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Thomas Rueckstiess edited this page Feb 5, 2014 · 30 revisions

This tool lets you quickly spin up and monitor MongoDB environments on your local machine. It supports various configurations of stand-alone servers, replica sets and sharded clusters. Individual nodes or groups of nodes can easily be stopped and started again. In addition to all the listed parameters of mlaunch below, you can pass in any arbitrary options that a mongos or mongod binary would understand, and mlaunch will pass them on to the correct binary.

General Parameters

The following parameters work with all commands.


-h, --help
shows the help text and exits.


shows the version number and exits.


This will print additional information, depending on each of the commands.

Data Directory

--dir DIR
This parameter changes the directory where mlaunch stores its data and log files. By default, the directory is the local directory ./data, below the current working directory.

mlaunch commands

mlaunch uses different commands to initialize, stop, start and list test environments. The general syntax is:

mlaunch <command> [--parameters ...]

where <command> is one of the following choices:

  • init: creates an initial environment and starts all nodes
  • stop: stops some or all nodes in the current environment
  • start: starts some or all nodes in the current environment
  • list: shows a list of the current environment

For a given environment (specified by its data directory with the --dir argument, the default is ./data), the init command only needs to be called once. mlaunch stores the configuration in a config file within the data directory, called .mlaunch_startup. With this file, mlaunch remembers the configuration and can start and stop nodes when required.

Each command and its parameters is explained below.

init command

This command initializes and starts MongoDB stand-alone instances, replica sets, or sharded clusters. It only needs to be called once for each environment (specified by its data directory with the --dir argument, the default is ./data).


mlaunch init [-h] [--dir DIR] (--single | --replicaset) 
                  [--nodes NUM] [--arbiter] [--name NAME] 
                  [--sharded N [N ...]] [--config NUM] [--mongos NUM]
                  [--auth] [--username USERNAME] [--password PASSWORD] 
                  [--auth-db DB] [--auth-roles [ROLE [ROLE ...]]]
                  [--port PORT] [--binarypath PATH] 

For convenience and backwards compatibility, the init command is the default command and can be omitted.

Required init Parameters

The init command requires exactly one of the following two parameters to run: --single, or --replicaset. They are mutually exclusive and one must be specified for each mlaunch init execution.

Single Node

This parameter will create a single stand-alone node. If --sharded is also specified, this parameter will create each shard as a single stand-alone node.

mlaunch --single

This command would start a single mongod instance on port 27017.

###### Replica Set `--replicaset`
This parameter will create a replica set rather than a single node. Other [replica set parameters](./mlaunch#replica-set-parameters) apply and can modify the properties of the replica set to launch. If `--sharded` is also specified, this parameter will create one such replica sets for each shard.
mlaunch --replicaset

This command would start a replica set with (by default) 3 nodes on ports 27017, 27018, 27019.

Replica Set Parameters

The following parameters change how a replica set is set up. These parameters require that you picked the --replicaset option from the required parameters.

Number of Nodes

--nodes N
Specifies the number of data-bearing nodes (arbiters not included) for this replica set. The default value is 3.

mlaunch --replicaset --nodes 5

This command starts 5 mongod instances and configures them to one replica set.

###### Arbiter `--arbiter` If this parameter is present, an additional arbiter is added to the replica set. Currently, **mlaunch** only supports adding one arbiter. Additional arbiters can be started and added to the replica set manually.
mlaunch --replicaset --nodes 2 --arbiter

This command starts 2 data-bearing mongod instances and adds one arbiter to the replica set, for a total of 3 voting nodes.

###### Replica Set Name `--name NAME`
This option lets you modify the name of the replica set. This will change both the name and the sub-directory of the `dbpath`. This option is only allowed for a single replica sets and will not work in sharded setups, where replica set names are equivalent to the shard names. The default name is `replset`.
mlaunch --replicaset --name "my_rs_1"

This command will create a replica set with the name my_rs_1 and will also store the dbpath and log files under ./data/my_rs_1.

#### Sharding Parameters

The following parameters influence the setup of a sharded environment. Each shard will be a copy of the previously specified setup, be it a single instance or a replica set.


--sharded S [S ...]
If this parameter is provided, sharding is enabled and mlaunch will create the specified number of shards and add the shards together to a sharded cluster. The parameter can work in two ways: Either by specifying a single number, which is the number of shards, or by specifying a list of shard names.

mlaunch --single --sharded 3

This command will create an environment of 3 shards, each consisting of a single stand-alone node. The shard names are shard0001, shard0002, shard0003. It will also create 1 config server and 1 mongos per default.

