##Local installation of the SelectivelyBackend
Install a LAMP (or equivalent)
Download the repository in the repertory /www from your LAMP installation :
git clone https://github.com/SelectivelyTeam/SelectivelyBackend.git
- Install a database management system like mySQL Workbench or PHPMyAdmin (or equivalent)
- Install Composer : https://getcomposer.org/download/
- Change the memory limit of php in php.ini :
; Maximum amount of memory a script may consume (128MB)
; http://php.net/memory-limit
memory_limit = 2G
- Execute following command to install packages :
composer install
- Execute following commands to deploy assets (statics files), allowing to avoid css problems :
php app/console asset:install
php app/console assetic:dump
- Execute following command to load the data in the database:
php app/console doctrine:fixtures:load
- Execute following commands to create a local account and promote it (when it asks you for a role, type
php app/console fos:user:create
php app/console fos:user:promote
- Use the following URL to connect yourself on the local site:
Import those files into postman, they are in the 'tests' folder:
- for the tests, and the requests:
- for the local environment, be sure to check if the environment variable base_url is the same than yours
- for the stage environment, nothing to check here
- Be sure to have a NodeJS version > v4, if you haven't NodeJS installed, it can be downloaded from :
- Then, install newman with this command:
npm install newman --global
- You can run the tests with this commande, the second input is you environment, if you want to do your tests on stage, just replace 'local' by 'stage':
newman run tests/officemanager_test.json -e tests/officemanager_env_local.json
- You can also do the loop more than one time with -n, for example:
newman run tests/officemanager_test.json -e tests/officemanager_env_local.json -n 10
##Testing strategy:
For each request, we're testing if the correct response code is received
For the post, we check if the response values are the same than the json sended
For the put, we change, remove, add some attributes and test if the response values are corrects
The email of the officemanager used for testing is a constant in the code, there's one method for deleting it the begining and the end of the test loop.
There's also another method to get the token from this officemanager. Those two methods are only availables for this officemanager, and only this one.