
+ * in the dataset StringMap where the key of the raw data starts with "raw-"
+ * before the name of the original data.
+ *
+ * @tparam S The size of the array data that's being used
+ *
+ * @param dataset A reference to the dataset being used
+ */
+static void CopyRawData(
+ wpi::StringMap>>* dataset) {
+ auto& data = *dataset;
+ // Loads the Raw Data
+ for (auto& it : data) {
+ auto key = it.first();
+ auto& dataset = it.getValue();
+ if (!wpi::contains(key, "raw")) {
+ data[fmt::format("raw-{}", key)] = dataset;
+ data[fmt::format("original-raw-{}", key)] = dataset;
+ }
+ }
+ * Assigns the combines the various datasets into a single one for analysis.
+ *
+ * @param slowForward The slow forward dataset
+ * @param slowBackward The slow backward dataset
+ * @param fastForward The fast forward dataset
+ * @param fastBackward The fast backward dataset
+ */
+static Storage CombineDatasets(const std::vector& slowForward,
+ const std::vector& slowBackward,
+ const std::vector& fastForward,
+ const std::vector& fastBackward) {
+ return Storage{slowForward, slowBackward, fastForward, fastBackward};
+void AnalysisManager::PrepareGeneralData() {
+ using Data = std::array;
+ wpi::StringMap> data;
+ wpi::StringMap> preparedData;
+ // Store the raw data columns.
+ static constexpr size_t kTimeCol = 0;
+ static constexpr size_t kVoltageCol = 1;
+ static constexpr size_t kPosCol = 2;
+ static constexpr size_t kVelCol = 3;
+ WPI_INFO(m_logger, "{}", "Reading JSON data.");
+ // Get the major components from the JSON and store them inside a StringMap.
+ for (auto&& key : AnalysisManager::kJsonDataKeys) {
+ data[key] = m_json.at(key).get>();
+ }
+ WPI_INFO(m_logger, "{}", "Preprocessing raw data.");
+ // Ensure that voltage and velocity have the same sign. Also multiply
+ // positions and velocities by the factor.
+ for (auto it = data.begin(); it != data.end(); ++it) {
+ for (auto&& pt : it->second) {
+ pt[kVoltageCol] = std::copysign(pt[kVoltageCol], pt[kVelCol]);
+ pt[kPosCol] *= m_factor;
+ pt[kVelCol] *= m_factor;
+ }
+ }
+ WPI_INFO(m_logger, "{}", "Copying raw data.");
+ CopyRawData(&data);
+ WPI_INFO(m_logger, "{}", "Converting raw data to PreparedData struct.");
+ // Convert data to PreparedData structs
+ for (auto& it : data) {
+ auto key = it.first();
+ preparedData[key] =
+ ConvertToPrepared<4, kTimeCol, kVoltageCol, kPosCol, kVelCol>(
+ data[key]);
+ }
+ // Store the original datasets
+ m_originalDataset[static_cast(
+ AnalysisManager::Settings::DrivetrainDataset::kCombined)] =
+ CombineDatasets(preparedData["original-raw-slow-forward"],
+ preparedData["original-raw-slow-backward"],
+ preparedData["original-raw-fast-forward"],
+ preparedData["original-raw-fast-backward"]);
+ WPI_INFO(m_logger, "{}", "Initial trimming and filtering.");
+ sysid::InitialTrimAndFilter(&preparedData, &m_settings, m_positionDelays,
+ m_velocityDelays, m_minStepTime, m_maxStepTime,
+ m_unit);
+ WPI_INFO(m_logger, "{}", "Acceleration filtering.");
+ sysid::AccelFilter(&preparedData);
+ WPI_INFO(m_logger, "{}", "Storing datasets.");
+ // Store the raw datasets
+ m_rawDataset[static_cast(
+ AnalysisManager::Settings::DrivetrainDataset::kCombined)] =
+ CombineDatasets(
+ preparedData["raw-slow-forward"], preparedData["raw-slow-backward"],
+ preparedData["raw-fast-forward"], preparedData["raw-fast-backward"]);
+ // Store the filtered datasets
+ m_filteredDataset[static_cast(
+ AnalysisManager::Settings::DrivetrainDataset::kCombined)] =
+ CombineDatasets(
+ preparedData["slow-forward"], preparedData["slow-backward"],
+ preparedData["fast-forward"], preparedData["fast-backward"]);
+ m_startTimes = {preparedData["raw-slow-forward"][0].timestamp,
+ preparedData["raw-slow-backward"][0].timestamp,
+ preparedData["raw-fast-forward"][0].timestamp,
+ preparedData["raw-fast-backward"][0].timestamp};
+void AnalysisManager::PrepareAngularDrivetrainData() {
+ using Data = std::array;
+ wpi::StringMap> data;
+ wpi::StringMap> preparedData;
+ // Store the relevant raw data columns.
+ static constexpr size_t kTimeCol = 0;
+ static constexpr size_t kLVoltageCol = 1;
+ static constexpr size_t kRVoltageCol = 2;
+ static constexpr size_t kLPosCol = 3;
+ static constexpr size_t kRPosCol = 4;
+ static constexpr size_t kLVelCol = 5;
+ static constexpr size_t kRVelCol = 6;
+ static constexpr size_t kAngleCol = 7;
+ static constexpr size_t kAngularRateCol = 8;
+ WPI_INFO(m_logger, "{}", "Reading JSON data.");
+ // Get the major components from the JSON and store them inside a StringMap.
+ for (auto&& key : AnalysisManager::kJsonDataKeys) {
+ data[key] = m_json.at(key).get>();
+ }
+ WPI_INFO(m_logger, "{}", "Preprocessing raw data.");
+ // Ensure that voltage and velocity have the same sign. Also multiply
+ // positions and velocities by the factor.
+ for (auto it = data.begin(); it != data.end(); ++it) {
+ for (auto&& pt : it->second) {
+ pt[kLPosCol] *= m_factor;
+ pt[kRPosCol] *= m_factor;
+ pt[kLVelCol] *= m_factor;
+ pt[kRVelCol] *= m_factor;
+ // Stores the average voltages in the left voltage column.
+ // This aggregates the left and right voltages into a single voltage
+ // column for the ConvertToPrepared() method. std::copysign() ensures the
+ // polarity of the voltage matches the direction the robot turns.
+ pt[kLVoltageCol] = std::copysign(
+ (std::abs(pt[kLVoltageCol]) + std::abs(pt[kRVoltageCol])) / 2,
+ pt[kAngularRateCol]);
+ // ω = (v_r - v_l) / trackwidth
+ // v = ωr => v = ω * trackwidth / 2
+ // (v_r - v_l) / trackwidth * (trackwidth / 2) = (v_r - v_l) / 2
+ // However, since we know this is an angular test, the left and right
+ // wheel velocities will have opposite signs, allowing us to add their
+ // absolute values and get the same result (in terms of magnitude).
+ // std::copysign() is used to make sure the direction of the wheel
+ // velocities matches the direction the robot turns.
+ pt[kAngularRateCol] =
+ std::copysign((std::abs(pt[kRVelCol]) + std::abs(pt[kLVelCol])) / 2,
+ pt[kAngularRateCol]);
+ }
+ }
+ WPI_INFO(m_logger, "{}", "Calculating trackwidth");
+ // Aggregating all the deltas from all the tests
+ double leftDelta = 0.0;
+ double rightDelta = 0.0;
+ double angleDelta = 0.0;
+ for (const auto& it : data) {
+ auto key = it.first();
+ auto& trackWidthData = data[key];
+ leftDelta += std::abs(trackWidthData.back()[kLPosCol] -
+ trackWidthData.front()[kLPosCol]);
+ rightDelta += std::abs(trackWidthData.back()[kRPosCol] -
+ trackWidthData.front()[kRPosCol]);
+ angleDelta += std::abs(trackWidthData.back()[kAngleCol] -
+ trackWidthData.front()[kAngleCol]);
+ }
+ m_trackWidth = sysid::CalculateTrackWidth(leftDelta, rightDelta,
+ units::radian_t{angleDelta});
+ WPI_INFO(m_logger, "{}", "Copying raw data.");
+ CopyRawData(&data);
+ WPI_INFO(m_logger, "{}", "Converting to PreparedData struct.");
+ // Convert raw data to prepared data
+ for (const auto& it : data) {
+ auto key = it.first();
+ preparedData[key] = ConvertToPrepared<9, kTimeCol, kLVoltageCol, kAngleCol,
+ kAngularRateCol>(data[key]);
+ }
+ // Create the distinct datasets and store them
+ m_originalDataset[static_cast(
+ AnalysisManager::Settings::DrivetrainDataset::kCombined)] =
+ CombineDatasets(preparedData["original-raw-slow-forward"],
+ preparedData["original-raw-slow-backward"],
+ preparedData["original-raw-fast-forward"],
+ preparedData["original-raw-fast-backward"]);
+ WPI_INFO(m_logger, "{}", "Applying trimming and filtering.");
+ sysid::InitialTrimAndFilter(&preparedData, &m_settings, m_positionDelays,
+ m_velocityDelays, m_minStepTime, m_maxStepTime);
+ WPI_INFO(m_logger, "{}", "Acceleration filtering.");
+ sysid::AccelFilter(&preparedData);
+ WPI_INFO(m_logger, "{}", "Storing datasets.");
+ // Create the distinct datasets and store them
+ m_rawDataset[static_cast(
+ AnalysisManager::Settings::DrivetrainDataset::kCombined)] =
+ CombineDatasets(
+ preparedData["raw-slow-forward"], preparedData["raw-slow-backward"],
+ preparedData["raw-fast-forward"], preparedData["raw-fast-backward"]);
+ m_filteredDataset[static_cast(
+ AnalysisManager::Settings::DrivetrainDataset::kCombined)] =
+ CombineDatasets(
+ preparedData["slow-forward"], preparedData["slow-backward"],
+ preparedData["fast-forward"], preparedData["fast-backward"]);
+ m_startTimes = {preparedData["slow-forward"][0].timestamp,
+ preparedData["slow-backward"][0].timestamp,
+ preparedData["fast-forward"][0].timestamp,
+ preparedData["fast-backward"][0].timestamp};
+void AnalysisManager::PrepareLinearDrivetrainData() {
+ using Data = std::array;
+ wpi::StringMap> data;
+ wpi::StringMap> preparedData;
+ // Store the relevant raw data columns.
+ static constexpr size_t kTimeCol = 0;
+ static constexpr size_t kLVoltageCol = 1;
+ static constexpr size_t kRVoltageCol = 2;
+ static constexpr size_t kLPosCol = 3;
+ static constexpr size_t kRPosCol = 4;
+ static constexpr size_t kLVelCol = 5;
+ static constexpr size_t kRVelCol = 6;
+ // Get the major components from the JSON and store them inside a StringMap.
+ WPI_INFO(m_logger, "{}", "Reading JSON data.");
+ for (auto&& key : AnalysisManager::kJsonDataKeys) {
+ data[key] = m_json.at(key).get>();
+ }
+ // Ensure that voltage and velocity have the same sign. Also multiply
+ // positions and velocities by the factor.
+ WPI_INFO(m_logger, "{}", "Preprocessing raw data.");
+ for (auto it = data.begin(); it != data.end(); ++it) {
+ for (auto&& pt : it->second) {
+ pt[kLVoltageCol] = std::copysign(pt[kLVoltageCol], pt[kLVelCol]);
+ pt[kRVoltageCol] = std::copysign(pt[kRVoltageCol], pt[kRVelCol]);
+ pt[kLPosCol] *= m_factor;
+ pt[kRPosCol] *= m_factor;
+ pt[kLVelCol] *= m_factor;
+ pt[kRVelCol] *= m_factor;
+ }
+ }
+ WPI_INFO(m_logger, "{}", "Copying raw data.");
+ CopyRawData(&data);
+ // Convert data to PreparedData
+ WPI_INFO(m_logger, "{}", "Converting to PreparedData struct.");
+ for (auto& it : data) {
+ auto key = it.first();
+ preparedData[fmt::format("left-{}", key)] =
+ ConvertToPrepared<9, kTimeCol, kLVoltageCol, kLPosCol, kLVelCol>(
+ data[key]);
+ preparedData[fmt::format("right-{}", key)] =
+ ConvertToPrepared<9, kTimeCol, kRVoltageCol, kRPosCol, kRVelCol>(
+ data[key]);
+ }
+ // Create the distinct raw datasets and store them
+ auto originalSlowForward = AnalysisManager::DataConcat(
+ preparedData["left-original-raw-slow-forward"],
+ preparedData["right-original-raw-slow-forward"]);
+ auto originalSlowBackward = AnalysisManager::DataConcat(
+ preparedData["left-original-raw-slow-backward"],
+ preparedData["right-original-raw-slow-backward"]);
+ auto originalFastForward = AnalysisManager::DataConcat(
+ preparedData["left-original-raw-fast-forward"],
+ preparedData["right-original-raw-fast-forward"]);
+ auto originalFastBackward = AnalysisManager::DataConcat(
+ preparedData["left-original-raw-fast-backward"],
+ preparedData["right-original-raw-fast-backward"]);
+ m_originalDataset[static_cast(
+ AnalysisManager::Settings::DrivetrainDataset::kCombined)] =
+ CombineDatasets(originalSlowForward, originalSlowBackward,
+ originalFastForward, originalFastBackward);
+ m_originalDataset[static_cast(
+ AnalysisManager::Settings::DrivetrainDataset::kLeft)] =
+ CombineDatasets(preparedData["left-original-raw-slow-forward"],
+ preparedData["left-original-raw-slow-backward"],
+ preparedData["left-original-raw-fast-forward"],
+ preparedData["left-original-raw-fast-backward"]);
+ m_originalDataset[static_cast(
+ AnalysisManager::Settings::DrivetrainDataset::kRight)] =
+ CombineDatasets(preparedData["right-original-raw-slow-forward"],
+ preparedData["right-original-raw-slow-backward"],
+ preparedData["right-original-raw-fast-forward"],
+ preparedData["right-original-raw-fast-backward"]);
+ WPI_INFO(m_logger, "{}", "Applying trimming and filtering.");
+ sysid::InitialTrimAndFilter(&preparedData, &m_settings, m_positionDelays,
+ m_velocityDelays, m_minStepTime, m_maxStepTime);
+ auto slowForward = AnalysisManager::DataConcat(
+ preparedData["left-slow-forward"], preparedData["right-slow-forward"]);
+ auto slowBackward = AnalysisManager::DataConcat(
+ preparedData["left-slow-backward"], preparedData["right-slow-backward"]);
+ auto fastForward = AnalysisManager::DataConcat(
+ preparedData["left-fast-forward"], preparedData["right-fast-forward"]);
+ auto fastBackward = AnalysisManager::DataConcat(
+ preparedData["left-fast-backward"], preparedData["right-fast-backward"]);
+ WPI_INFO(m_logger, "{}", "Acceleration filtering.");
+ sysid::AccelFilter(&preparedData);
+ WPI_INFO(m_logger, "{}", "Storing datasets.");
+ // Create the distinct raw datasets and store them
+ auto rawSlowForward =
+ AnalysisManager::DataConcat(preparedData["left-raw-slow-forward"],
+ preparedData["right-raw-slow-forward"]);
+ auto rawSlowBackward =
+ AnalysisManager::DataConcat(preparedData["left-raw-slow-backward"],
+ preparedData["right-raw-slow-backward"]);
+ auto rawFastForward =
+ AnalysisManager::DataConcat(preparedData["left-raw-fast-forward"],
+ preparedData["right-raw-fast-forward"]);
+ auto rawFastBackward =
+ AnalysisManager::DataConcat(preparedData["left-raw-fast-backward"],
+ preparedData["right-raw-fast-backward"]);
+ m_rawDataset[static_cast(
+ AnalysisManager::Settings::DrivetrainDataset::kCombined)] =
+ CombineDatasets(rawSlowForward, rawSlowBackward, rawFastForward,
+ rawFastBackward);
+ m_rawDataset[static_cast(
+ AnalysisManager::Settings::DrivetrainDataset::kLeft)] =
+ CombineDatasets(preparedData["left-raw-slow-forward"],
+ preparedData["left-raw-slow-backward"],
+ preparedData["left-raw-fast-forward"],
+ preparedData["left-raw-fast-backward"]);
+ m_rawDataset[static_cast(
+ AnalysisManager::Settings::DrivetrainDataset::kRight)] =
+ CombineDatasets(preparedData["right-raw-slow-forward"],
+ preparedData["right-raw-slow-backward"],
+ preparedData["right-raw-fast-forward"],
+ preparedData["right-raw-fast-backward"]);
+ // Create the distinct filtered datasets and store them
+ m_filteredDataset[static_cast(
+ AnalysisManager::Settings::DrivetrainDataset::kCombined)] =
+ CombineDatasets(slowForward, slowBackward, fastForward, fastBackward);
+ m_filteredDataset[static_cast(
+ AnalysisManager::Settings::DrivetrainDataset::kLeft)] =
+ CombineDatasets(preparedData["left-slow-forward"],
+ preparedData["left-slow-backward"],
+ preparedData["left-fast-forward"],
+ preparedData["left-fast-backward"]);
+ m_filteredDataset[static_cast(
+ AnalysisManager::Settings::DrivetrainDataset::kRight)] =
+ CombineDatasets(preparedData["right-slow-forward"],
+ preparedData["right-slow-backward"],
+ preparedData["right-fast-forward"],
+ preparedData["right-fast-backward"]);
+ m_startTimes = {
+ rawSlowForward.front().timestamp, rawSlowBackward.front().timestamp,
+ rawFastForward.front().timestamp, rawFastBackward.front().timestamp};
+AnalysisManager::AnalysisManager(Settings& settings, wpi::Logger& logger)
+ : m_logger{logger},
+ m_settings{settings},
+ m_type{analysis::kSimple},
+ m_unit{"Meters"},
+ m_factor{1} {}
+AnalysisManager::AnalysisManager(std::string_view path, Settings& settings,
+ wpi::Logger& logger)
+ : m_logger{logger}, m_settings{settings} {
+ {
+ // Read JSON from the specified path
+ std::error_code ec;
+ wpi::raw_fd_istream is{path, ec};
+ if (ec) {
+ throw FileReadingError(path);
+ }
+ is >> m_json;
+ WPI_INFO(m_logger, "Read {}", path);
+ }
+ // Check that we have a sysid JSON
+ if (m_json.find("sysid") == m_json.end()) {
+ // If it's not a sysid JSON, try converting it from frc-char format
+ std::string newPath = sysid::ConvertJSON(path, logger);
+ // Read JSON from the specified path
+ std::error_code ec;
+ wpi::raw_fd_istream is{newPath, ec};
+ if (ec) {
+ throw FileReadingError(newPath);
+ }
+ is >> m_json;
+ WPI_INFO(m_logger, "Read {}", newPath);
+ }
+ WPI_INFO(m_logger, "Parsing initial data of {}", path);
+ // Get the analysis type from the JSON.
