- Added the ability for multiple series have different point shapes
- Fix bug which prevented accessing dygraph object in HTMLWidget (#196)
Added pointShape parameter to dyOptions and dySeries function to set point shapes other than dots
Updated dyPlugin behavior to merge same plugin's options for every repeated function call
Added dyRibbon for creating horizontal band of colors to visualize categorical variables
Added dyRebase for creating straw broom charts
Updated dyCandlestick with parameter to compress data by time periods
Handle display of quarterly scales via moment-quarter plugin
Make dyUnzoom and dyCrosshair available as package functions
Added dyCandlestick for creating candlestick/OHLC style charts
Added dyPlotter for defining custom plotters
Added Shiny callbacks that react when the user clicks on the graph
Support for non-date values in shiny input bindings (#132)
Don't call shiny input bindings if they aren't yet available
- Fix for shiny input binding regression introduced in move to instance bound widgets (#123)
Create shiny input binding after dygraph is created (#121)
Reflect color in dyEvent text label (#122)
New dyPlugin function for including dygraphs plugins
Properly handle NULL dyEvent label (#112)
Handle milliseconds in time events (#85)
Add elementId parameter to dygraph function to specify explicit elementId
Implement factory method so dygraph is addressable from widget instance: e.g. HTMLWidgets.getInstance(document.getElementById('mywidget')).dygraph
Handle vector data in dyEvent
Don't do sizeChanged polling (no longer required)
Option to disable y-axis touch events on mobile devices
Manage visibility of dygraphs in all types of boostrap tab panes
Call widget.resize whenever parent size changes
Ensure that dygraphs are shown properly in R Markdown tabsets
Ensure that dygraphs are shown properly in reveal.js presentations
Fix bug which prevented custom plotters from working in dySeries
Add support for plotting data with a numeric x-axis (previously only time series data was accepted).
Add new logscale option for numeric x-axis.
Add stemPlot option to dyOptions and dySeries.
Update embedded dygraphs to version 1.1
Add support for show='follow' to dyLegend
Add labelsUTC option to dyOptions
Change default x axis label width to 60 (necessitated by changes to default dygraphs 1.1 x-axis year formatting)
Allow explicit specification of series periodicity when creating a dygraph
Correct serialization of dates with year < 1000
Add axis argument to dyShading for horizontal shading
Add dyLimit function for drawing horizontal limit lines
Add retainDateWindow option for more flexibility as to whether the user data window (zoom level) is retained when updating data and/or options for an existing dygraph.
Fix infinite redraw issue which occurred with shiny uiOutput and grouped dygraphs.
Fix failure to update shiny date range input after graph is re-rendered based on new data or options.
Support dynamic updating (i.e. for Shiny reactive outputs) for all dygraphs properties (destroy and rebuild the entire dygraph on renderValue)
Fix an axis value issue that occurred with seconds and useDataTimezone
Fix issue where dygraph in ioslides didn't display on slide entry
- Fix bug with specification of multiple series colors
Add useDataTimezone option to enable time display using the underlying xts timezone rather than the timezone of the client workstation.
Add Shiny input binding for the currently selected dateWindow
Fix bug with incorrect formatting of ISO8601 dates on Windows
Fix bug which caused specification of only a single custom color to fail
Add explicit showRoller option to dyRoller function
Initial release to CRAN