> ###### Example > > mlaunch --replicaset --sharded tic tac toe > > This command will create 3 shards, named `tic`, `tac` and `toe`. Each shard will consist of a replica set of (per default) 3 nodes. It will also create > 1 config server and 1 mongos per default.
###### Config Servers `--config N`
This parameter determines, how many config servers are launched in a sharded environment. The default number is 1. The only valid options for `N` are 1 or 3.

--mongos N
This parameter determines, how many mongos instances are launched in a sharded environment. The default number is 1. With this setting, the default can be changed to N mongos instances.

Authentication Parameters

###### Authentication `--auth`
This parameter enables authentication on your setup. It will transparently work with single instances (that require `--auth`) as well as replica sets and sharded environments (that require `--keyFile`). There is no need to additionally specify a keyfile, a random keyfile will be generated for you. A username and password will also be set up, either on the mongos for sharded environments, or on the primary node for replica sets or on a single node.
###### Username `--username`
This parameter changes the default username `user` to the specified user.
###### Password `--password`
This parameter changes the default password `password` to the specified password.

Note: the default password is chosen deliberately to be easy to remember or guess. mlaunch is meant for testing and issue reproduction, not for production use. Even a strong password will not guarantee security with mlaunch-generated environments, because the username and password are included in the data/.mlaunch_startup file in clear text.

###### Authentication Database `--auth-db`
This parameter changes the default database `admin` to another database for the user to be created in..

Note: If you change the database, it may not be possible for mlaunch to execute certain commands due to missing privileges. This may lead to unexpected behavior for some mlaunch operations, like for example mlaunch stop, which uses the internal shutdown command. If this is the case, use mlaunch kill instead.

###### Privilege Roles `--auth-roles`
This parameter changes the initial default roles that the user will receive. The default roles are `dbAdminAnyDatabase`, `readWriteAnyDatabase`, `userAdminAnyDatabase` and `clusterAdmin`. You can provide different roles with this parameter, separated by spaces.

Note: If you change the default roles, it may not be possible for mlaunch to execute certain commands due to missing privileges. This may lead to unexpected behavior for some mlaunch operations, like for example mlaunch stop, which uses the internal shutdown command. If this is the case, use mlaunch kill instead.

mlaunch --sharded 2 --single --auth --auth-user thomas --auth-password my_s3cr3t_p4ssw0rd

This command would start a sharded cluster with 2 single shards, 1 config server, 1 mongos, and create the user thomas with password my_s3cr3t_p4ssw0rd. It will use the default roles and place the user in the admin database. mlaunch will

Optional init Parameters

Start Port

--port PORT
Uses PORT as the start port number for the first instance, and increases the number by one for each additional instance (mongod/mongos). By default, the start port value is MongoDB's standard port 27017. Use this parameter to start several setups in parallel on different port ranges.

mlaunch --replicaset --nodes 3 --port 30000

This command would start a replica set of 3 nodes using ports 30000, 30001 and 30002.

Binary Path

--binarypath PATH
Will set the path where mlaunch looks for the binaries of mongod and mongos to the provided PATH. By default, the $PATH environment variable is used to determine which binary is started. You can use this option to overwrite the default setting. This is useful for example if you compile your own source code and want mlaunch to use the compiled version.

mlaunch --single --binarypath ./build/bin

This command will look for the mongod binary in ./build/bin/mongod instead of the default location.

stop command

The stop command stops some or all running nodes in the current environment, depending on the specified tags, by sending the shutdown command to the mongod or mongos instance. If no tags are specified, mlaunch stop will stop all nodes. If one or more tags are specified, mlaunch stop will only stop the nodes that have all of the given tags (set intersection).

In authenticated environments, the stop command requires a user in the admin database with the clusterAdmin role. Otherwise the stop command will not succeed. In that case, you can use the kill command instead.


mlaunch stop [TAG [TAG ...]] [--dir DIR] [--verbose]

Tag Parameters

The following tags are used with mlaunch, although not all tags are present in every environment:

  • all: all nodes in the environment.
  • running: all currently running nodes.
  • down: all currently down nodes.
  • mongos: all mongos processes carry this tag.
  • mongod: all mongod processes (including arbiters and config servers).
  • config: all config servers
  • shard: this tag is only used to identify a specific shard number (see below).
  • <shard name>: for sharded environments, each member of a shard carries the shard name as a tag, e.g. "shard-a".
  • primary: all running primary nodes.
  • secondary: all running secondary nodes.
  • arbiter: all arbiters.
  • <port number>: each node carries its port number as a tag.