+ m_type = sysid::analysis::FromName(m_json.at("test").get());
+ // Get the rotation -> output units factor from the JSON.
+ m_unit = m_json.at("units").get();
+ m_factor = m_json.at("unitsPerRotation").get();
+ WPI_DEBUG(m_logger, "Parsing units per rotation as {} {} per rotation",
+ m_factor, m_unit);
+ // Reset settings for Dynamic Test Limits
+ m_settings.stepTestDuration = units::second_t{0.0};
+ m_settings.motionThreshold = std::numeric_limits::infinity();
+void AnalysisManager::PrepareData() {
+ WPI_INFO(m_logger, "Preparing {} data", m_type.name);
+ if (m_type == analysis::kDrivetrain) {
+ PrepareLinearDrivetrainData();
+ } else if (m_type == analysis::kDrivetrainAngular) {
+ PrepareAngularDrivetrainData();
+ } else {
+ PrepareGeneralData();
+ }
+ WPI_INFO(m_logger, "{}", "Finished Preparing Data");
+AnalysisManager::FeedforwardGains AnalysisManager::CalculateFeedforward() {
+ if (m_filteredDataset.empty()) {
+ throw sysid::InvalidDataError(
+ "There is no data to perform gain calculation on.");
+ }
+ WPI_INFO(m_logger, "{}", "Calculating Gains");
+ // Calculate feedforward gains from the data.
+ const auto& ff = sysid::CalculateFeedforwardGains(GetFilteredData(), m_type);
+ FeedforwardGains ffGains = {ff, m_trackWidth};
+ const auto& Ks = std::get<0>(ff)[0];
+ const auto& Kv = std::get<0>(ff)[1];
+ const auto& Ka = std::get<0>(ff)[2];
+ if (Ka <= 0 || Kv < 0) {
+ throw InvalidDataError(
+ fmt::format("The calculated feedforward gains of kS: {}, Kv: {}, Ka: "
+ "{} are erroneous. Your Ka should be > 0 while your Kv and "
+ "Ks constants should both >= 0. Try adjusting the "
+ "filtering and trimming settings or collect better data.",
+ Ks, Kv, Ka));
+ }
+ return ffGains;
+sysid::FeedbackGains AnalysisManager::CalculateFeedback(
+ std::vector ff) {
+ const auto& Kv = ff[1];
+ const auto& Ka = ff[2];
+ FeedbackGains fb;
+ if (m_settings.type == FeedbackControllerLoopType::kPosition) {
+ fb = sysid::CalculatePositionFeedbackGains(
+ m_settings.preset, m_settings.lqr, Kv, Ka,
+ m_settings.convertGainsToEncTicks
+ ? m_settings.gearing * m_settings.cpr * m_factor
+ : 1);
+ } else {
+ fb = sysid::CalculateVelocityFeedbackGains(
+ m_settings.preset, m_settings.lqr, Kv, Ka,
+ m_settings.convertGainsToEncTicks
+ ? m_settings.gearing * m_settings.cpr * m_factor
+ : 1);
+ }
+ return fb;
+void AnalysisManager::OverrideUnits(std::string_view unit,
+ double unitsPerRotation) {
+ m_unit = unit;
+ m_factor = unitsPerRotation;
+void AnalysisManager::ResetUnitsFromJSON() {
+ m_unit = m_json.at("units").get();
+ m_factor = m_json.at("unitsPerRotation").get();
diff --git a/sysid/src/main/native/cpp/analysis/AnalysisType.cpp b/sysid/src/main/native/cpp/analysis/AnalysisType.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..18b461fe6d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sysid/src/main/native/cpp/analysis/AnalysisType.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
+// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
+// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
+#include "sysid/analysis/AnalysisType.h"
+using namespace sysid;
+AnalysisType sysid::analysis::FromName(std::string_view name) {
+ if (name == "Drivetrain") {
+ return sysid::analysis::kDrivetrain;
+ }
+ if (name == "Drivetrain (Angular)") {
+ return sysid::analysis::kDrivetrainAngular;
+ }
+ if (name == "Elevator") {
+ return sysid::analysis::kElevator;
+ }
+ if (name == "Arm") {
+ return sysid::analysis::kArm;
+ }
+ return sysid::analysis::kSimple;
diff --git a/sysid/src/main/native/cpp/analysis/ArmSim.cpp b/sysid/src/main/native/cpp/analysis/ArmSim.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a72f50569d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sysid/src/main/native/cpp/analysis/ArmSim.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
+// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
+// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
+#include "sysid/analysis/ArmSim.h"
+using namespace sysid;
+ArmSim::ArmSim(double Ks, double Kv, double Ka, double Kg, double offset,
+ double initialPosition, double initialVelocity)
+ // u = Ks sgn(x) + Kv x + Ka a + Kg cos(theta)
+ // Ka a = u - Ks sgn(x) - Kv x - Kg cos(theta)
+ // a = 1/Ka u - Ks/Ka sgn(x) - Kv/Ka x - Kg/Ka cos(theta)
+ // a = -Kv/Ka x + 1/Ka u - Ks/Ka sgn(x) - Kg/Ka cos(theta)
+ // a = Ax + Bu + c sgn(x) + d cos(theta)
+ : m_A{-Kv / Ka},
+ m_B{1.0 / Ka},
+ m_c{-Ks / Ka},
+ m_d{-Kg / Ka},
+ m_offset{offset} {
+ Reset(initialPosition, initialVelocity);
+void ArmSim::Update(units::volt_t voltage, units::second_t dt) {
+ // Returns arm acceleration under gravity
+ auto f = [=, this](
+ const Eigen::Vector& x,
+ const Eigen::Vector& u) -> Eigen::Vector {
+ return Eigen::Vector{
+ x(1), (m_A * x.block<1, 1>(1, 0) + m_B * u + m_c * wpi::sgn(x(1)) +
+ m_d * std::cos(x(0) + m_offset))(0)};
+ };
+ // Max error is large because an accurate sim isn't as important as the sim
+ // finishing in a timely manner. Otherwise, the timestep can become absurdly
+ // small for ill-conditioned data (e.g., high velocities with sharp spikes in
+ // acceleration).
+ Eigen::Vector u{voltage.value()};
+ m_x = frc::RKDP(f, m_x, u, dt, 0.25);
+double ArmSim::GetPosition() const {
+ return m_x(0);
+double ArmSim::GetVelocity() const {
+ return m_x(1);
+double ArmSim::GetAcceleration(units::volt_t voltage) const {
+ Eigen::Vector u{voltage.value()};
+ return (m_A * m_x.block<1, 1>(1, 0) + m_B * u +
+ m_c * wpi::sgn(GetVelocity()) + m_d * std::cos(m_x(0) + m_offset))(0);
+void ArmSim::Reset(double position, double velocity) {
+ m_x = Eigen::Vector{position, velocity};
diff --git a/sysid/src/main/native/cpp/analysis/ElevatorSim.cpp b/sysid/src/main/native/cpp/analysis/ElevatorSim.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5cfcabed763
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sysid/src/main/native/cpp/analysis/ElevatorSim.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
+// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
+// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
+#include "sysid/analysis/ElevatorSim.h"
+using namespace sysid;
+ElevatorSim::ElevatorSim(double Ks, double Kv, double Ka, double Kg,
+ double initialPosition, double initialVelocity)
+ // dx/dt = Ax + Bu + c sgn(x) + d
+ : m_A{{0.0, 1.0}, {0.0, -Kv / Ka}},
+ m_B{0.0, 1.0 / Ka},
+ m_c{0.0, -Ks / Ka},
+ m_d{0.0, -Kg / Ka} {
+ Reset(initialPosition, initialVelocity);
+void ElevatorSim::Update(units::volt_t voltage, units::second_t dt) {
+ Eigen::Vector u{voltage.value()};
+ // Given dx/dt = Ax + Bu + c sgn(x) + d,
+ // x_k+1 = e^(AT) x_k + A^-1 (e^(AT) - 1) (Bu + c sgn(x) + d)
+ Eigen::Matrix Ad;
+ Eigen::Matrix Bd;
+ frc::DiscretizeAB<2, 1>(m_A, m_B, dt, &Ad, &Bd);
+ m_x = Ad * m_x + Bd * u +
+ Bd * m_B.householderQr().solve(m_c * wpi::sgn(GetVelocity()) + m_d);
+double ElevatorSim::GetPosition() const {
+ return m_x(0);
+double ElevatorSim::GetVelocity() const {
+ return m_x(1);
+double ElevatorSim::GetAcceleration(units::volt_t voltage) const {
+ Eigen::Vector u{voltage.value()};
+ return (m_A * m_x + m_B * u + m_c * wpi::sgn(GetVelocity()) + m_d)(1);
+void ElevatorSim::Reset(double position, double velocity) {
+ m_x = Eigen::Vector{position, velocity};
diff --git a/sysid/src/main/native/cpp/analysis/FeedbackAnalysis.cpp b/sysid/src/main/native/cpp/analysis/FeedbackAnalysis.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0691aaf6ebb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sysid/src/main/native/cpp/analysis/FeedbackAnalysis.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
+// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
+// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
+#include "sysid/analysis/FeedbackAnalysis.h"
+#include "sysid/analysis/FeedbackControllerPreset.h"
+using namespace sysid;
+using Kv_t = decltype(1_V / 1_mps);
+using Ka_t = decltype(1_V / 1_mps_sq);
+FeedbackGains sysid::CalculatePositionFeedbackGains(
+ const FeedbackControllerPreset& preset, const LQRParameters& params,
+ double Kv, double Ka, double encFactor) {
+ // If acceleration requires no effort, velocity becomes an input for position
+ // control. We choose an appropriate model in this case to avoid numerical
+ // instabilities in the LQR.
+ if (Ka > 1E-7) {
+ // Create a position system from our feedforward gains.
+ auto system = frc::LinearSystemId::IdentifyPositionSystem(
+ Kv_t(Kv), Ka_t(Ka));
+ // Create an LQR with 2 states to control -- position and velocity.
+ frc::LinearQuadraticRegulator<2, 1> controller{
+ system, {params.qp, params.qv}, {params.r}, preset.period};
+ // Compensate for any latency from sensor measurements, filtering, etc.
+ controller.LatencyCompensate(system, preset.period, 0.0_s);
+ return {controller.K(0, 0) * preset.outputConversionFactor / encFactor,
+ controller.K(0, 1) * preset.outputConversionFactor /
+ (encFactor * (preset.normalized ? 1 : preset.period.value()))};
+ }
+ // This is our special model to avoid instabilities in the LQR.
+ auto system = frc::LinearSystem<1, 1, 1>(
+ Eigen::Matrix{0.0}, Eigen::Matrix{1.0},
+ Eigen::Matrix{1.0}, Eigen::Matrix{0.0});
+ // Create an LQR with one state -- position.
+ frc::LinearQuadraticRegulator<1, 1> controller{
+ system, {params.qp}, {params.r}, preset.period};
+ // Compensate for any latency from sensor measurements, filtering, etc.
+ controller.LatencyCompensate(system, preset.period, 0.0_s);
+ return {Kv * controller.K(0, 0) * preset.outputConversionFactor / encFactor,
+ 0.0};
+FeedbackGains sysid::CalculateVelocityFeedbackGains(
+ const FeedbackControllerPreset& preset, const LQRParameters& params,
+ double Kv, double Ka, double encFactor) {
+ // If acceleration for velocity control requires no effort, the feedback
+ // control gains approach zero. We special-case it here because numerical
+ // instabilities arise in LQR otherwise.
+ if (Ka < 1E-7) {
+ return {0.0, 0.0};
+ }
+ // Create a velocity system from our feedforward gains.
+ auto system = frc::LinearSystemId::IdentifyVelocitySystem(
+ Kv_t(Kv), Ka_t(Ka));
+ // Create an LQR controller with 1 state -- velocity.
+ frc::LinearQuadraticRegulator<1, 1> controller{
+ system, {params.qv}, {params.r}, preset.period};
+ // Compensate for any latency from sensor measurements, filtering, etc.
