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I18n Package

This package provides a set of tools to help you internationalize your Chrome Extension.


If you want to use the i18n translation function in each pages, you need to add the following to the package.json file.

  "dependencies": {
    "@extension/i18n": "workspace:*"

Then run the following command to install the package.

pnpm install

Manage translations

You can manage translations in the locales directory.


  "helloWorld": {
    "message": "Hello, World!"


  "helloWorld": {
    "message": "안녕하세요, 여러분!"

Delete or Add a new language

When you want to delete or add a new language, you don't need to edit some util files like lib/types.ts or lib/getMessageFromLocale.ts. That's because we provide a script to generate util files automatically by the generate-i18n.mjs file.

Following the steps below to delete or add a new language.

Delete a language

If you want to delete unused languages, you can delete the corresponding directory in the locales directory.

├── en
│   └── messages.json
└── ko // delete this directory
    └── messages.json 

Then run the following command. (or just run pnpm dev or pnpm build on root)

pnpm genenrate-i8n

Add a new language

If you want to add a new language, you can create a new directory in the locales directory.

├── en
│   └── messages.json
├── ko
│   └── messages.json
└── ja // create this directory
    └── messages.json // and create this file 

Then same as above, run the following command. (or just run pnpm dev or pnpm build on root)

pnpm genenrate-i8n


Translation function

Just import the t function and use it to translate the key.

import { t } from '@extension/i18n';

console.log(t('loading')); // Loading...
import { t } from '@extension/i18n';

const Component = () => {
  return (
      {t('toggleTheme')} // Toggle Theme


If you want to use placeholders, you can use the following format.

For more information, see the Message Placeholders section.


  "greeting": {
    "description": "Greeting message",
    "message": "Hello, My name is $NAME$",
    "placeholders": {
      "name": {
        "content": "$1",
        "example": "John Doe"
  "hello": {
    "description": "Placeholder example",
    "message": "Hello $1"


  "greeting": {
    "description": "인사 메시지",
    "message": "안녕하세요, 제 이름은 $NAME$입니다.",
    "placeholders": {
      "name": {
        "content": "$1",
        "example": "서종학"
  "hello": {
    "description": "Placeholder 예시",
    "message": "안녕 $1"

If you want to replace the placeholder, you can pass the value as the second argument.

Function t has exactly the same interface as the chrome.i18n.getMessage function.

import { t } from '@extension/i18n';

console.log(t('greeting', 'John Doe')); // Hello, My name is John Doe
console.log(t('greeting', ['John Doe'])); // Hello, My name is John Doe

console.log(t('hello')); // Hello
console.log(t('hello', 'World')); // Hello World
console.log(t('hello', ['World'])); // Hello World

Locale setting on development

If you want to show specific language, you can set the devLocale property. (only for development)

import { t } from '@extension/i18n';

t.devLocale = "ko";

console.log(t('hello')); // 안녕

Type Safety

When you forget to add a key to all language's messages.json files, you will get a Typescript error.


  "hello": {
    "message": "Hello World!"


  "helloWorld": {
    "message": "안녕하세요, 여러분!"
import { t } from '@extension/i18n';

// Error: TS2345: Argument of type "hello" is not assignable to parameter of type