If a single tag is specified for the stop command, the nodes matching this tag will be stopped. If multiple tags are specified, only the nodes matching all tags are stopped. Each tag will narrow down the set of matches further.

mlaunch stop

This command stops all running nodes in the current environment.

mlaunch stop mongos

This command stops all running mongos processes in the current environment.

mlaunch stop shard-a secondary

This command stops all running secondary nodes of the shard called 'shard-a' in the current environment.

mlaunch stop config primary

This command would not stop any nodes, because there is no node with both tags config and primary.

mlaunch stop 27017

This command would stop the node running on port 27017.

In addition, some tags can be combined with a succeeding number. These tags are: mongos, shard, config, secondary.

mlaunch stop shard 1

This command stops all members of shard 1 in the current sharded environment.

mlaunch stop shard 2 primary

This command stops the primary of the second shard in the current sharded environment.

mlaunch stop secondary 1

This command stops the first secondary node of all shards if the environment is sharded. If the environment is a replicaset, it only applies to the first secondary.

kill command

The kill command stops some or all running nodes in the current environment, depending on the specified tags, by sending the processes the SIGTERM (15) signal. If no tags are specified, mlaunch kill will kill all nodes. If one or more tags are specified, mlaunch kill will only stop the nodes that have all of the given tags (set intersection). This works even if there is no admin user with the clusterAdmin role.

Instead of the SIGTERM signal, other signals can be specified with the --signal parameter. (not available on Windows)


mlaunch kill [TAG [TAG ...]] [--signal S] [--dir DIR] [--verbose]

Tag Parameters

The tags for the kill command are the same as for the [stop command]((./mlaunch#stop-command).

mlaunch kill

This command sends signal SIGTERM (15) to all running processes in the current environment.

mlaunch kill --signal SIGUSR1

This command sends signal SIGUSR1 (30) to all running processes in the current environment, which in MongoDB causes a log rotation.

start command

The start command starts some or all nodes that are currently down in the current environment, depending on the specified tags. If no tags are specified, mlaunch start will start all nodes. If one or more tags are specified, mlaunch start will only start the nodes that have all of the given tags (set intersection).


mlaunch start [TAG [TAG ...]] [--dir DIR] [--verbose]

Tag Parameters

The following tags are used with mlaunch, although not all tags are present in every environment:

  • all: all nodes in the environment.
  • running: all currently running nodes.
  • down: all currently down nodes.
  • mongos: all mongos processes carry this tag.
  • mongod: all mongod processes (including arbiters and config servers).
  • config: all config servers
  • shard: this tag is only used to identify a specific shard number (see below).
  • <shard name>: for sharded environments, each member of a shard carries the shard name as a tag, e.g. "shard-a".
  • arbiter: all arbiters.
  • <port number>: each node carries its port number as a tag.

Different to the stop command, there tags for primary and secondary are not available for the start command. This is because the replica set state of a running node is undetermined.

For examples, see the mlaunch stop section.

list command

The list command shows an overview of all nodes in the current environment, as well as their status (running/down) and port. With the optional --verbose flag, the list command also shows all tags for each node.


mlaunch list [--dir DIR] [--verbose]
mlaunch list


mongos           running    27017
mongos           running    27018

config server    running    27025
config server    running    27026
config server    down       27027

    primary      running    27019
    secondary    running    27020
    arbiter      running    27021

    mongod       down       27022
    mongod       down       27023
    mongod       down       27024

This command displays a list of all nodes, their status and port number. In this case, the environment was started with

mlaunch --sharded 2 --replicaset --nodes 2 --arbiter --config 3 --mongos 2

mlaunch list --verbose


primary      running    27017    27017, all, mongod, primary, running
secondary    running    27018    27018, all, mongod, running, secondary
mongod       down       27019    27019, all, down, mongod    

This command displays a list of all nodes, their status and port number, and in addition, their tags. In this case, the environment was started with

mlaunch --replicaset
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