+ controller.LatencyCompensate(system, preset.period, preset.measurementDelay);
+ return {controller.K(0, 0) * preset.outputConversionFactor /
+ (preset.outputVelocityTimeFactor * encFactor),
+ 0.0};
diff --git a/sysid/src/main/native/cpp/analysis/FeedforwardAnalysis.cpp b/sysid/src/main/native/cpp/analysis/FeedforwardAnalysis.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b7a9fce79b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sysid/src/main/native/cpp/analysis/FeedforwardAnalysis.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
+// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
+// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
+#include "sysid/analysis/FeedforwardAnalysis.h"
+#include "sysid/analysis/AnalysisManager.h"
+#include "sysid/analysis/FilteringUtils.h"
+#include "sysid/analysis/OLS.h"
+using namespace sysid;
+ * Populates OLS data for (xₖ₊₁ − xₖ)/τ = αxₖ + βuₖ + γ sgn(xₖ).
+ *
+ * @param d List of characterization data.
+ * @param type Type of system being identified.
+ * @param X Vector representation of X in y = Xβ.
+ * @param y Vector representation of y in y = Xβ.
+ */
+static void PopulateOLSData(const std::vector& d,
+ const AnalysisType& type,
+ Eigen::Block X,
+ Eigen::VectorBlock y) {
+ for (size_t sample = 0; sample < d.size(); ++sample) {
+ const auto& pt = d[sample];
+ // Add the velocity term (for α)
+ X(sample, 0) = pt.velocity;
+ // Add the voltage term (for β)
+ X(sample, 1) = pt.voltage;
+ // Add the intercept term (for γ)
+ X(sample, 2) = std::copysign(1, pt.velocity);
+ // Add test-specific variables
+ if (type == analysis::kElevator) {
+ // Add the gravity term (for Kg)
+ X(sample, 3) = 1.0;
+ } else if (type == analysis::kArm) {
+ // Add the cosine and sine terms (for Kg)
+ X(sample, 3) = pt.cos;
+ X(sample, 4) = pt.sin;
+ }
+ // Add the dependent variable (acceleration)
+ y(sample) = pt.acceleration;
+ }
+std::tuple, double, double>
+sysid::CalculateFeedforwardGains(const Storage& data,
+ const AnalysisType& type) {
+ // Iterate through the data and add it to our raw vector.
+ const auto& [slowForward, slowBackward, fastForward, fastBackward] = data;
+ const auto size = slowForward.size() + slowBackward.size() +
+ fastForward.size() + fastBackward.size();
+ // Create a raw vector of doubles with our data in it.
+ Eigen::MatrixXd X{size, type.independentVariables};
+ Eigen::VectorXd y{size};
+ int rowOffset = 0;
+ PopulateOLSData(slowForward, type,
+ X.block(rowOffset, 0, slowForward.size(), X.cols()),
+ y.segment(rowOffset, slowForward.size()));
+ rowOffset += slowForward.size();
+ PopulateOLSData(slowBackward, type,
+ X.block(rowOffset, 0, slowBackward.size(), X.cols()),
+ y.segment(rowOffset, slowBackward.size()));
+ rowOffset += slowBackward.size();
+ PopulateOLSData(fastForward, type,
+ X.block(rowOffset, 0, fastForward.size(), X.cols()),
+ y.segment(rowOffset, fastForward.size()));
+ rowOffset += fastForward.size();
+ PopulateOLSData(fastBackward, type,
+ X.block(rowOffset, 0, fastBackward.size(), X.cols()),
+ y.segment(rowOffset, fastBackward.size()));
+ // Perform OLS with accel = alpha*vel + beta*voltage + gamma*signum(vel)
+ // OLS performs best with the noisiest variable as the dependent var,
+ // so we regress accel in terms of the other variables.
+ auto ols = sysid::OLS(X, y);
+ double alpha = std::get<0>(ols)[0]; // -Kv/Ka
+ double beta = std::get<0>(ols)[1]; // 1/Ka
+ double gamma = std::get<0>(ols)[2]; // -Ks/Ka
+ // Initialize gains list with Ks, Kv, and Ka
+ std::vector gains{-gamma / beta, -alpha / beta, 1 / beta};
+ if (type == analysis::kElevator) {
+ // Add Kg to gains list
+ double delta = std::get<0>(ols)[3]; // -Kg/Ka
+ gains.emplace_back(-delta / beta);
+ }
+ if (type == analysis::kArm) {
+ double delta = std::get<0>(ols)[3]; // -Kg/Ka cos(offset)
+ double epsilon = std::get<0>(ols)[4]; // Kg/Ka sin(offset)
+ // Add Kg to gains list
+ gains.emplace_back(std::hypot(delta, epsilon) / beta);
+ // Add offset to gains list
+ gains.emplace_back(std::atan2(epsilon, -delta));
+ }
+ // Gains are Ks, Kv, Ka, Kg (elevator/arm only), offset (arm only)
+ return std::tuple{gains, std::get<1>(ols), std::get<2>(ols)};
diff --git a/sysid/src/main/native/cpp/analysis/FilteringUtils.cpp b/sysid/src/main/native/cpp/analysis/FilteringUtils.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6c66ef8b424
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sysid/src/main/native/cpp/analysis/FilteringUtils.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,417 @@
+// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
+// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
+// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
+#include "sysid/analysis/FilteringUtils.h"
+using namespace sysid;
+ * Helper function that throws if it detects that the data vector is too small
+ * for an operation of a certain window size.
+ *
+ * @param data The data that is being used.
+ * @param window The window size for the operation.
+ * @param operation The operation we're checking the size for (for error
+ * throwing purposes).
+ */
+static void CheckSize(const std::vector& data, size_t window,
+ std::string_view operation) {
+ if (data.size() < window) {
+ throw sysid::InvalidDataError(
+ fmt::format("Not enough data to run {} which has a window size of {}.",
+ operation, window));
+ }
+ * Helper function that determines if a certain key is storing raw data.
+ *
+ * @param key The key of the dataset
+ *
+ * @return True, if the key corresponds to a raw dataset.
+ */
+static bool IsRaw(std::string_view key) {
+ return wpi::contains(key, "raw") && !wpi::contains(key, "original");
+ * Helper function that determines if a certain key is storing filtered data.
+ *
+ * @param key The key of the dataset
+ *
+ * @return True, if the key corresponds to a filtered dataset.
+ */
+static bool IsFiltered(std::string_view key) {
+ return !wpi::contains(key, "raw") && !wpi::contains(key, "original");
+ * Fills in the rest of the PreparedData Structs for a PreparedData Vector.
+ *
+ * @param data A reference to a vector of the raw data.
+ * @param unit The units that the data is in (rotations, radians, or degrees)
+ * for arm mechanisms.
+ */
+static void PrepareMechData(std::vector* data,
+ std::string_view unit = "") {
+ constexpr size_t kWindow = 3;
+ CheckSize(*data, kWindow, "Acceleration Calculation");
+ // Calculates the cosine of the position data for single jointed arm analysis
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < data->size(); ++i) {
+ auto& pt = data->at(i);
+ double cos = 0.0;
+ double sin = 0.0;
+ if (unit == "Radians") {
+ cos = std::cos(pt.position);
+ sin = std::sin(pt.position);
+ } else if (unit == "Degrees") {
+ cos = std::cos(pt.position * std::numbers::pi / 180.0);
+ sin = std::sin(pt.position * std::numbers::pi / 180.0);
+ } else if (unit == "Rotations") {
+ cos = std::cos(pt.position * 2 * std::numbers::pi);
+ sin = std::sin(pt.position * 2 * std::numbers::pi);
+ }
+ pt.cos = cos;
+ pt.sin = sin;
+ }
+ auto derivative =
+ CentralFiniteDifference<1, kWindow>(GetMeanTimeDelta(*data));
+ // Load the derivative filter with the first value for accurate initial
+ // behavior
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < kWindow; ++i) {
+ derivative.Calculate(data->at(0).velocity);
+ }
+ for (size_t i = (kWindow - 1) / 2; i < data->size(); ++i) {
+ data->at(i - (kWindow - 1) / 2).acceleration =
+ derivative.Calculate(data->at(i).velocity);
+ }
+ // Fill in accelerations past end of derivative filter
+ for (size_t i = data->size() - (kWindow - 1) / 2; i < data->size(); ++i) {
+ data->at(i).acceleration = 0.0;
+ }
+sysid::TrimStepVoltageData(std::vector* data,
+ AnalysisManager::Settings* settings,
+ units::second_t minStepTime,
+ units::second_t maxStepTime) {
+ auto voltageBegins =
+ std::find_if(data->begin(), data->end(),
+ [](auto& datum) { return std::abs(datum.voltage) > 0; });
+ units::second_t firstTimestamp = voltageBegins->timestamp;
+ double firstPosition = voltageBegins->position;
+ auto motionBegins = std::find_if(
+ data->begin(), data->end(), [settings, firstPosition](auto& datum) {
+ return std::abs(datum.position - firstPosition) >
+ (settings->motionThreshold * datum.dt.value());
+ });
+ units::second_t positionDelay;
+ if (motionBegins != data->end()) {
+ positionDelay = motionBegins->timestamp - firstTimestamp;
+ } else {
+ positionDelay = 0_s;
+ }
+ auto maxAccel = std::max_element(
+ data->begin(), data->end(), [](const auto& a, const auto& b) {
+ return std::abs(a.acceleration) < std::abs(b.acceleration);
+ });
+ units::second_t velocityDelay;
+ if (maxAccel != data->end()) {
+ velocityDelay = maxAccel->timestamp - firstTimestamp;
+ // Trim data before max acceleration
+ data->erase(data->begin(), maxAccel);
+ } else {
+ velocityDelay = 0_s;
+ }
+ minStepTime = std::min(data->at(0).timestamp - firstTimestamp, minStepTime);
+ // If step duration hasn't been set yet, calculate a default (find the entry
+ // before the acceleration first hits zero)
+ if (settings->stepTestDuration <= minStepTime) {
+ // Get noise floor
+ const double accelNoiseFloor = GetNoiseFloor(
+ *data, kNoiseMeanWindow, [](auto&& pt) { return pt.acceleration; });
+ // Find latest element with nonzero acceleration
+ auto endIt = std::find_if(
+ data->rbegin(), data->rend(), [&](const PreparedData& entry) {
+ return std::abs(entry.acceleration) > accelNoiseFloor;
+ });
+ if (endIt != data->rend()) {
+ // Calculate default duration
+ settings->stepTestDuration = std::min(
+ endIt->timestamp - data->front().timestamp + minStepTime + 1_s,
+ maxStepTime);
+ } else {
+ settings->stepTestDuration = maxStepTime;
+ }
+ }
+ // Find first entry greater than the step test duration
+ auto maxIt =
+ std::find_if(data->begin(), data->end(), [&](PreparedData entry) {
+ return entry.timestamp - data->front().timestamp + minStepTime >
+ settings->stepTestDuration;
+ });
+ // Trim data beyond desired step test duration
+ if (maxIt != data->end()) {
+ data->erase(maxIt, data->end());
+ }
+ return std::make_tuple(minStepTime, positionDelay, velocityDelay);
+double sysid::GetNoiseFloor(
+ const std::vector& data, int window,
+ std::function accessorFunction) {
+ double sum = 0.0;
+ size_t step = window / 2;
+ auto averageFilter = frc::LinearFilter::MovingAverage(window);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) {
+ double mean = averageFilter.Calculate(accessorFunction(data[i]));
+ if (i >= step) {
+ sum += std::pow(accessorFunction(data[i - step]) - mean, 2);
+ }
+ }
+ return std::sqrt(sum / (data.size() - step));
+units::second_t sysid::GetMeanTimeDelta(const std::vector& data) {
+ std::vector dts;
+ for (const auto& pt : data) {
+ if (pt.dt > 0_s && pt.dt < 500_ms) {
+ dts.emplace_back(pt.dt);
+ }
+ }
+ return std::accumulate(dts.begin(), dts.end(), 0_s) / dts.size();
+units::second_t sysid::GetMeanTimeDelta(const Storage& data) {
+ std::vector dts;
+ for (const auto& pt : data.slowForward) {
+ if (pt.dt > 0_s && pt.dt < 500_ms) {
+ dts.emplace_back(pt.dt);
+ }
+ }
+ for (const auto& pt : data.slowBackward) {
+ if (pt.dt > 0_s && pt.dt < 500_ms) {
+ dts.emplace_back(pt.dt);
+ }
+ }
+ for (const auto& pt : data.fastForward) {
+ if (pt.dt > 0_s && pt.dt < 500_ms) {
+ dts.emplace_back(pt.dt);
+ }
+ }
+ for (const auto& pt : data.fastBackward) {
+ if (pt.dt > 0_s && pt.dt < 500_ms) {
+ dts.emplace_back(pt.dt);
+ }
+ }
+ return std::accumulate(dts.begin(), dts.end(), 0_s) / dts.size();
+void sysid::ApplyMedianFilter(std::vector* data, int window) {
+ CheckSize(*data, window, "Median Filter");
+ frc::MedianFilter medianFilter(window);
+ // Load the median filter with the first value for accurate initial behavior
+ for (int i = 0; i < window; i++) {
+ medianFilter.Calculate(data->at(0).velocity);
+ }
+ for (size_t i = (window - 1) / 2; i < data->size(); i++) {
+ data->at(i - (window - 1) / 2).velocity =
+ medianFilter.Calculate(data->at(i).velocity);
+ }
+ // Run the median filter for the last half window of datapoints by loading the
+ // median filter with the last recorded velocity value
+ for (size_t i = data->size() - (window - 1) / 2; i < data->size(); i++) {
+ data->at(i).velocity =
+ medianFilter.Calculate(data->at(data->size() - 1).velocity);
+ }
+ * Removes a substring from a string reference
+ *
+ * @param str The std::string_view that needs modification
+ * @param removeStr The substring that needs to be removed
+ *
+ * @return an std::string without the specified substring
+ */
+static std::string RemoveStr(std::string_view str, std::string_view removeStr) {
+ size_t idx = str.find(removeStr);
+ if (idx == std::string_view::npos) {
+ return std::string{str};
+ } else {
+ return fmt::format("{}{}", str.substr(0, idx),
+ str.substr(idx + removeStr.size()));
+ }
+ * Figures out the max duration of the Dynamic tests
+ *
+ * @param data The raw data String Map
+ *
+ * @return The maximum duration of the Dynamic Tests
+ */
+static units::second_t GetMaxStepTime(
+ wpi::StringMap>& data) {
+ auto maxStepTime = 0_s;
+ for (auto& it : data) {
+ auto key = it.first();
+ auto& dataset = it.getValue();
+ if (IsRaw(key) && wpi::contains(key, "fast")) {
+ auto duration = dataset.back().timestamp - dataset.front().timestamp;
+ if (duration > maxStepTime) {
+ maxStepTime = duration;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return maxStepTime;
+void sysid::InitialTrimAndFilter(
+ wpi::StringMap>* data,
+ AnalysisManager::Settings* settings,
+ std::vector& positionDelays,
+ std::vector& velocityDelays, units::second_t& minStepTime,
+ units::second_t& maxStepTime, std::string_view unit) {
+ auto& preparedData = *data;
+ // Find the maximum Step Test Duration of the dynamic tests
+ maxStepTime = GetMaxStepTime(preparedData);
+ // Calculate Velocity Threshold if it hasn't been set yet
+ if (settings->motionThreshold == std::numeric_limits::infinity()) {
+ for (auto& it : preparedData) {
+ auto key = it.first();
+ auto& dataset = it.getValue();
+ if (wpi::contains(key, "slow")) {
+ settings->motionThreshold =
+ std::min(settings->motionThreshold,
+ GetNoiseFloor(dataset, kNoiseMeanWindow,
+ [](auto&& pt) { return pt.velocity; }));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (auto& it : preparedData) {
+ auto key = it.first();
+ auto& dataset = it.getValue();
+ // Trim quasistatic test data to remove all points where voltage is zero or
+ // velocity < motion threshold.
