- Windows 7, R 3.2.2 (local)
- ubuntu 12.04, R 3.2.2 (on travis-ci)
- ubuntu 14.04, R 3.2.1 (on my DigitalOcean droplet)
R CMD check has no ERRORs or WARNINGs, and 1 NOTE regarding an invalid URL pointing to the CRAN URL of this package. That's expected because this package is not yet on CRAN, but the URL will be valid once it is on CRAN.
2015-12-08 Kurt Hornik
Thanks, on CRAN now.
R CMD check ran without any errors, warnings, or notes
2016-06-12 Uwe Ligges
Thanks, on CRAN now.
- Windows 7, R 3.3.1 (local)
- ubuntu 12.04, R 3.3.1 (on travis-ci)
- ubuntu 14.04, R 3.2.1 (on my DigitalOcean droplet)
No errors, warnings, or notes
2016-09-14 Kurt Hornik
Thanks, on CRAN now