The final observability signal we're going to examine is distributed tracing. Tracing is a valuable concept that allows to to gain insight into performance of all components in a microservice. Where logging and metrics context focuses on a local component, tracing is concerned with what happens beyond the function boundary.
AWS Lambda has very tight integration with AWS X-Ray. AWS assumes the operational burden of running a daemon to catpure trace information on your behalf. Several AWS services, including AWS Lambda, can create new traces, allowing downstream resources to add additional data (ie spans). This capability allows X-Ray to present an end-to-end view of components involved in applications.
NOTE: Your function's execution role must have sufficient IAM permissions to send data to X-Ray. There is a default policy AWSXRayDaemonWriteAccess that can be used. Alternately, you can write a policy like the one we have in our application for each function. (eg VanillaFunction X-Ray policy).
The VanillaFunction
Lambda function has Active
tracing enabled. This means that a new trace header, including the ID, will be added and sent to downstream services in subsequent requests.
Let's invoke VanillaFunction
in the AWS cloud with the following command:
make remote-vanilla
The command will emit the typical log output we've seen but I'd like to call out one line in particular:
START RequestId: 70b4cbee-8cac-4b3d-b719-d5ece1bf6940 Version: $LATEST
[Success] Added user Brian McNamara (brian1): 200
END RequestId: 70b4cbee-8cac-4b3d-b719-d5ece1bf6940
REPORT RequestId: 70b4cbee-8cac-4b3d-b719-d5ece1bf6940 Duration: 1028.49 ms Billed Duration: 1029 ms Memory Size: 256 MB Max Memory Used: 93 MB Init Duration: 615.62 ms
XRAY TraceId: 1-6630daf6-1940e1dd7e71eabb2cf6e15d SegmentId: 602bd33a7480db5a Sampled: true
{"status_code": 200, "user_id": "brian1", "first_name": "Brian", "last_name": "McNamara", "email": "[email protected]"}
There is a XRAY TraceId
, SegmentId
, and Sampled
key. This lets us know that a trace has been created and the request has been sampled.
We can then view the output generated in the AWS Console. Below is sample data available to our function.
Keep in mind the code itself has not been annotated. This is the out-of-the-box experience when using AWS X-Ray with AWS Lambda functions. Similar to our logs and metrics experience - it's good, but could be made better.
This is the out-of-the-box experience when using AWS X-Ray with AWS Lambda functions. We have a sense of the AWS services our Lambda function interacts with. However, we don't have a lot of visibility into what is actually happening inside of our functions, or whether there are any non-AWS services that interact with our Lambda function.
Fortunately, we can improve upon this experience.
The InstrumentedFunction
Lambda function is configured to capture X-Ray traces. However, we have changed the code to emit more contextual information about the traced code.
Let's invoke InstrumentedFunction
in the AWS cloud with the following command:
make remote-instrumented
Similar to our earlier invocation of the VanillaFunction
, we see this invocation generates XRAY TraceId
, SegmentId
, and Sampled
[*] Invoking InstrumentedFunction in AWS
sam remote invoke --event-file ./events/valid_user.json InstrumentedFunction --stack-name $CFN_STACK --profile $AWS_PROFILE --region $AWS_REGION
Invoking Lambda Function InstrumentedFunction
START RequestId: 3d27ad41-a4a6-450c-8bca-3e251ab3259e Version: $LATEST
{"level":"INFO","location":"handler:62","message":{"detail":"submit_user successful","user_id":"brian1","first_name":"Brian","last_name":"McNamara","email":"[email protected]"},"timestamp":"2024-04-30 17:45:15,695+0000","service":"instrumented-user-registration","cold_start":true,"function_name":"pycon2024-InstrumentedFunction-hQQueiDV6k81","function_memory_size":"256","function_arn":"arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:408023262302:function:pycon2024-InstrumentedFunction-hQQueiDV6k81","function_request_id":"3d27ad41-a4a6-450c-8bca-3e251ab3259e","xray_trace_id":"1-66312e29-264cecca790badd378afa449"}
END RequestId: 3d27ad41-a4a6-450c-8bca-3e251ab3259e
REPORT RequestId: 3d27ad41-a4a6-450c-8bca-3e251ab3259e Duration: 1137.02 ms Billed Duration: 1138 ms Memory Size: 256 MB Max Memory Used: 94 MB Init Duration: 729.86 ms
XRAY TraceId: 1-66312e29-264cecca790badd378afa449 SegmentId: 29b2db393960f3d1 Sampled: true
{"status_code": 200, "user_id": "brian1", "first_name": "Brian", "last_name": "McNamara", "email": "[email protected]"}
However, the InstrumentedFunction
trace has some extra details.
We can use a simple search to view the generated TraceId
Notice the Invocation
phase is broken down further into composite parts. The handler
and submit_user
functions are broken out, allowing us to see the duration at a more granular level. In addition, we've enriched our traces to include annotations and metadata. Both function similarly - they offer a mechanism to add additional key/value data pairs to traces.
Annotations are indexed and can be used in trace queries. Trace metadata is not indexed and cannot be used in searches.
Here is an example of how we can use annotations when searching through traces.
We've enriched our InstrumentedFunction
code throughout and are making use of the Tracer
feature from Powertools for AWS Lambda. Tracer
is an opinionated thin wrapper for the AWS X-Ray Python SDK. As such, many of its capabilities are exposed.
We use native capabilities exposed by the X-Ray SDK to patch supported libraries. In our example, we are only patching the requests module but there are others that could be patched. The full list can be referenced in the AWS documentation.
We use the capture_lambda_handler
decorator to add ColdStart
and Service
annotations. These values can be searched in our traces. We also trace the submit_user
function through the use of the capture_method
decorator. We're also adding our annotation and additional metadata.
Traces give you insight into what is happening outside the boundary of your function. There is a lot of win to be had just by enabling Active tracing in your Lambda functions. There is even more win to be had by instrumenting your code. You can make your trace data as robust as needed to better understand the workings of your code. Even though traces are sampled they are a valuable observability tool.
Up to this point we've focused our Lambda observability discussion in the context of AWS-provided services like Amazon CloudWatch and AWS X-Ray.
In the next section, we're going to look at how we can use OpenTelemetry (OTEL) to observe our Lambda application.