+ if (wpi::contains(key, "slow")) {
+ dataset.erase(std::remove_if(dataset.begin(), dataset.end(),
+ [&](const auto& pt) {
+ return std::abs(pt.voltage) <= 0 ||
+ std::abs(pt.velocity) <
+ settings->motionThreshold;
+ }),
+ dataset.end());
+ // Confirm there's still data
+ if (dataset.empty()) {
+ throw sysid::NoQuasistaticDataError();
+ }
+ }
+ // Apply Median filter
+ if (IsFiltered(key) && settings->medianWindow > 1) {
+ ApplyMedianFilter(&dataset, settings->medianWindow);
+ }
+ // Recalculate Accel and Cosine
+ PrepareMechData(&dataset, unit);
+ // Trims filtered Dynamic Test Data
+ if (IsFiltered(key) && wpi::contains(key, "fast")) {
+ // Get the filtered dataset name
+ auto filteredKey = RemoveStr(key, "raw-");
+ // Trim Filtered Data
+ auto [tempMinStepTime, positionDelay, velocityDelay] =
+ TrimStepVoltageData(&preparedData[filteredKey], settings, minStepTime,
+ maxStepTime);
+ positionDelays.emplace_back(positionDelay);
+ velocityDelays.emplace_back(velocityDelay);
+ // Set the Raw Data to start at the same time as the Filtered Data
+ auto startTime = preparedData[filteredKey].front().timestamp;
+ auto rawStart =
+ std::find_if(preparedData[key].begin(), preparedData[key].end(),
+ [&](auto&& pt) { return pt.timestamp == startTime; });
+ preparedData[key].erase(preparedData[key].begin(), rawStart);
+ // Confirm there's still data
+ if (preparedData[key].empty()) {
+ throw sysid::NoDynamicDataError();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void sysid::AccelFilter(wpi::StringMap>* data) {
+ auto& preparedData = *data;
+ // Remove points with acceleration = 0
+ for (auto& it : preparedData) {
+ auto& dataset = it.getValue();
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < dataset.size(); i++) {
+ if (dataset.at(i).acceleration == 0.0) {
+ dataset.erase(dataset.begin() + i);
+ i--;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Confirm there's still data
+ if (std::any_of(preparedData.begin(), preparedData.end(),
+ [](const auto& it) { return it.getValue().empty(); })) {
+ throw sysid::InvalidDataError(
+ "Acceleration filtering has removed all data.");
+ }
diff --git a/sysid/src/main/native/cpp/analysis/JSONConverter.cpp b/sysid/src/main/native/cpp/analysis/JSONConverter.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..54390349ddb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sysid/src/main/native/cpp/analysis/JSONConverter.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
+// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
+// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
+#include "sysid/analysis/JSONConverter.h"
+#include "sysid/Util.h"
+#include "sysid/analysis/AnalysisManager.h"
+#include "sysid/analysis/AnalysisType.h"
+// Sizes of the arrays for new sysid data.
+static constexpr size_t kDrivetrainSize = 9;
+static constexpr size_t kGeneralSize = 4;
+// Indices for the old data.
+static constexpr size_t kTimestampCol = 0;
+static constexpr size_t kLVoltsCol = 3;
+static constexpr size_t kRVoltsCol = 4;
+static constexpr size_t kLPosCol = 5;
+static constexpr size_t kRPosCol = 6;
+static constexpr size_t kLVelCol = 7;
+static constexpr size_t kRVelCol = 8;
+static wpi::json GetJSON(std::string_view path, wpi::Logger& logger) {
+ std::error_code ec;
+ wpi::raw_fd_istream input{path, ec};
+ if (ec) {
+ throw std::runtime_error(fmt::format("Unable to read: {}", path));
+ }
+ wpi::json json;
+ input >> json;
+ WPI_INFO(logger, "Read frc-characterization JSON from {}", path);
+ return json;
+std::string sysid::ConvertJSON(std::string_view path, wpi::Logger& logger) {
+ wpi::json ojson = GetJSON(path, logger);
+ auto type = sysid::analysis::FromName(ojson.at("test").get());
+ auto factor = ojson.at("unitsPerRotation").get();
+ auto unit = ojson.at("units").get();
+ wpi::json json;
+ for (auto&& key : AnalysisManager::kJsonDataKeys) {
+ if (type == analysis::kDrivetrain) {
+ // Get the old data; create a vector for the new data; reserve the
+ // appropriate size for the new data.
+ auto odata = ojson.at(key).get>>();
+ std::vector> data;
+ data.reserve(odata.size());
+ // Transfer the data.
+ for (auto&& pt : odata) {
+ data.push_back(std::array{
+ pt[kTimestampCol], pt[kLVoltsCol], pt[kRVoltsCol], pt[kLPosCol],
+ pt[kRPosCol], pt[kLVelCol], pt[kRVelCol], 0.0, 0.0});
+ }
+ json[key] = data;
+ } else {
+ // Get the old data; create a vector for the new data; reserve the
+ // appropriate size for the new data.
+ auto odata = ojson.at(key).get>>();
+ std::vector> data;
+ data.reserve(odata.size());
+ // Transfer the data.
+ for (auto&& pt : odata) {
+ data.push_back(std::array{
+ pt[kTimestampCol], pt[kLVoltsCol], pt[kLPosCol], pt[kLVelCol]});
+ }
+ json[key] = data;
+ }
+ }
+ json["units"] = unit;
+ json["unitsPerRotation"] = factor;
+ json["test"] = type.name;
+ json["sysid"] = true;
+ // Write the new file with "_new" appended to it.
+ path.remove_suffix(std::string_view{".json"}.size());
+ std::string loc = fmt::format("{}_new.json", path);
+ sysid::SaveFile(json.dump(2), std::filesystem::path{loc});
+ WPI_INFO(logger, "Wrote new JSON to: {}", loc);
+ return loc;
+std::string sysid::ToCSV(std::string_view path, wpi::Logger& logger) {
+ wpi::json json = GetJSON(path, logger);
+ auto type = sysid::analysis::FromName(json.at("test").get());
+ auto factor = json.at("unitsPerRotation").get();
+ auto unit = json.at("units").get();
+ std::string_view abbreviation = GetAbbreviation(unit);
+ std::error_code ec;
+ // Naming: {sysid-json-name}(Test, Units).csv
+ path.remove_suffix(std::string_view{".json"}.size());
+ std::string loc = fmt::format("{} ({}, {}).csv", path, type.name, unit);
+ wpi::raw_fd_ostream outputFile{loc, ec};
+ if (ec) {
+ throw std::runtime_error("Unable to write to: " + loc);
+ }
+ fmt::print(outputFile, "Timestamp (s),Test,");
+ if (type == analysis::kDrivetrain || type == analysis::kDrivetrainAngular) {
+ fmt::print(
+ outputFile,
+ "Left Volts (V),Right Volts (V),Left Position ({0}),Right "
+ "Position ({0}),Left Velocity ({0}/s),Right Velocity ({0}/s),Gyro "
+ "Position (deg),Gyro Rate (deg/s)\n",
+ abbreviation);
+ } else {
+ fmt::print(outputFile, "Volts (V),Position({0}),Velocity ({0}/s)\n",
+ abbreviation);
+ }
+ outputFile << "\n";
+ for (auto&& key : AnalysisManager::kJsonDataKeys) {
+ if (type == analysis::kDrivetrain || type == analysis::kDrivetrainAngular) {
+ auto tempData =
+ json.at(key).get>>();
+ for (auto&& pt : tempData) {
+ fmt::print(outputFile, "{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{}\n",
+ pt[0], // Timestamp
+ key, // Test
+ pt[1], pt[2], // Left and Right Voltages
+ pt[3] * factor, pt[4] * factor, // Left and Right Positions
+ pt[5] * factor, pt[6] * factor, // Left and Right Velocity
+ pt[7], pt[8] // Gyro Position and Velocity
+ );
+ }
+ } else {
+ auto tempData =
+ json.at(key).get>>();
+ for (auto&& pt : tempData) {
+ fmt::print(outputFile, "{},{},{},{},{}\n",
+ pt[0], // Timestamp,
+ key, // Test
+ pt[1], // Voltage
+ pt[2] * factor, // Position
+ pt[3] * factor // Velocity
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ outputFile.flush();
+ WPI_INFO(logger, "Wrote CSV to: {}", loc);
+ return loc;
diff --git a/sysid/src/main/native/cpp/analysis/OLS.cpp b/sysid/src/main/native/cpp/analysis/OLS.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d095a485d50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sysid/src/main/native/cpp/analysis/OLS.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
+// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
+// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
+#include "sysid/analysis/OLS.h"
+using namespace sysid;
+std::tuple, double, double> sysid::OLS(
+ const Eigen::MatrixXd& X, const Eigen::VectorXd& y) {
+ assert(X.rows() == y.rows());
+ // The linear model can be written as follows:
+ // y = Xβ + u, where y is the dependent observed variable, X is the matrix
+ // of independent variables, β is a vector of coefficients, and u is a
+ // vector of residuals.
+ // We want to minimize u² = uᵀu = (y - Xβ)ᵀ(y - Xβ).
+ // β = (XᵀX)⁻¹Xᵀy
+ // Calculate β that minimizes uᵀu.
+ Eigen::MatrixXd beta = (X.transpose() * X).llt().solve(X.transpose() * y);
+ // We will now calculate R² or the coefficient of determination, which
+ // tells us how much of the total variation (variation in y) can be
+ // explained by the regression model.
+ // We will first calculate the sum of the squares of the error, or the
+ // variation in error (SSE).
+ double SSE = (y - X * beta).squaredNorm();
+ int n = X.cols();
+ // Now we will calculate the total variation in y, known as SSTO.
+ double SSTO = ((y.transpose() * y) - (1.0 / n) * (y.transpose() * y)).value();
+ double rSquared = (SSTO - SSE) / SSTO;
+ double adjRSquared = 1.0 - (1.0 - rSquared) * ((n - 1.0) / (n - 3.0));
+ double RMSE = std::sqrt(SSE / n);
+ return {{beta.data(), beta.data() + beta.rows()}, adjRSquared, RMSE};
diff --git a/sysid/src/main/native/cpp/analysis/SimpleMotorSim.cpp b/sysid/src/main/native/cpp/analysis/SimpleMotorSim.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..58a8b309d0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sysid/src/main/native/cpp/analysis/SimpleMotorSim.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
+// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
+// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
+#include "sysid/analysis/SimpleMotorSim.h"
+using namespace sysid;
+SimpleMotorSim::SimpleMotorSim(double Ks, double Kv, double Ka,
+ double initialPosition, double initialVelocity)
+ // dx/dt = Ax + Bu + c sgn(x)
+ : m_A{{0.0, 1.0}, {0.0, -Kv / Ka}}, m_B{0.0, 1.0 / Ka}, m_c{0.0, -Ks / Ka} {
+ Reset(initialPosition, initialVelocity);
+void SimpleMotorSim::Update(units::volt_t voltage, units::second_t dt) {
+ Eigen::Vector u{voltage.value()};
+ // Given dx/dt = Ax + Bu + c sgn(x),
+ // x_k+1 = e^(AT) x_k + A^-1 (e^(AT) - 1) (Bu + c sgn(x))
+ Eigen::Matrix Ad;
+ Eigen::Matrix Bd;
+ frc::DiscretizeAB<2, 1>(m_A, m_B, dt, &Ad, &Bd);
+ m_x = Ad * m_x + Bd * u +
+ Bd * m_B.householderQr().solve(m_c * wpi::sgn(GetVelocity()));
+double SimpleMotorSim::GetPosition() const {
+ return m_x(0);
+double SimpleMotorSim::GetVelocity() const {
+ return m_x(1);
+double SimpleMotorSim::GetAcceleration(units::volt_t voltage) const {
+ Eigen::Vector u{voltage.value()};
+ return (m_A * m_x + m_B * u + m_c * wpi::sgn(GetVelocity()))(1);
+void SimpleMotorSim::Reset(double position, double velocity) {
+ m_x = Eigen::Vector{position, velocity};
diff --git a/sysid/src/main/native/cpp/analysis/TrackWidthAnalysis.cpp b/sysid/src/main/native/cpp/analysis/TrackWidthAnalysis.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..eebfe8c6762
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sysid/src/main/native/cpp/analysis/TrackWidthAnalysis.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
+// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
+// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
+#include "sysid/analysis/TrackWidthAnalysis.h"
+double sysid::CalculateTrackWidth(double l, double r, units::radian_t accum) {
+ // The below comes from solving ω = (vr − vl) / 2r for 2r.
+ return (std::abs(r) + std::abs(l)) / std::abs(accum.value());
diff --git a/sysid/src/main/native/cpp/telemetry/TelemetryManager.cpp b/sysid/src/main/native/cpp/telemetry/TelemetryManager.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ac97cdbca4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sysid/src/main/native/cpp/telemetry/TelemetryManager.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
+// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
+// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
+// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
+#include "sysid/telemetry/TelemetryManager.h"
+#include // for ::tolower
+#include "sysid/Util.h"
+#include "sysid/analysis/AnalysisType.h"
+using namespace sysid;
+TelemetryManager::TelemetryManager(const Settings& settings,
+ wpi::Logger& logger,
+ nt::NetworkTableInstance instance)
+ : m_settings(settings), m_logger(logger), m_inst(instance) {}
+void TelemetryManager::BeginTest(std::string_view name) {
+ // Create a new test params instance for this test.
+ m_params =
+ TestParameters{name.starts_with("fast"), name.ends_with("forward"),
+ m_settings.mechanism == analysis::kDrivetrainAngular,
+ State::WaitingForEnable};
+ // Add this test to the list of running tests and set the running flag.
+ m_tests.push_back(std::string{name});
+ m_isRunningTest = true;
+ // Set the Voltage Command Entry
+ m_voltageCommand.Set((m_params.fast ? m_settings.stepVoltage
+ : m_settings.quasistaticRampRate) *
+ (m_params.forward ? 1 : -1));
+ // Set the test type
+ m_testType.Set(m_params.fast ? "Dynamic" : "Quasistatic");
+ // Set the rotate entry
+ m_rotate.Set(m_params.rotate);
+ // Set the current mechanism in NT.
+ m_mechanism.Set(m_settings.mechanism.name);
+ // Set Overflow to False
+ m_overflowPub.Set(false);
+ // Set Mechanism Error to False
+ m_mechErrorPub.Set(false);
+ m_inst.Flush();
+ // Display the warning message.
+ for (auto&& func : m_callbacks) {
+ func(
+ "Please enable the robot in autonomous mode, and then "
+ "disable it "
+ "before it runs out of space. \n Note: The robot will "
+ "continue "
+ "to move until you disable it - It is your "
+ "responsibility to "
+ "ensure it does not hit anything!");
+ }
+ WPI_INFO(m_logger, "Started {} test.", m_tests.back());
+void TelemetryManager::EndTest() {
+ // If there is no test running, this is a no-op
+ if (!m_isRunningTest) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Disable the running flag and store the data in the JSON.
+ m_isRunningTest = false;
+ m_data[m_tests.back()] = m_params.data;
+ // Call the cancellation callbacks.
