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Setup Your Own Instance

Martin edited this page Jul 2, 2018 · 2 revisions

Setup Your Own Instance

The main Requirements Bazaar instance as also available on is grouped into frontend and backend. Here, we explain how to deploy your own instance.


All backend services are developed onto the las2peer platform and are connected to each other through P2P messages. The installation for each (micro-) service is therefore very similar.

Requirements Bazaar Service

This is the main backend for the Requirements Bazaar.

  1. Install Java JDK, Java Cryptography Extension, Ant and MySQL
  2. Clone the newest Requirements Bazaar Master branch to your hard drive.
  3. Navigate into the Requirements Bazaar folder and built your application with ant. You can also find all releases in here.
  4. Check if the build ended with the message: "BUILD SUCCESSFUL".
  5. Check the las2peer platform settings in the file etc/ The most important settings are the HTTP(S) ports used to serve the service. All these settings are described in the las2peer wiki.
  6. Check the application settings in the file etc/ All these settings are described in the Requirements Bazaar main page. You need to fill out at least the fields for dbUserName, dbPassword, dbUrl, land, country, baseURL and frontendBaseURL. Fill out activityTrackerService and activityOrigin if you want to use the activity tracker service. Fill out smtpServer, emailFromAddres and emailSummaryTimePeriodInMinutes to enable email notifications to users. And set monitor to TRUE if you want to monitor this service with MobSOS. You can leave these fields blank if you do not want to use the feature.
  7. Check the service start script bin/ for unix or bin/start_network.bat for windows. Here you can set the port (-p) of your las2peer network. You can connect one las2peer application to the other by adding the parameter bootstrap (-b) with the IP:PORT of the las2peer root note. If you want to use MobSOS please start the MobSOS services first and use MobSOS Data Processing as las2peer root note. This step is explained in detail in the las2peer wiki.
  8. Set up the MySQL database explained in the Requirements Bazaar main page.
  9. Last you can start your service with the command. bin/start_network.shfor unix orbin/start_network.bat` for windows. Check the output for any errors.
  10. Now you can test the service via the call GET URL:PORT/bazaar/version.

Activity Tracker Service

This the the backend for the Activity Tracker. 1 - 5. Same as for Requirements Bazaar. 6. Similar to Requirements Bazaar. Fill out the MQTT settings if you want that the Activity Tracker Service publish all public activities to a MQTT broker. Leave these fields blank otherwise. 7. Similar to Requirements Bazaar. Use the bootstrap (-b) parameter to connect Activity Tracker Service to the already running Requirements Bazaar (or MobSOS Data Processing). 8 - 9. Same as for Requirements Bazaar 10. Now you can test the service via the call GET URL:PORT/activities/version.

File Service

This is the backend for the File Service. Please use the description from the File Service page to compile and deploy this service. You can connect File Service to your network by adding the bootstap (-b) parameter to the start script as for the Activity Tracker Service. File Service does not need a database.

MobSOS (community information systems success awareness) Services

This are the backends and small frontends for the MobSOS Services. You should read into the MobSOS to get some ideas about the goals of this services. This services are an addition and not needed for Requirements Bazaar.

  1. Install MobSOS Data Processing as described on the project page. If you use MobSOS you should set this node as the root node of your network and connect all other services with the bootstrap (-b) parameter.
  2. Now you can install MobSOS Success Modelling as described on the project page if you want to build a success catalogue to monitor the success of your Requirements Bazaar instance.
  3. Now you can install MobSOS Query Visualization as described on the project page if you want to visualize statistics for your Requirements Bazaar instance.


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