After a (re)boot of your Mac, depending on the setup Apache and MySQL are already running. In my personal setup I have to start these manually. I open a terminal and start the services:
$ startdevelopment
Apache and MySQL are now ready for use.
- Create a new database with phpMyAdmin by going in your browser to
- Click on Databases and below Create database enter the name of the new database and click on Create.
- The database is then ready for use. Username and password are root.
Creating a new website is very simple. In the Sites folder create a new subfolder for your website.
As an example create a folder testwebsite.
$ mkdir ~/Development/Sites/testwebsite
Then add your html/php/whatever files in the folder ~/Development/Sites/testwebsite.
There is nothing else to configure. The website is immediately ready in your browser at
MySQL and Apache can be stopped with the terminal command:
$ stopdevelopment
MySQL and Apache can be restarted with the terminal command:
$ restartdevelopment
Install Apache as service so it automatically starts at every (re)boot
$ sudo brew services start httpd
Remove Apache service so it is no longer automatically startet at every (re)boot
$ sudo brew services stop httpd
Start apache:
$ sudo apachectl start
Stop apache:
$ sudo apachectl stop
Restart apache:
$ sudo apachectl -k restart
Edit httpd.conf:
$ open -e /usr/local/etc/httpd/httpd.conf
Check if Apache is running:
$ ps -aef | grep httpd
Edit php.ini 5.3:
$ open -e /usr/local/etc/php/5.3/php.ini
Edit php.ini 5.6:
$ open -e /usr/local/etc/php/5.6/php.ini
Edit php.ini 7.0:
$ open -e /usr/local/etc/php/7.0/php.ini
Edit php.ini 7.1:
$ open -e /usr/local/etc/php/7.1/php.ini
Change to php 5.3:
$ sphp 53
Change to php 5.6:
$ sphp 56
Change to php 7.0:
$ sphp 70
Change to php 7.1:
$ sphp 71
Change to php 7.2:
$ sphp 72
Start mysql at every (re)boot:
$ brew services start mysql
Stop mysql at every (re)boot:
$ brew services stop mysql
Check if MySQL is running:
$ ps -aef | grep mysql