+ for (auto&& func : m_callbacks) {
+ std::string msg;
+ if (m_params.mechError) {
+ msg +=
+ "\nERROR: The robot indicated that you are using the wrong project "
+ "for characterizing your mechanism. \nThis most likely means you "
+ "are trying to characterize a mechanism like a Drivetrain with a "
+ "deployed config for a General Mechanism (e.g. Arm, Flywheel, and "
+ "Elevator) or vice versa. Please double check your settings and "
+ "try again.";
+ } else if (!m_params.data.empty()) {
+ std::string units = m_settings.units;
+ std::transform(m_settings.units.begin(), m_settings.units.end(),
+ units.begin(), ::tolower);
+ if (std::string_view{m_settings.mechanism.name}.starts_with(
+ "Drivetrain")) {
+ double p = (m_params.data.back()[3] - m_params.data.front()[3]) *
+ m_settings.unitsPerRotation;
+ double s = (m_params.data.back()[4] - m_params.data.front()[4]) *
+ m_settings.unitsPerRotation;
+ double g = m_params.data.back()[7] - m_params.data.front()[7];
+ msg = fmt::format(
+ "The left and right encoders traveled {} {} and {} {} "
+ "respectively.\nThe gyro angle delta was {} degrees.",
+ p, units, s, units, g * 180.0 / std::numbers::pi);
+ } else {
+ double p = (m_params.data.back()[2] - m_params.data.front()[2]) *
+ m_settings.unitsPerRotation;
+ msg = fmt::format("The encoder reported traveling {} {}.", p, units);
+ }
+ if (m_params.overflow) {
+ msg +=
+ "\nNOTE: the robot stopped recording data early because the entry "
+ "storage was exceeded.";
+ }
+ } else {
+ msg = "No data was detected.";
+ }
+ func(msg);
+ }
+ // Remove previously run test from list of tests if no data was detected.
+ if (m_params.data.empty()) {
+ m_tests.pop_back();
+ }
+ // Send a zero command over NT.
+ m_voltageCommand.Set(0.0);
+ m_inst.Flush();
+void TelemetryManager::Update() {
+ // If there is no test running, these is nothing to update.
+ if (!m_isRunningTest) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Update the NT entries that we're reading.
+ int currAckNumber = m_ackNumberSub.Get();
+ std::string telemetryValue;
+ // Get the FMS Control Word.
+ for (auto tsValue : m_fmsControlData.ReadQueue()) {
+ uint32_t ctrl = tsValue.value;
+ m_params.enabled = ctrl & 0x01;
+ }
+ // Get the string in the data field.
+ for (auto tsValue : m_telemetry.ReadQueue()) {
+ telemetryValue = tsValue.value;
+ }
+ // Get the overflow flag
+ for (auto tsValue : m_overflowSub.ReadQueue()) {
+ m_params.overflow = tsValue.value;
+ }
+ // Get the mechanism error flag
+ for (auto tsValue : m_mechErrorSub.ReadQueue()) {
+ m_params.mechError = tsValue.value;
+ }
+ // Go through our state machine.
+ if (m_params.state == State::WaitingForEnable) {
+ if (m_params.enabled) {
+ m_params.enableStart = wpi::Now() * 1E-6;
+ m_params.state = State::RunningTest;
+ m_ackNumber = currAckNumber;
+ WPI_INFO(m_logger, "{}", "Transitioned to running test state.");
+ }
+ }
+ if (m_params.state == State::RunningTest) {
+ // If for some reason we've disconnected, end the test.
+ if (!m_inst.IsConnected()) {
+ WPI_WARNING(m_logger, "{}",
+ "NT connection was dropped when executing the test. The test "
+ "has been canceled.");
+ EndTest();
+ }
+ // If the robot has disabled, then we can move on to the next step.
+ if (!m_params.enabled) {
+ m_params.disableStart = wpi::Now() * 1E-6;
+ m_params.state = State::WaitingForData;
+ WPI_INFO(m_logger, "{}", "Transitioned to waiting for data.");
+ }
+ }
+ if (m_params.state == State::WaitingForData) {
+ double now = wpi::Now() * 1E-6;
+ m_voltageCommand.Set(0.0);
+ m_inst.Flush();
+ // Process valid data
+ if (!telemetryValue.empty() && m_ackNumber < currAckNumber) {
+ m_params.raw = std::move(telemetryValue);
+ m_ackNumber = currAckNumber;
+ }
+ // We have the data that we need, so we can parse it and end the test.
+ if (!m_params.raw.empty() &&
+ wpi::starts_with(m_params.raw, m_tests.back())) {
+ // Remove test type from start of string
+ m_params.raw.erase(0, m_params.raw.find(';') + 1);
+ // Clean up the string -- remove spaces if there are any.
+ m_params.raw.erase(
+ std::remove_if(m_params.raw.begin(), m_params.raw.end(), ::isspace),
+ m_params.raw.end());
+ // Split the string into individual components.
+ wpi::SmallVector res;
+ wpi::split(m_params.raw, res, ',');
+ // Convert each string to double.
+ std::vector values;
+ values.reserve(res.size());
+ for (auto&& str : res) {
+ values.push_back(wpi::parse_float(str).value());
+ }
+ // Add the values to our result vector.
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < values.size() - m_settings.mechanism.rawDataSize;
+ i += m_settings.mechanism.rawDataSize) {
+ std::vector d(m_settings.mechanism.rawDataSize);
+ std::copy_n(std::make_move_iterator(values.begin() + i),
+ m_settings.mechanism.rawDataSize, d.begin());
+ m_params.data.push_back(std::move(d));
+ }
+ WPI_INFO(m_logger,
+ "Received data with size: {} for the {} test in {} seconds.",
+ m_params.data.size(), m_tests.back(),
+ m_params.data.back()[0] - m_params.data.front()[0]);
+ m_ackNumberPub.Set(++m_ackNumber);
+ EndTest();
+ }
+ // If we timed out, end the test and let the user know.
+ if (now - m_params.disableStart > 5.0) {
+ WPI_WARNING(m_logger, "{}",
+ "TelemetryManager did not receieve data 5 seconds after "
+ "completing the test...");
+ EndTest();
+ }
+ }
+std::string TelemetryManager::SaveJSON(std::string_view location) {
+ m_data["test"] = m_settings.mechanism.name;
+ m_data["units"] = m_settings.units;
+ m_data["unitsPerRotation"] = m_settings.unitsPerRotation;
+ m_data["sysid"] = true;
+ std::string loc = fmt::format("{}/sysid_data{:%Y%m%d-%H%M%S}.json", location,
+ std::chrono::system_clock::now());
+ sysid::SaveFile(m_data.dump(2), std::filesystem::path{loc});
+ WPI_INFO(m_logger, "Wrote JSON to: {}", loc);
+ return loc;
diff --git a/sysid/src/main/native/cpp/view/Analyzer.cpp b/sysid/src/main/native/cpp/view/Analyzer.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..32709188ca6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sysid/src/main/native/cpp/view/Analyzer.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,851 @@
+// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
+// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
+// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
+#include "sysid/view/Analyzer.h"
+#include "sysid/Util.h"
+#include "sysid/analysis/AnalysisManager.h"
+#include "sysid/analysis/AnalysisType.h"
+#include "sysid/analysis/FeedbackControllerPreset.h"
+#include "sysid/analysis/FilteringUtils.h"
+#include "sysid/view/UILayout.h"
+using namespace sysid;
+Analyzer::Analyzer(glass::Storage& storage, wpi::Logger& logger)
+ : m_location(""), m_logger(logger) {
+ // Fill the StringMap with preset values.
+ m_presets["Default"] = presets::kDefault;
+ m_presets["WPILib (2020-)"] = presets::kWPILibNew;
+ m_presets["WPILib (Pre-2020)"] = presets::kWPILibOld;
+ m_presets["CANCoder"] = presets::kCTRECANCoder;
+ m_presets["CTRE"] = presets::kCTREDefault;
+ m_presets["CTRE (Pro)"] = presets::kCTREProDefault;
+ m_presets["REV Brushless Encoder Port"] = presets::kREVNEOBuiltIn;
+ m_presets["REV Brushed Encoder Port"] = presets::kREVNonNEO;
+ m_presets["REV Data Port"] = presets::kREVNonNEO;
+ m_presets["Venom"] = presets::kVenom;
+ ResetData();
+ UpdateFeedbackGains();
+void Analyzer::UpdateFeedforwardGains() {
+ WPI_INFO(m_logger, "{}", "Gain calc");
+ try {
+ const auto& [ff, trackWidth] = m_manager->CalculateFeedforward();
+ m_ff = std::get<0>(ff);
+ m_accelRSquared = std::get<1>(ff);
+ m_accelRMSE = std::get<2>(ff);
+ m_trackWidth = trackWidth;
+ m_settings.preset.measurementDelay =
+ m_settings.type == FeedbackControllerLoopType::kPosition
+ ? m_manager->GetPositionDelay()
+ : m_manager->GetVelocityDelay();
+ m_conversionFactor = m_manager->GetFactor();
+ PrepareGraphs();
+ } catch (const sysid::InvalidDataError& e) {
+ m_state = AnalyzerState::kGeneralDataError;
+ HandleError(e.what());
+ } catch (const sysid::NoQuasistaticDataError& e) {
+ m_state = AnalyzerState::kMotionThresholdError;
+ HandleError(e.what());
+ } catch (const sysid::NoDynamicDataError& e) {
+ m_state = AnalyzerState::kTestDurationError;
+ HandleError(e.what());
+ } catch (const AnalysisManager::FileReadingError& e) {
+ m_state = AnalyzerState::kFileError;
+ HandleError(e.what());
+ } catch (const wpi::json::exception& e) {
+ m_state = AnalyzerState::kFileError;
+ HandleError(e.what());
+ } catch (const std::exception& e) {
+ m_state = AnalyzerState::kFileError;
+ HandleError(e.what());
+ }
+void Analyzer::UpdateFeedbackGains() {
+ if (m_ff[1] > 0 && m_ff[2] > 0) {
+ const auto& fb = m_manager->CalculateFeedback(m_ff);
+ m_timescale = units::second_t{m_ff[2] / m_ff[1]};
+ m_Kp = fb.Kp;
+ m_Kd = fb.Kd;
+ }
+bool Analyzer::DisplayGain(const char* text, double* data,
+ bool readOnly = true) {
+ ImGui::SetNextItemWidth(ImGui::GetFontSize() * 5);
+ if (readOnly) {
+ return ImGui::InputDouble(text, data, 0.0, 0.0, "%.5G",
+ ImGuiInputTextFlags_ReadOnly);
+ } else {
+ return ImGui::InputDouble(text, data, 0.0, 0.0, "%.5G");
+ }
+static void SetPosition(double beginX, double beginY, double xShift,
+ double yShift) {
+ ImGui::SetCursorPos(ImVec2(beginX + xShift * 10 * ImGui::GetFontSize(),
+ beginY + yShift * 1.75 * ImGui::GetFontSize()));
+bool Analyzer::IsErrorState() {
+ return m_state == AnalyzerState::kMotionThresholdError ||
+ m_state == AnalyzerState::kTestDurationError ||
+ m_state == AnalyzerState::kGeneralDataError ||
+ m_state == AnalyzerState::kFileError;
+bool Analyzer::IsDataErrorState() {
+ return m_state == AnalyzerState::kMotionThresholdError ||
+ m_state == AnalyzerState::kTestDurationError ||
+ m_state == AnalyzerState::kGeneralDataError;
+void Analyzer::DisplayFileSelector() {
+ // Get the current width of the window. This will be used to scale
+ // our UI elements.
+ float width = ImGui::GetContentRegionAvail().x;
+ // Show the file location along with an option to choose.
+ if (ImGui::Button("Select")) {
+ m_selector = std::make_unique(
+ "Select Data", "",
+ std::vector{"JSON File", SYSID_PFD_JSON_EXT});
+ }
+ ImGui::SameLine();
+ ImGui::SetNextItemWidth(width - ImGui::CalcTextSize("Select").x -
+ ImGui::GetFontSize() * 5);
+ ImGui::InputText("##location", &m_location, ImGuiInputTextFlags_ReadOnly);
+void Analyzer::ResetData() {
+ m_plot.ResetData();
+ m_manager = std::make_unique(m_settings, m_logger);
+ m_location = "";
+ m_ff = std::vector{1, 1, 1};
+ UpdateFeedbackGains();
+bool Analyzer::DisplayResetAndUnitOverride() {
+ auto type = m_manager->GetAnalysisType();
+ auto unit = m_manager->GetUnit();
+ float width = ImGui::GetContentRegionAvail().x;
+ ImGui::SameLine(width - ImGui::CalcTextSize("Reset").x);
+ if (ImGui::Button("Reset")) {
+ ResetData();
+ m_state = AnalyzerState::kWaitingForJSON;
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (type == analysis::kDrivetrain) {
+ ImGui::SetNextItemWidth(ImGui::GetFontSize() * kTextBoxWidthMultiple);
+ if (ImGui::Combo("Dataset", &m_dataset, kDatasets, 3)) {
+ m_settings.dataset =
+ static_cast(m_dataset);
+ PrepareData();
+ }
+ ImGui::SameLine();
+ } else {
+ m_settings.dataset =
+ AnalysisManager::Settings::DrivetrainDataset::kCombined;
+ }
+ ImGui::Spacing();
+ ImGui::Text(
+ "Units: %s\n"
+ "Units Per Rotation: %.4f\n"
+ "Type: %s",
+ std::string(unit).c_str(), m_conversionFactor, type.name);
+ if (type == analysis::kDrivetrainAngular) {
+ ImGui::SameLine();
+ sysid::CreateTooltip(
+ "Here, the units and units per rotation represent what the wheel "
+ "positions and velocities were captured in. The track width value "
+ "will reflect the unit selected here. However, the Kv and Ka will "
+ "always be in Vs/rad and Vs^2 / rad respectively.");
+ }
+ if (ImGui::Button("Override Units")) {
+ ImGui::OpenPopup("Override Units");
+ }
+ auto size = ImGui::GetIO().DisplaySize;
+ ImGui::SetNextWindowSize(ImVec2(size.x / 4, size.y * 0.2));
+ if (ImGui::BeginPopupModal("Override Units")) {
+ ImGui::SetNextItemWidth(ImGui::GetFontSize() * 7);
+ ImGui::Combo("Units", &m_selectedOverrideUnit, kUnits,
+ IM_ARRAYSIZE(kUnits));
+ unit = kUnits[m_selectedOverrideUnit];
+ if (unit == "Degrees") {
+ m_conversionFactor = 360.0;
+ } else if (unit == "Radians") {
+ m_conversionFactor = 2 * std::numbers::pi;
+ } else if (unit == "Rotations") {
+ m_conversionFactor = 1.0;
+ }
+ bool isRotational = m_selectedOverrideUnit > 2;
+ ImGui::SetNextItemWidth(ImGui::GetFontSize() * 7);
+ ImGui::InputDouble(
+ "Units Per Rotation", &m_conversionFactor, 0.0, 0.0, "%.4f",
+ isRotational ? ImGuiInputTextFlags_ReadOnly : ImGuiInputTextFlags_None);
+ if (ImGui::Button("Close")) {
+ ImGui::CloseCurrentPopup();
+ m_manager->OverrideUnits(unit, m_conversionFactor);
+ PrepareData();
+ }
+ ImGui::EndPopup();
+ }
+ ImGui::SameLine();
+ if (ImGui::Button("Reset Units from JSON")) {
+ m_manager->ResetUnitsFromJSON();
+ PrepareData();
+ }
+ return false;
+void Analyzer::ConfigParamsOnFileSelect() {
+ WPI_INFO(m_logger, "{}", "Configuring Params");
+ m_stepTestDuration = m_settings.stepTestDuration.to();
+ // Estimate qp as 1/8 * units-per-rot
+ m_settings.lqr.qp = 0.125 * m_manager->GetFactor();
+ // Estimate qv as 1/4 * max velocity = 1/4 * (12V - kS) / kV
+ m_settings.lqr.qv = 0.25 * (12.0 - m_ff[0]) / m_ff[1];
+void Analyzer::Display() {
+ DisplayFileSelector();
+ DisplayGraphs();
+ switch (m_state) {
+ case AnalyzerState::kWaitingForJSON: {
+ ImGui::Text(
+ "SysId is currently in theoretical analysis mode.\n"
+ "To analyze recorded test data, select a "
+ "data JSON.");
+ sysid::CreateTooltip(
+ "Theoretical feedback gains can be calculated from a "
+ "physical model of the mechanism being controlled. "
+ "Theoretical gains for several common mechanisms can "
+ "be obtained from ReCalc (https://reca.lc).");
+ ImGui::Spacing();
+ ImGui::Spacing();
+ ImGui::SetNextItemOpen(true, ImGuiCond_Once);
+ if (ImGui::CollapsingHeader("Feedforward Gains (Theoretical)")) {
+ float beginX = ImGui::GetCursorPosX();
+ float beginY = ImGui::GetCursorPosY();
+ CollectFeedforwardGains(beginX, beginY);
+ }
+ ImGui::SetNextItemOpen(true, ImGuiCond_Once);
+ if (ImGui::CollapsingHeader("Feedback Analysis")) {
+ DisplayFeedbackGains();
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case AnalyzerState::kNominalDisplay: { // Allow the user to select which
+ // data set they want analyzed and
+ // add a
+ // reset button. Also show the units and the units per rotation.
+ if (DisplayResetAndUnitOverride()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ ImGui::Spacing();
+ ImGui::Spacing();
+ ImGui::SetNextItemOpen(true, ImGuiCond_Once);
+ if (ImGui::CollapsingHeader("Feedforward Analysis")) {
+ float beginX = ImGui::GetCursorPosX();
+ float beginY = ImGui::GetCursorPosY();
+ DisplayFeedforwardGains(beginX, beginY);
+ }
+ ImGui::SetNextItemOpen(true, ImGuiCond_Once);
+ if (ImGui::CollapsingHeader("Feedback Analysis")) {
+ DisplayFeedbackGains();
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case AnalyzerState::kFileError: {
+ CreateErrorPopup(m_errorPopup, m_exception);
+ if (!m_errorPopup) {
+ m_state = AnalyzerState::kWaitingForJSON;
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case AnalyzerState::kGeneralDataError:
+ case AnalyzerState::kTestDurationError:
+ case AnalyzerState::kMotionThresholdError: {
+ CreateErrorPopup(m_errorPopup, m_exception);
+ if (DisplayResetAndUnitOverride()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ float beginX = ImGui::GetCursorPosX();
+ float beginY = ImGui::GetCursorPosY();
+ DisplayFeedforwardParameters(beginX, beginY);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // Periodic functions
+ try {
+ SelectFile();
+ } catch (const AnalysisManager::FileReadingError& e) {
+ m_state = AnalyzerState::kFileError;
+ HandleError(e.what());
+ } catch (const wpi::json::exception& e) {
+ m_state = AnalyzerState::kFileError;
+ HandleError(e.what());
+ }
+void Analyzer::PrepareData() {
+ try {
+ m_manager->PrepareData();
+ UpdateFeedforwardGains();
+ UpdateFeedbackGains();
+ } catch (const sysid::InvalidDataError& e) {
+ m_state = AnalyzerState::kGeneralDataError;
+ HandleError(e.what());
+ } catch (const sysid::NoQuasistaticDataError& e) {
+ m_state = AnalyzerState::kMotionThresholdError;
+ HandleError(e.what());
+ } catch (const sysid::NoDynamicDataError& e) {
+ m_state = AnalyzerState::kTestDurationError;
+ HandleError(e.what());
+ } catch (const AnalysisManager::FileReadingError& e) {
+ m_state = AnalyzerState::kFileError;
+ HandleError(e.what());
+ } catch (const wpi::json::exception& e) {
+ m_state = AnalyzerState::kFileError;
+ HandleError(e.what());
+ } catch (const std::exception& e) {
+ m_state = AnalyzerState::kFileError;
+ HandleError(e.what());
+ }
+void Analyzer::PrepareRawGraphs() {
+ if (m_manager->HasData()) {
+ AbortDataPrep();
+ m_dataThread = std::thread([&] {
+ m_plot.SetRawData(m_manager->GetOriginalData(), m_manager->GetUnit(),
+ m_abortDataPrep);
+ });
+ }
+void Analyzer::PrepareGraphs() {
+ if (m_manager->HasData()) {
+ WPI_INFO(m_logger, "{}", "Graph state");
+ AbortDataPrep();
+ m_dataThread = std::thread([&] {
+ m_plot.SetData(m_manager->GetRawData(), m_manager->GetFilteredData(),
+ m_manager->GetUnit(), m_ff, m_manager->GetStartTimes(),
+ m_manager->GetAnalysisType(), m_abortDataPrep);
+ });
+ UpdateFeedbackGains();
+ m_state = AnalyzerState::kNominalDisplay;
+ }
+void Analyzer::HandleError(std::string_view msg) {
+ m_exception = msg;
+ m_errorPopup = true;
+ if (m_state == AnalyzerState::kFileError) {
+ m_location = "";
+ }
+ PrepareRawGraphs();
+void Analyzer::DisplayGraphs() {
+ ImGui::SetNextWindowPos(ImVec2{kDiagnosticPlotWindowPos},
+ ImGuiCond_FirstUseEver);
+ ImGui::SetNextWindowSize(ImVec2{kDiagnosticPlotWindowSize},
+ ImGuiCond_FirstUseEver);
+ ImGui::Begin("Diagnostic Plots");
+ ImGui::SetNextItemWidth(ImGui::GetFontSize() * 6);
+ if (ImGui::SliderFloat("Point Size", &m_plot.m_pointSize, 1, 2, "%.2f")) {
+ if (!IsErrorState()) {
+ PrepareGraphs();
+ } else {
+ PrepareRawGraphs();
+ }
+ }
+ ImGui::SameLine();
+ ImGui::SetNextItemWidth(ImGui::GetFontSize() * 6);
+ const char* items[] = {"Forward", "Backward"};
+ if (ImGui::Combo("Direction", &m_plot.m_direction, items, 2)) {
+ if (!IsErrorState()) {
+ PrepareGraphs();
+ } else {
+ PrepareRawGraphs();
+ }
+ }
+ // If the plots were already loaded, store the scroll position. Else go to
+ // the last recorded scroll position if they have just been initialized
+ bool plotsLoaded = m_plot.DisplayPlots();
+ if (plotsLoaded) {
+ if (m_prevPlotsLoaded) {
+ m_graphScroll = ImGui::GetScrollY();
+ } else {
+ ImGui::SetScrollY(m_graphScroll);
+ }
+ // If a JSON is selected
+ if (m_state == AnalyzerState::kNominalDisplay) {
+ DisplayGain("Acceleration R²", &m_accelRSquared);
+ CreateTooltip(
+ "The coefficient of determination of the OLS fit of acceleration "
+ "versus velocity and voltage. Acceleration is extremely noisy, "
+ "so this is generally quite small.");
+ ImGui::SameLine();
+ DisplayGain("Acceleration RMSE", &m_accelRMSE);
+ CreateTooltip(
+ "The standard deviation of the residuals from the predicted "
+ "acceleration."
+ "This can be interpreted loosely as the mean measured disturbance "
+ "from the \"ideal\" system equation.");
+ DisplayGain("Sim velocity R²", m_plot.GetSimRSquared());
+ CreateTooltip(
+ "The coefficient of determination the simulated velocity. "
+ "Velocity is much less-noisy than acceleration, so this "
+ "is pretty close to 1 for a decent fit.");
+ ImGui::SameLine();
+ DisplayGain("Sim velocity RMSE", m_plot.GetSimRMSE());
+ CreateTooltip(
+ "The standard deviation of the residuals from the simulated velocity "
+ "predictions - essentially the size of the mean error of the "
+ "simulated model "
+ "in the recorded velocity units.");
+ }
+ }
+ m_prevPlotsLoaded = plotsLoaded;
+ ImGui::End();
+void Analyzer::SelectFile() {
+ // If the selector exists and is ready with a result, we can store it.
+ if (m_selector && m_selector->ready() && !m_selector->result().empty()) {
+ // Store the location of the file and reset the selector.
+ WPI_INFO(m_logger, "Opening File: {}", m_selector->result()[0]);
+ m_location = m_selector->result()[0];
+ m_selector.reset();
+ WPI_INFO(m_logger, "{}", "Opened File");
+ m_manager =
+ std::make_unique(m_location, m_settings, m_logger);
+ PrepareData();
+ m_dataset = 0;
+ m_settings.dataset =
+ AnalysisManager::Settings::DrivetrainDataset::kCombined;
+ ConfigParamsOnFileSelect();
+ UpdateFeedbackGains();
+ }
+void Analyzer::AbortDataPrep() {
+ if (m_dataThread.joinable()) {
+ m_abortDataPrep = true;
+ m_dataThread.join();
+ m_abortDataPrep = false;
+ }
+void Analyzer::DisplayFeedforwardParameters(float beginX, float beginY) {
+ // Increase spacing to not run into trackwidth in the normal analyzer view
+ constexpr double kHorizontalOffset = 0.9;
+ SetPosition(beginX, beginY, kHorizontalOffset, 0);
+ bool displayAll =
+ !IsErrorState() || m_state == AnalyzerState::kGeneralDataError;
+ if (displayAll) {
+ // Wait for enter before refresh so double digit entries like "15" don't
+ // prematurely refresh with "1". That can cause display stuttering.
+ ImGui::SetNextItemWidth(ImGui::GetFontSize() * 4);
+ int window = m_settings.medianWindow;
+ if (ImGui::InputInt("Window Size", &window, 0, 0,
+ ImGuiInputTextFlags_EnterReturnsTrue)) {
+ m_settings.medianWindow = std::clamp(window, 1, 15);
+ PrepareData();
+ }
+ CreateTooltip(
+ "The number of samples in the velocity median "
+ "filter's sliding window.");
+ }
+ if (displayAll || m_state == AnalyzerState::kMotionThresholdError) {
+ // Wait for enter before refresh so decimal inputs like "0.2" don't
+ // prematurely refresh with a velocity threshold of "0".
+ SetPosition(beginX, beginY, kHorizontalOffset, 1);
+ ImGui::SetNextItemWidth(ImGui::GetFontSize() * 4);
+ double threshold = m_settings.motionThreshold;
+ if (ImGui::InputDouble("Velocity Threshold", &threshold, 0.0, 0.0, "%.3f",
+ ImGuiInputTextFlags_EnterReturnsTrue)) {
+ m_settings.motionThreshold = std::max(0.0, threshold);
+ PrepareData();
+ }
+ CreateTooltip("Velocity data below this threshold will be ignored.");
+ }
+ if (displayAll || m_state == AnalyzerState::kTestDurationError) {
+ SetPosition(beginX, beginY, kHorizontalOffset, 2);
+ ImGui::SetNextItemWidth(ImGui::GetFontSize() * 4);
+ if (ImGui::SliderFloat("Test Duration", &m_stepTestDuration,
+ m_manager->GetMinStepTime().value(),
+ m_manager->GetMaxStepTime().value(), "%.2f")) {
+ m_settings.stepTestDuration = units::second_t{m_stepTestDuration};
+ PrepareData();
+ }
+ }
+void Analyzer::CollectFeedforwardGains(float beginX, float beginY) {
+ SetPosition(beginX, beginY, 0, 0);
+ if (DisplayGain("Kv", &m_ff[1], false)) {
+ UpdateFeedbackGains();
+ }
+ SetPosition(beginX, beginY, 0, 1);
+ if (DisplayGain("Ka", &m_ff[2], false)) {
+ UpdateFeedbackGains();
+ }
+ SetPosition(beginX, beginY, 0, 2);
+ // Show Timescale
+ ImGui::SetNextItemWidth(ImGui::GetFontSize() * 4);
+ DisplayGain("Response Timescale (ms)",
+ reinterpret_cast(&m_timescale));
+ CreateTooltip(
+ "The characteristic timescale of the system response in milliseconds. "
+ "Both the control loop period and total signal delay should be "
+ "at least 3-5 times shorter than this to optimally control the "
+ "system.");
+void Analyzer::DisplayFeedforwardGains(float beginX, float beginY) {
+ SetPosition(beginX, beginY, 0, 0);
+ DisplayGain("Ks", &m_ff[0]);
+ SetPosition(beginX, beginY, 0, 1);
+ DisplayGain("Kv", &m_ff[1]);
+ SetPosition(beginX, beginY, 0, 2);
+ DisplayGain("Ka", &m_ff[2]);
+ SetPosition(beginX, beginY, 0, 3);
+ // Show Timescale
+ ImGui::SetNextItemWidth(ImGui::GetFontSize() * 4);
+ DisplayGain("Response Timescale (ms)",
+ reinterpret_cast(&m_timescale));
+ CreateTooltip(
+ "The characteristic timescale of the system response in milliseconds. "
+ "Both the control loop period and total signal delay should be "
+ "at least 3-5 times shorter than this to optimally control the "
+ "system.");
+ SetPosition(beginX, beginY, 0, 4);
+ auto positionDelay = m_manager->GetPositionDelay();
+ DisplayGain("Position Measurement Delay (ms)",
+ reinterpret_cast(&positionDelay));
+ CreateTooltip(
+ "The average elapsed time between the first application of "
+ "voltage and the first detected change in mechanism position "
+ "in the step-voltage tests. This includes CAN delays, and "
+ "may overestimate the true delay for on-motor-controller "
+ "feedback loops by up to 20ms.");
+ SetPosition(beginX, beginY, 0, 5);
+ auto velocityDelay = m_manager->GetVelocityDelay();
+ DisplayGain("Velocity Measurement Delay (ms)",
+ reinterpret_cast(&velocityDelay));
+ CreateTooltip(
+ "The average elapsed time between the first application of "
+ "voltage and the maximum calculated mechanism acceleration "
+ "in the step-voltage tests. This includes CAN delays, and "
+ "may overestimate the true delay for on-motor-controller "
+ "feedback loops by up to 20ms.");
+ SetPosition(beginX, beginY, 0, 6);
+ if (m_manager->GetAnalysisType() == analysis::kElevator) {
+ DisplayGain("Kg", &m_ff[3]);
+ } else if (m_manager->GetAnalysisType() == analysis::kArm) {
+ DisplayGain("Kg", &m_ff[3]);
+ double offset;
+ auto unit = m_manager->GetUnit();
+ if (unit == "Radians") {
+ offset = m_ff[4];
+ } else if (unit == "Degrees") {
+ offset = m_ff[4] / std::numbers::pi * 180.0;
+ } else if (unit == "Rotations") {
+ offset = m_ff[4] / (2 * std::numbers::pi);
+ }
+ DisplayGain(
+ fmt::format("Angle offset to horizontal ({})", GetAbbreviation(unit))
+ .c_str(),
+ &offset);
+ CreateTooltip(
+ "This is the angle offset which, when added to the angle measurement, "
+ "zeroes it out when the arm is horizontal. This is needed for the arm "
+ "feedforward to work.");
+ } else if (m_trackWidth) {
+ DisplayGain("Track Width", &*m_trackWidth);
+ }
+ double endY = ImGui::GetCursorPosY();
+ DisplayFeedforwardParameters(beginX, beginY);
+ ImGui::SetCursorPosY(endY);
+void Analyzer::DisplayFeedbackGains() {
+ // Allow the user to select a feedback controller preset.
+ ImGui::Spacing();
+ ImGui::SetNextItemWidth(ImGui::GetFontSize() * kTextBoxWidthMultiple);
+ if (ImGui::Combo("Gain Preset", &m_selectedPreset, kPresetNames,
+ IM_ARRAYSIZE(kPresetNames))) {
+ m_settings.preset = m_presets[kPresetNames[m_selectedPreset]];
+ m_settings.type = FeedbackControllerLoopType::kVelocity;
+ m_selectedLoopType =
+ static_cast(FeedbackControllerLoopType::kVelocity);
+ m_settings.convertGainsToEncTicks = m_selectedPreset > 2;
+ UpdateFeedbackGains();
+ }
+ ImGui::SameLine();
+ sysid::CreateTooltip(
+ "Gain presets represent how feedback gains are calculated for your "
+ "specific feedback controller:\n\n"
+ "Default, WPILib (2020-): For use with the new WPILib PIDController "
+ "class.\n"
+ "WPILib (Pre-2020): For use with the old WPILib PIDController class.\n"
+ "CTRE: For use with CTRE units. These are the default units that ship "
+ "with CTRE motor controllers.\n"
+ "REV (Brushless): For use with NEO and NEO 550 motors on a SPARK MAX.\n"
+ "REV (Brushed): For use with brushed motors connected to a SPARK MAX.");
+ if (m_settings.preset != m_presets[kPresetNames[m_selectedPreset]]) {
+ ImGui::SameLine();
+ ImGui::TextDisabled("(modified)");
+ }
+ // Show our feedback controller preset values.
+ ImGui::SetNextItemWidth(ImGui::GetFontSize() * 4);
+ double value = m_settings.preset.outputConversionFactor * 12;
+ if (ImGui::InputDouble("Max Controller Output", &value, 0.0, 0.0, "%.1f") &&
+ value > 0) {
+ m_settings.preset.outputConversionFactor = value / 12.0;
+ UpdateFeedbackGains();
+ }
+ ImGui::SetNextItemWidth(ImGui::GetFontSize() * 4);
+ value = m_settings.preset.outputVelocityTimeFactor;
+ if (ImGui::InputDouble("Velocity Denominator Units (s)", &value, 0.0, 0.0,
+ "%.1f") &&
+ value > 0) {
+ m_settings.preset.outputVelocityTimeFactor = value;
+ UpdateFeedbackGains();
+ }
+ sysid::CreateTooltip(
+ "This represents the denominator of the velocity unit used by the "
+ "feedback controller. For example, CTRE uses 100 ms = 0.1 s.");
+ auto ShowPresetValue = [](const char* text, double* data,
+ float cursorX = 0.0f) {
+ if (cursorX > 0) {
+ ImGui::SetCursorPosX(cursorX);
+ }
+ ImGui::SetNextItemWidth(ImGui::GetFontSize() * 4);
+ return ImGui::InputDouble(text, data, 0.0, 0.0, "%.5G");
+ };
+ // Show controller period.
+ if (ShowPresetValue("Controller Period (ms)",
+ reinterpret_cast(&m_settings.preset.period))) {
+ if (m_settings.preset.period > 0_s &&
+ m_settings.preset.measurementDelay >= 0_s) {
+ UpdateFeedbackGains();
+ }
+ }
+ // Show whether the controller gains are time-normalized.
+ if (ImGui::Checkbox("Time-Normalized?", &m_settings.preset.normalized)) {
+ UpdateFeedbackGains();
+ }
+ // Show position/velocity measurement delay.
+ if (ShowPresetValue(
+ "Measurement Delay (ms)",
+ reinterpret_cast(&m_settings.preset.measurementDelay))) {
+ if (m_settings.preset.period > 0_s &&
+ m_settings.preset.measurementDelay >= 0_s) {
+ UpdateFeedbackGains();
+ }
+ }
+ sysid::CreateTooltip(
+ "The average measurement delay of the process variable in milliseconds. "
+ "This may depend on your encoder settings and choice of motor "
+ "controller. Default velocity filtering windows are quite long "
+ "on many motor controllers, so be careful that this value is "
+ "accurate if the characteristic timescale of the mechanism "
+ "is small.");
+ // Add CPR and Gearing for converting Feedback Gains
+ ImGui::Separator();
+ ImGui::Spacing();
+ if (ImGui::Checkbox("Convert Gains to Encoder Counts",
+ &m_settings.convertGainsToEncTicks)) {
+ UpdateFeedbackGains();
+ }
+ sysid::CreateTooltip(
+ "Whether the feedback gains should be in terms of encoder counts or "
+ "output units. Because smart motor controllers usually don't have "
+ "direct access to the output units (i.e. m/s for a drivetrain), they "
+ "perform feedback on the encoder counts directly. If you are using a "
+ "PID Controller on the RoboRIO, you are probably performing feedback "
+ "on the output units directly.\n\nNote that if you have properly set "
+ "up position and velocity conversion factors with the SPARK MAX, you "
+ "can leave this box unchecked. The motor controller will perform "
+ "feedback on the output directly.");
+ if (m_settings.convertGainsToEncTicks) {
+ ImGui::SetNextItemWidth(ImGui::GetFontSize() * 5);
+ if (ImGui::InputDouble("##Numerator", &m_gearingNumerator, 0.0, 0.0, "%.4f",
+ ImGuiInputTextFlags_EnterReturnsTrue) &&
+ m_gearingNumerator > 0) {
+ m_settings.gearing = m_gearingNumerator / m_gearingDenominator;
+ UpdateFeedbackGains();
+ }
+ ImGui::SameLine();
+ ImGui::SetNextItemWidth(ImGui::GetFontSize() * 5);
+ if (ImGui::InputDouble("##Denominator", &m_gearingDenominator, 0.0, 0.0,
+ "%.4f", ImGuiInputTextFlags_EnterReturnsTrue) &&
+ m_gearingDenominator > 0) {
+ m_settings.gearing = m_gearingNumerator / m_gearingDenominator;
+ UpdateFeedbackGains();
+ }
+ sysid::CreateTooltip(
+ "The gearing between the encoder and the motor shaft (# of encoder "
+ "turns / # of motor shaft turns).");
+ ImGui::SetNextItemWidth(ImGui::GetFontSize() * 5);
+ if (ImGui::InputInt("CPR", &m_settings.cpr, 0, 0,
+ ImGuiInputTextFlags_EnterReturnsTrue) &&
+ m_settings.cpr > 0) {
+ UpdateFeedbackGains();
+ }
+ sysid::CreateTooltip(
+ "The counts per rotation of your encoder. This is the number of counts "
+ "reported in user code when the encoder is rotated exactly once. Some "
+ "common values for various motors/encoders are:\n\n"
+ "Falcon 500: 2048\nNEO: 1\nCTRE Mag Encoder / CANCoder: 4096\nREV "
+ "Through Bore Encoder: 8192\n");
+ }
+ ImGui::Separator();
+ ImGui::Spacing();
+ // Allow the user to select a loop type.
+ ImGui::SetNextItemWidth(ImGui::GetFontSize() * kTextBoxWidthMultiple);
+ if (ImGui::Combo("Loop Type", &m_selectedLoopType, kLoopTypes,
+ IM_ARRAYSIZE(kLoopTypes))) {
+ m_settings.type =
+ static_cast(m_selectedLoopType);
+ if (m_state == AnalyzerState::kWaitingForJSON) {
+ m_settings.preset.measurementDelay = 0_ms;
+ } else {
+ if (m_settings.type == FeedbackControllerLoopType::kPosition) {
+ m_settings.preset.measurementDelay = m_manager->GetPositionDelay();
+ } else {
+ m_settings.preset.measurementDelay = m_manager->GetVelocityDelay();
+ }
+ }
+ UpdateFeedbackGains();
+ }
+ ImGui::Spacing();
+ // Show Kp and Kd.
+ float beginY = ImGui::GetCursorPosY();
+ ImGui::SetNextItemWidth(ImGui::GetFontSize() * 4);
+ DisplayGain("Kp", &m_Kp);
+ ImGui::SetNextItemWidth(ImGui::GetFontSize() * 4);
+ DisplayGain("Kd", &m_Kd);
+ // Come back to the starting y pos.
+ ImGui::SetCursorPosY(beginY);
+ if (m_selectedLoopType == 0) {
+ std::string unit;
+ if (m_state != AnalyzerState::kWaitingForJSON) {
+ unit = fmt::format(" ({})", GetAbbreviation(m_manager->GetUnit()));
+ }
+ ImGui::SetCursorPosX(ImGui::GetFontSize() * 9);
+ if (DisplayGain(fmt::format("Max Position Error{}", unit).c_str(),
+ &m_settings.lqr.qp, false)) {
+ if (m_settings.lqr.qp > 0) {
+ UpdateFeedbackGains();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ std::string unit;
+ if (m_state != AnalyzerState::kWaitingForJSON) {
+ unit = fmt::format(" ({}/s)", GetAbbreviation(m_manager->GetUnit()));
+ }
+ ImGui::SetCursorPosX(ImGui::GetFontSize() * 9);
+ if (DisplayGain(fmt::format("Max Velocity Error{}", unit).c_str(),
+ &m_settings.lqr.qv, false)) {
+ if (m_settings.lqr.qv > 0) {
+ UpdateFeedbackGains();
+ }
+ }
+ ImGui::SetCursorPosX(ImGui::GetFontSize() * 9);
+ if (DisplayGain("Max Control Effort (V)", &m_settings.lqr.r, false)) {
+ if (m_settings.lqr.r > 0) {
+ UpdateFeedbackGains();
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/sysid/src/main/native/cpp/view/AnalyzerPlot.cpp b/sysid/src/main/native/cpp/view/AnalyzerPlot.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d8afbaf06c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sysid/src/main/native/cpp/view/AnalyzerPlot.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,531 @@
+// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
+// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
+// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
+#include "sysid/view/AnalyzerPlot.h"
+#include "sysid/Util.h"
+#include "sysid/analysis/AnalysisManager.h"
+#include "sysid/analysis/ArmSim.h"
+#include "sysid/analysis/ElevatorSim.h"
+#include "sysid/analysis/FilteringUtils.h"
+#include "sysid/analysis/SimpleMotorSim.h"
+using namespace sysid;
+static ImPlotPoint Getter(int idx, void* data) {
+ return static_cast(data)[idx];
+static std::vector> PopulateTimeDomainSim(
+ const std::vector& data,
+ const std::array& startTimes, size_t step, Model model,
+ double* simSquaredErrorSum, double* squaredVariationSum,
+ int* timeSeriesPoints) {
+ // Create the vector of ImPlotPoints that will contain our simulated data.
+ std::vector> pts;
+ std::vector tmp;
+ auto startTime = data[0].timestamp;
+ tmp.emplace_back(startTime.value(), data[0].velocity);
+ model.Reset(data[0].position, data[0].velocity);
+ units::second_t t = 0_s;
+ for (size_t i = 1; i < data.size(); ++i) {
+ const auto& now = data[i];
+ const auto& pre = data[i - 1];
+ t += now.timestamp - pre.timestamp;
+ // If the current time stamp and previous time stamp are across a test's
+ // start timestamp, it is the start of a new test and the model needs to be
+ // reset.
+ if (std::find(startTimes.begin(), startTimes.end(), now.timestamp) !=
+ startTimes.end()) {
+ pts.emplace_back(std::move(tmp));
+ model.Reset(now.position, now.velocity);
+ continue;
+ }
+ model.Update(units::volt_t{pre.voltage}, now.timestamp - pre.timestamp);
+ tmp.emplace_back((startTime + t).value(), model.GetVelocity());
+ *simSquaredErrorSum += std::pow(now.velocity - model.GetVelocity(), 2);
+ *squaredVariationSum += std::pow(now.velocity, 2);
+ ++(*timeSeriesPoints);
+ }
+ pts.emplace_back(std::move(tmp));
+ return pts;
+AnalyzerPlot::AnalyzerPlot(wpi::Logger& logger) : m_logger(logger) {}
+void AnalyzerPlot::SetRawTimeData(const std::vector& rawSlow,
+ const std::vector& rawFast,
+ std::atomic& abort) {
+ auto rawSlowStep = std::ceil(rawSlow.size() * 1.0 / kMaxSize * 4);
+ auto rawFastStep = std::ceil(rawFast.size() * 1.0 / kMaxSize * 4);
+ // Populate Raw Slow Time Series Data
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < rawSlow.size(); i += rawSlowStep) {
+ if (abort) {
+ return;
+ }
+ m_quasistaticData.rawData.emplace_back((rawSlow[i].timestamp).value(),
+ rawSlow[i].velocity);
+ }
+ // Populate Raw fast Time Series Data
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < rawFast.size(); i += rawFastStep) {
+ if (abort) {
+ return;
+ }
+ m_dynamicData.rawData.emplace_back((rawFast[i].timestamp).value(),
+ rawFast[i].velocity);
+ }
+void AnalyzerPlot::ResetData() {
+ m_quasistaticData.Clear();
+ m_dynamicData.Clear();
+ m_regressionData.Clear();
+ m_timestepData.Clear();
+ FitPlots();
+void AnalyzerPlot::SetGraphLabels(std::string_view unit) {
+ std::string_view abbreviation = GetAbbreviation(unit);
+ m_velocityLabel = fmt::format("Velocity ({}/s)", abbreviation);
+ m_accelerationLabel = fmt::format("Acceleration ({}/s²)", abbreviation);
+ m_velPortionAccelLabel =
+ fmt::format("Velocity-Portion Accel ({}/s²)", abbreviation);
+void AnalyzerPlot::SetRawData(const Storage& data, std::string_view unit,
+ std::atomic& abort) {
+ const auto& [slowForward, slowBackward, fastForward, fastBackward] = data;
+ const auto& slow = m_direction == 0 ? slowForward : slowBackward;
+ const auto& fast = m_direction == 0 ? fastForward : fastBackward;
+ SetGraphLabels(unit);
+ std::scoped_lock lock(m_mutex);
+ ResetData();
+ SetRawTimeData(slow, fast, abort);
+void AnalyzerPlot::SetData(const Storage& rawData, const Storage& filteredData,
+ std::string_view unit,
+ const std::vector& ffGains,
+ const std::array& startTimes,
+ AnalysisType type, std::atomic& abort) {
+ double simSquaredErrorSum = 0;
+ double squaredVariationSum = 0;
+ int timeSeriesPoints = 0;
+ const auto& Ks = ffGains[0];
+ const auto& Kv = ffGains[1];
+ const auto& Ka = ffGains[2];
+ auto& [slowForward, slowBackward, fastForward, fastBackward] = filteredData;
+ auto& [rawSlowForward, rawSlowBackward, rawFastForward, rawFastBackward] =
+ rawData;
+ const auto slow = AnalysisManager::DataConcat(slowForward, slowBackward);
+ const auto fast = AnalysisManager::DataConcat(fastForward, fastBackward);
+ const auto rawSlow =
+ AnalysisManager::DataConcat(rawSlowForward, rawSlowBackward);
+ const auto rawFast =
+ AnalysisManager::DataConcat(rawFastForward, rawFastBackward);
+ SetGraphLabels(unit);
+ std::scoped_lock lock(m_mutex);
+ ResetData();
+ // Calculate step sizes to ensure that we only use the memory that we
+ // allocated.
+ auto slowStep = std::ceil(slow.size() * 1.0 / kMaxSize * 4);
+ auto fastStep = std::ceil(fast.size() * 1.0 / kMaxSize * 4);
+ units::second_t dtMean = GetMeanTimeDelta(filteredData);
+ // Velocity-vs-time plots
+ {
+ const auto& slow = m_direction == 0 ? slowForward : slowBackward;
+ const auto& fast = m_direction == 0 ? fastForward : fastBackward;
+ const auto& rawSlow = m_direction == 0 ? rawSlowForward : rawSlowBackward;
+ const auto& rawFast = m_direction == 0 ? rawFastForward : rawFastBackward;
+ // Populate quasistatic time-domain graphs
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < slow.size(); i += slowStep) {
+ if (abort) {
+ return;
+ }
+ m_quasistaticData.filteredData.emplace_back((slow[i].timestamp).value(),
+ slow[i].velocity);
+ if (i > 0) {
+ // If the current timestamp is not in the startTimes array, it is the
+ // during a test and should be included. If it is in the startTimes
+ // array, it is the beginning of a new test and the dt will be inflated.
+ // Therefore we skip those to exclude that dt and effectively reset dt
+ // calculations.
+ if (slow[i].dt > 0_s &&
+ std::find(startTimes.begin(), startTimes.end(),
+ slow[i].timestamp) == startTimes.end()) {
+ m_timestepData.data.emplace_back(
+ (slow[i].timestamp).value(),
+ units::millisecond_t{slow[i].dt}.value());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Populate dynamic time-domain graphs
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < fast.size(); i += fastStep) {
+ if (abort) {
+ return;
+ }
+ m_dynamicData.filteredData.emplace_back((fast[i].timestamp).value(),
+ fast[i].velocity);
+ if (i > 0) {
+ // If the current timestamp is not in the startTimes array, it is the
+ // during a test and should be included. If it is in the startTimes
+ // array, it is the beginning of a new test and the dt will be inflated.
+ // Therefore we skip those to exclude that dt and effectively reset dt
+ // calculations.
+ if (fast[i].dt > 0_s &&
+ std::find(startTimes.begin(), startTimes.end(),
+ fast[i].timestamp) == startTimes.end()) {
+ m_timestepData.data.emplace_back(
+ (fast[i].timestamp).value(),
+ units::millisecond_t{fast[i].dt}.value());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ SetRawTimeData(rawSlow, rawFast, abort);
+ // Populate simulated time domain data
+ if (type == analysis::kElevator) {
+ const auto& Kg = ffGains[3];
+ m_quasistaticData.simData = PopulateTimeDomainSim(
+ rawSlow, startTimes, fastStep, sysid::ElevatorSim{Ks, Kv, Ka, Kg},
+ &simSquaredErrorSum, &squaredVariationSum, &timeSeriesPoints);
+ m_dynamicData.simData = PopulateTimeDomainSim(
+ rawFast, startTimes, fastStep, sysid::ElevatorSim{Ks, Kv, Ka, Kg},
+ &simSquaredErrorSum, &squaredVariationSum, &timeSeriesPoints);
+ } else if (type == analysis::kArm) {
+ const auto& Kg = ffGains[3];
+ const auto& offset = ffGains[4];
+ m_quasistaticData.simData = PopulateTimeDomainSim(
+ rawSlow, startTimes, fastStep, sysid::ArmSim{Ks, Kv, Ka, Kg, offset},
+ &simSquaredErrorSum, &squaredVariationSum, &timeSeriesPoints);
+ m_dynamicData.simData = PopulateTimeDomainSim(
+ rawFast, startTimes, fastStep, sysid::ArmSim{Ks, Kv, Ka, Kg, offset},
+ &simSquaredErrorSum, &squaredVariationSum, &timeSeriesPoints);
+ } else {
+ m_quasistaticData.simData = PopulateTimeDomainSim(
+ rawSlow, startTimes, fastStep, sysid::SimpleMotorSim{Ks, Kv, Ka},
+ &simSquaredErrorSum, &squaredVariationSum, &timeSeriesPoints);
+ m_dynamicData.simData = PopulateTimeDomainSim(
+ rawFast, startTimes, fastStep, sysid::SimpleMotorSim{Ks, Kv, Ka},
+ &simSquaredErrorSum, &squaredVariationSum, &timeSeriesPoints);
+ }
+ }
+ // Acceleration-vs-velocity plot
+ // Find minimum velocity of slow and fast datasets, then find point for line
+ // of best fit
+ auto slowMinVel =
+ std::min_element(slow.cbegin(), slow.cend(), [](auto& a, auto& b) {
+ return a.velocity < b.velocity;
+ })->velocity;
+ auto fastMinVel =
+ std::min_element(fast.cbegin(), fast.cend(), [](auto& a, auto& b) {
+ return a.velocity < b.velocity;
+ })->velocity;
+ auto minVel = std::min(slowMinVel, fastMinVel);
+ m_regressionData.fitLine[0] = ImPlotPoint{minVel, -Kv / Ka * minVel};
+ // Find maximum velocity of slow and fast datasets, then find point for line
+ // of best fit
+ auto slowMaxVel =
+ std::max_element(slow.cbegin(), slow.cend(), [](auto& a, auto& b) {
+ return a.velocity < b.velocity;
+ })->velocity;
+ auto fastMaxVel =
+ std::max_element(fast.cbegin(), fast.cend(), [](auto& a, auto& b) {
+ return a.velocity < b.velocity;
+ })->velocity;
+ auto maxVel = std::max(slowMaxVel, fastMaxVel);
+ m_regressionData.fitLine[1] = ImPlotPoint{maxVel, -Kv / Ka * maxVel};
+ // Populate acceleration vs velocity graph
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < slow.size(); i += slowStep) {
+ if (abort) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Calculate portion of acceleration caused by back-EMF
+ double accelPortion = slow[i].acceleration - 1.0 / Ka * slow[i].voltage +
+ std::copysign(Ks / Ka, slow[i].velocity);
+ if (type == analysis::kElevator) {
+ const auto& Kg = ffGains[3];
+ accelPortion -= Kg / Ka;
+ } else if (type == analysis::kArm) {
+ const auto& Kg = ffGains[3];
+ accelPortion -= Kg / Ka * slow[i].cos;
+ }
+ m_regressionData.data.emplace_back(slow[i].velocity, accelPortion);
+ }
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < fast.size(); i += fastStep) {
+ if (abort) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Calculate portion of voltage that corresponds to change in acceleration.
+ double accelPortion = fast[i].acceleration - 1.0 / Ka * fast[i].voltage +
+ std::copysign(Ks / Ka, fast[i].velocity);
+ if (type == analysis::kElevator) {
+ const auto& Kg = ffGains[3];
+ accelPortion -= Kg / Ka;
+ } else if (type == analysis::kArm) {
+ const auto& Kg = ffGains[3];
+ accelPortion -= Kg / Ka * fast[i].cos;
+ }
+ m_regressionData.data.emplace_back(fast[i].velocity, accelPortion);
+ }
+ // Timestep-vs-time plot
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < slow.size(); i += slowStep) {
+ if (i > 0) {
+ // If the current timestamp is not in the startTimes array, it is the
+ // during a test and should be included. If it is in the startTimes
+ // array, it is the beginning of a new test and the dt will be inflated.
+ // Therefore we skip those to exclude that dt and effectively reset dt
+ // calculations.
+ if (slow[i].dt > 0_s &&
+ std::find(startTimes.begin(), startTimes.end(), slow[i].timestamp) ==
+ startTimes.end()) {
+ m_timestepData.data.emplace_back(
+ (slow[i].timestamp).value(),
+ units::millisecond_t{slow[i].dt}.value());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < fast.size(); i += fastStep) {
+ if (i > 0) {
+ // If the current timestamp is not in the startTimes array, it is the
+ // during a test and should be included. If it is in the startTimes
+ // array, it is the beginning of a new test and the dt will be inflated.
+ // Therefore we skip those to exclude that dt and effectively reset dt
+ // calculations.
+ if (fast[i].dt > 0_s &&
+ std::find(startTimes.begin(), startTimes.end(), fast[i].timestamp) ==
+ startTimes.end()) {
+ m_timestepData.data.emplace_back(
+ (fast[i].timestamp).value(),
+ units::millisecond_t{fast[i].dt}.value());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ auto minTime =
+ units::math::min(slow.front().timestamp, fast.front().timestamp);
+ m_timestepData.fitLine[0] =
+ ImPlotPoint{minTime.value(), units::millisecond_t{dtMean}.value()};
+ auto maxTime = units::math::max(slow.back().timestamp, fast.back().timestamp);
+ m_timestepData.fitLine[1] =
+ ImPlotPoint{maxTime.value(), units::millisecond_t{dtMean}.value()};
+ // RMSE = std::sqrt(sum((x_i - x^_i)^2) / N) where sum represents the sum of
+ // all time series points, x_i represents the velocity at a timestep, x^_i
+ // represents the prediction at the timestep, and N represents the number of
+ // points
+ m_RMSE = std::sqrt(simSquaredErrorSum / timeSeriesPoints);
+ m_accelRSquared =
+ 1 - m_RMSE / std::sqrt(squaredVariationSum / timeSeriesPoints);
+ FitPlots();
+void AnalyzerPlot::FitPlots() {
+ // Set the "fit" flag to true.
+ m_quasistaticData.fitNextPlot = true;
+ m_dynamicData.fitNextPlot = true;
+ m_regressionData.fitNextPlot = true;
+ m_timestepData.fitNextPlot = true;
+double* AnalyzerPlot::GetSimRMSE() {
+ return &m_RMSE;
+double* AnalyzerPlot::GetSimRSquared() {
+ return &m_accelRSquared;
+static void PlotSimData(std::vector>& data) {
+ for (auto&& pts : data) {
+ ImPlot::SetNextLineStyle(IMPLOT_AUTO_COL, 1.5);
+ ImPlot::PlotLineG("Simulation", Getter, pts.data(), pts.size());
+ }
+bool AnalyzerPlot::DisplayPlots() {
+ std::unique_lock lock(m_mutex, std::defer_lock);
+ if (!lock.try_lock()) {
+ ImGui::Text("Loading %c",
+ "|/-\\"[static_cast(ImGui::GetTime() / 0.05f) & 3]);
+ return false;
+ }
+ ImVec2 plotSize = ImGui::GetContentRegionAvail();
+ // Fit two plots horizontally
+ plotSize.x = (plotSize.x - ImGui::GetStyle().ItemSpacing.x) / 2.f;
+ // Fit two plots vertically while leaving room for three text boxes
+ const float textBoxHeight = ImGui::GetFontSize() * 1.75;
+ plotSize.y =
+ (plotSize.y - textBoxHeight * 3 - ImGui::GetStyle().ItemSpacing.y) / 2.f;
+ m_quasistaticData.Plot("Quasistatic Velocity vs. Time", plotSize,
+ m_velocityLabel.c_str(), m_pointSize);
+ ImGui::SameLine();
+ m_dynamicData.Plot("Dynamic Velocity vs. Time", plotSize,
+ m_velocityLabel.c_str(), m_pointSize);
+ m_regressionData.Plot("Acceleration vs. Velocity", plotSize,
+ m_velocityLabel.c_str(), m_velPortionAccelLabel.c_str(),
+ true, true, m_pointSize);
+ ImGui::SameLine();
+ m_timestepData.Plot("Timesteps vs. Time", plotSize, "Time (s)",
+ "Timestep duration (ms)", true, false, m_pointSize,
+ [] { ImPlot::SetupAxisLimits(ImAxis_Y1, 0, 50); });
+ return true;
+AnalyzerPlot::FilteredDataVsTimePlot::FilteredDataVsTimePlot() {
+ rawData.reserve(kMaxSize);
+ filteredData.reserve(kMaxSize);
+ simData.reserve(kMaxSize);
+void AnalyzerPlot::FilteredDataVsTimePlot::Plot(const char* title,
+ const ImVec2& size,
+ const char* yLabel,
+ float pointSize) {
+ // Generate Sim vs Filtered Plot
+ if (fitNextPlot) {
+ ImPlot::SetNextAxesToFit();
+ }
+ if (ImPlot::BeginPlot(title, size)) {
+ ImPlot::SetupAxis(ImAxis_X1, "Time (s)", ImPlotAxisFlags_NoGridLines);
+ ImPlot::SetupAxis(ImAxis_Y1, yLabel, ImPlotAxisFlags_NoGridLines);
+ ImPlot::SetupLegend(ImPlotLocation_NorthEast);
+ // Plot Raw Data
+ ImPlot::SetNextMarkerStyle(IMPLOT_AUTO, 1, IMPLOT_AUTO_COL, 0);
+ ImPlot::SetNextMarkerStyle(ImPlotStyleVar_MarkerSize, pointSize);
+ ImPlot::PlotScatterG("Raw Data", Getter, rawData.data(), rawData.size());
+ // Plot Filtered Data after Raw data
+ ImPlot::SetNextMarkerStyle(IMPLOT_AUTO, 1, IMPLOT_AUTO_COL, 0);
+ ImPlot::SetNextMarkerStyle(ImPlotStyleVar_MarkerSize, pointSize);
+ ImPlot::PlotScatterG("Filtered Data", Getter, filteredData.data(),
+ filteredData.size());
+ // Plot Simulation Data for Velocity Data
+ PlotSimData(simData);
+ // Disable constant resizing
+ if (fitNextPlot) {
+ fitNextPlot = false;
+ }
+ ImPlot::EndPlot();
+ }
+void AnalyzerPlot::FilteredDataVsTimePlot::Clear() {
+ rawData.clear();
+ filteredData.clear();
+ simData.clear();
+AnalyzerPlot::DataWithFitLinePlot::DataWithFitLinePlot() {
+ data.reserve(kMaxSize);
+void AnalyzerPlot::DataWithFitLinePlot::Plot(const char* title,
+ const ImVec2& size,
+ const char* xLabel,
+ const char* yLabel, bool fitX,
+ bool fitY, float pointSize,
+ std::function setup) {
+ if (fitNextPlot) {
+ if (fitX && fitY) {
+ ImPlot::SetNextAxesToFit();
+ } else if (fitX && !fitY) {
+ ImPlot::SetNextAxisToFit(ImAxis_X1);
+ } else if (!fitX && fitY) {
+ ImPlot::SetNextAxisToFit(ImAxis_Y1);
+ }
+ }
+ if (ImPlot::BeginPlot(title, size)) {
+ setup();
+ ImPlot::SetupAxis(ImAxis_X1, xLabel, ImPlotAxisFlags_NoGridLines);
+ ImPlot::SetupAxis(ImAxis_Y1, yLabel, ImPlotAxisFlags_NoGridLines);
+ ImPlot::SetupLegend(ImPlotLocation_NorthEast);
+ // Get a reference to the data that we are plotting.
+ ImPlot::SetNextMarkerStyle(IMPLOT_AUTO, 1, IMPLOT_AUTO_COL, 0);
+ ImPlot::SetNextMarkerStyle(ImPlotStyleVar_MarkerSize, pointSize);
+ ImPlot::PlotScatterG("Filtered Data", Getter, data.data(), data.size());
+ ImPlot::SetNextLineStyle(IMPLOT_AUTO_COL, 1.5);
+ ImPlot::PlotLineG("Fit", Getter, fitLine.data(), fitLine.size());
+ ImPlot::EndPlot();
+ if (fitNextPlot) {
+ fitNextPlot = false;
+ }
+ }
+void AnalyzerPlot::DataWithFitLinePlot::Clear() {
+ data.clear();
+ // Reset line of best fit
+ fitLine[0] = ImPlotPoint{0, 0};
+ fitLine[1] = ImPlotPoint{0, 0};
diff --git a/sysid/src/main/native/cpp/view/JSONConverter.cpp b/sysid/src/main/native/cpp/view/JSONConverter.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..88eaa6a02f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sysid/src/main/native/cpp/view/JSONConverter.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
+// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
+// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
+#include "sysid/analysis/JSONConverter.h"
+#include "sysid/view/JSONConverter.h"